You said item level can beat raids when it cant .
Yes it can.
Still don’t see the relation to football.
How can you beat Xanesh without doing football ?
Its Vinzora he made the same thread 3 months ago .
You’ll need to do it fewer times, which makes it much easier.
That is one very specific boss and an example that people love to use.
It’s an exception to the rule, it doesn’t prove the rule wrong.
But if people have 485 item level and still cant play football they cant brute force the fight thats the point me and pala are making …
And with Vex if people do not move or kill adds you cant brute force it .
I was 455 on my Hunter when my guild took me into HC, have people who know the tactics and its easy as kicking a gnome.
The point you are making is irrelevant.
You’re arguing that one outlier means higher ilvl means raids can’t be brute forced.
Football only takes a few people, if the rest of the raid is 485 it will still be much easier than if the raid was 455.
You kill the adds much quicker and with far less effort.
The boss also dies much quicker, potentially skipping a flight phase.
You are being obtuse sorry IF PEOPLE DONT DO TACTS AT ALL you cant brute force the fight READ WHAT I SAY …
Yes, thank you captain obvious. If you close your eyes you’ll wipe regardless of your ILVL.
My point is higher ilvl makes it incredibly more easy for you to do those mechanics. Often skipping them entirely.
That’s the point of the paladin post you made more out of it then you should you just wanted to argue the point .No matter the item level if people do not do tacts the can not do the fight and you called him a liar for it .
They stack on MC and ranged don’t stay hugged on walls. That’s why u wiped
Because it’s wrong.
Higher item level absolutely allows you to do tactics easier.
It enables you to focus on the tactics because you’re not pressed for DPS, higher healing output allows for more mistakes, higher DPS ensures priority targets die much quicker, and overall higher DPS means you’ll have to do those mechanics fewer times.
LFR proves this to be the case with the Determination buff.
There’s also a reason videos cheesing boss fights with class and corruption stacking has been increasingly more common and popular.
No, it’s faceroll.
But you are wrong
If nobody does the tacts at all the fight cant be forced you are missing the point and trolling now .
LFR has no tactics nothing compared to heroic …
You missed the whole point of the post but carry on arguing to yourself because i will not reply to you again you are totally skipping what i am and the paladin trying to say .
No, you are missing the point.
We are not talking about brainless hunks of flesh, we are talking about human beings. We are not talking about if people actively do not do the tactics, it’s about being able to overcome them and the ability to brute force them while still trying.
It defies common sense to say bigger numbers and faster fights don’t become easier.
LFR groups absolutely wipe due to ignoring mechanics that people falsely assume are safe to ignore just because it’s LFR.
I am directly responding to you. I am reading everything you are saying and replying with my reasoning.
You’re just saying I’m not understanding you because you don’t have anything of note to respond with.
If you put the worse player ever in the best gear ever they still cant do top dps or do mechanics but w/e you like your own views and think you are correct and missing the context of my post gear does not help you be the best and do the best just cant sorry .
That’s not what I said.
Hmm, I wonder then how did millions of people clear heroic in the first few weeks of the tier with 440-450 gear.
Before any nerfs to content which made it even harder.
Those people must’ve been gods at the game, or maybe listen to this, heroic isn’t that hard and your group was bad.
Amazing I know.
Pug? LFR is ridiculously hard too with pugs.
Doesn’t mean the fight itself is difficult.
Pug isn’t really a great measurement for the difficulty of things. If clans struggle, then we could talk.
as for mythic+ being easier? of course it is. You’re playing with 4 other people there. Not 20. The chances of a decent team is significantly better than 20 random people.
Same with visions. you’re solo.