Um you need to look up how statistics work.
Cleared heroic at 450 or less ilvl
LFR is harder than Heroic and Normal bc people are random passers-by, dont know boss’ mechanics and their own classes, disorganized and undisciplined.
Anything higher than Normal is all about knowing tactics and execution - dont stand in fire, know where fire will spill and move away beforehand. Also be prepared - food, flasks, gems, enchants - it adds up by a little, but if you do it all at once - it adds up noticeably.
Also, gear is important, get all the best you possibly can, this means grind normal/m+/wq until there is mathematically nothing better left out there.
I’d prefer “Heroic” item than M+ with equal stats purely for bragging rights and out of obnoxious elitism.
Mythic is for people with millisecond reaction time that can hold whole fight in their heads and perform clockwork execution. Been there, trust me, Mythic is insane, Heroic is much easier and probably highest I can get to playing affliction warlock, since this class mostly for solo and nothing you can squeeze out of it to compete with hunter/mage/dh on dps scale. I have best gear, enchants, food and flask, my rotation is perfected by years of practice, and still I’m at the bottom of Details!.
so you think the chances of having 4 people who know what they’re doing is lower than finding 20 who do?
And who exactly doesn’t know how statistics work here again?
Individual performance matter far more in a 5 man group than in a 20 man group.
Again. You’re trying to find 4 people who know what they’re doing. Not 20. Even if you could fit in a few bad players in a raid, still a significantly higher number have to know what they’re doing.
You don’t need 20 people who know what they’re doing in nyalotha though. At least not on heroic. You just roll your face on your keyboard and stuff dies.
you think so? Things just die huh? with anyone?
Go kill N’zoth on LFR.
I’ve killed n’zoth on LFR. I’ve also killed him on heroic.
Either you find the best pugs i’ve ever heard of in this game, or I’m finding the worst ones.
I can’t understand how you find it easier to find 20 people to clear a raid of 12 bosses than finding 4 people for a 30 minute max dungeon run.
No, I don’t. I find a lot of bad people, especially when I pug mythic plus. But in nyalotha people being bad doesn’t matter as much as in a 5-man group. If a healer is slacking in nyalotha, you can carry them, I’ve done so many times even in heroic. If a healer is slacking in a mythic plus group, your key is already failed.
I was the raid leader and giving commands every few seconds, multitasking. Trust me that was a hell of a lot of individual responsibility.
The reason why it feels hard for you is that people who do heroic raid nowadays are either new beginners or just some old or very young fellows who have no idea of the game and logs in to kill some time. The heroic raid gets harder to pug each day after their release it is a known issue due to the reasoning above. Quality of the pugs drop immensely.
Try and pug hc vexiona in July 2020 then come back here.
It doesn’t matter how many healers you bring when people fall like flies in fire breath.
We cleared hc first week it opened with EP gear (445-450)
If anything, hc is undertuned and your group is just bad.
If people die like flies in firebreath … then flies arent doing mechanics, and why would you bring more then 4 healers? 2-4-14 works just fine.
Get RaiderIO and you can pretty much see if people know their stuff or not, anyone way under 1000 doesnt know witch way you hold a gun or that mages cant shoot bananas, everyone with 1000 usually know atleast something and are able to (OMG OMG) look up.
We have bad players because LFR doesnt have mechanics and people are blind and stupid.
Heroic raid was done 1st week with 450 gear with little corruption… By some people.
Now we are 3 nerfs later and at much better gear.
If you still cant do it than its too hard for you.
There are a few things you have to keep in mind:
The vast majority of boss fights in Nya are mechanical. If you do the mechanics properly you will succeed. If people get mind-controlled on ilgy people didn’t spread enough for example.
Its the 3rd raid tier. This means that people had 2 raid tiers before this to learn the mechanics. Its not meant to be 1 shottable for a random group of semi clueless people
This brings me to the main reason why your opinion about this matter is twisted:
Reality is that a huge group of people buy Nya and M+ boosts resulting in them getting gear but not knowing the mechanics. So they do not follow the natural progress of LFR → normal → HC - Mythic. Resulting in them not learning mechanics; and failing on mechanics they should learned 1-2 raid tiers before.
Not defending what the OP said, but you also have to consider that as time goes on the pool of good people that raid HC will get thinner being replaced by people that still need to finish the raid, maybe because they did not have time earlier or maybe because they are not that good.
Of course HC is by no means hard but raiding last month of a patch is way worse than raiding at the start of it.
A 30 tank raid can almost ignore everything in the whole raid XD
But to go on topic, the raid is actually easy if the people do mechanics.
Also I’ve seen enough people 470+ that do horrible dmg and don’t know how to play their classes. In this gear it should be possible to do more then 35k dps even without corruptions.
And if you have a combination of these two factors, you can leave the raid and save your time