Here a FIX for pvp issue

Are you going to?

The problem is that we’re playing on servers and a world that was designed for max 3000 players, which had like 1500 ish players on each side.

Now we’ve full servers that have between 10.000 to 15.000+ players and the majority have chosen Horde over the Alliance most likely having to do with the Horde having the better PvP racials.

We’re NOT complaining about world pvp and we understand that it can be unfair at times, and it’s to be expected but this is different. We’re getting ganked 24/7 all around the world, not being able to quest, go to dungeons without getting ganked 20 times.

This is NOT world pvp as it should be but simply just gankfest.

Im not paying my subscription to sit in queue because people wants to play on faction they like.

Are you gonna pay your sub when you will sit in long bg queues?

If you also setup BG’s to be server based and not cross-realm then horde players will try to even out on servers where there are fewer horde players.

This has been mentioned several times. FYI for context I am a horde player - I play on a horde minority server.

I dont mind BG queues, in fact i dont know if im going to be playing BG’s that mutch anyways

With all your claimed knowledge about vanilla wow, why did you not take the back entrance above camp mojache to get in???

Could any1 explain me this? Last week guy from my guild was standing 23 and i was 27. This week i am standing 38 with rank 5 when he have rank 6 and standing 44.

please fix your ranking ! no update yet

Cuz i dont have a keyring

Well, queues for dominant faction and free migration for them. A whole guilds would transfer.

It’s about the same like no transfers for Allies from Shazzrah at the moment (Horde only). How is it fair?

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