How about you dont match premade to PUGs so 60% of our lives arent spent afking in the goddam gy until the time runs out thx my f** grandfather is Niels Bohr
I have a genius idea too…
Go to retail.
Look if you’re PvP’ing so often that premades stomping you all day is getting you down, why not… Y’know… Talk with some of the other rankers on your server and organize your own premade group?
“Haha, totally owned this guy on the forums,” he burps into discord, cracking open a 6th can of pepsi (beer hurts his tummy).
If beer hurts your tummy, you might want to try drinking something else. People that can’t stomach beer tend to like cider, for example.
Why should he go to retail when Blizzard sold him a dudd? They have an obligation to fix this mess they created. Blizzard releasing the vanilla honor system along with cross realm is trying to force a part that doesn’t fit.
Because he’s asking for a feature that doesn’t, and shouldn’t, exist in Classic. He wants easy-mode access to ranking gear without putting any effort into forming a team and earning it.
Furthermore, he’s asking for a feature that would cause catastrophic damage to the game longterm. A feature that would have no affect on retail.
Problem is, most premades are demanding R10 at least on my server, and the best way for horde to do that is via AV spam, which means you don’t get to learn much. You’ll join a premade R10 but be far behind skill-wise. I’d compare this to smurfing in CSGO (back when I played in 2013-2015 anyways)
But the whole reason he’s complaining is because premades are in every game now stomping pugs, which wasn’t the case in vanilla in both stages. It’s nowhere near an authentic experience of the game.
It wouldn’t cause catastrophic damage, it would upset the premades which are the minority of the players.
They’re not. Premades face premades as often as you puggers do. If you don’t like it, join a premade.
Not all premades are high ranked tryhards, most are tradechat groups that don’t want to get ranomed with leechers, AFKers and 70,000 warriors.
False. You’d change the entire honor meta of the game. Private servers tried it already, it was a disaster for everybody that wasn’t a 3 hour-play-time a week pugger.
Changing the honor meta. Well that’s already happened to some extent as a result of what Blizzard did with AV at least for solo players. You have horde players that go AV and during the que what happens is they participate in world PVP in BRM/Searing gorge corpse camping alliance that are leveling or going to the dungeons there, low lvl corpse camping. It’s all toxic and should be addressed.
Huh?! Beer is fer PANSIES! Cider is for REAL men!
Everyone replying to this thread are friggin geniuses.
Ye facing a challenge is tough.
A video game that challenges oneself is such a crazy idea.
You want us to quit. We will.
This is 0 fun.
Everyone replying to this thread are friggin geniuses.
Ye facing a challenge is tough.
A video game that challenges oneself is such a crazy idea.
Then why are you asking for said challenge to be removed?
Huh?! Beer is fer PANSIES! Cider is for REAL men!
You are a traitor to dwarves everywhere.
Changing the honor meta. Well that’s already happened to some extent as a result of what Blizzard did with AV at least for solo players.
Yes. Blizzard changed the meta and forced people into premading WSG/AB for the best possible HPH. Did you solo players benefit from Blizzard helping?
The answer is no. So why would you benefit this time?
It’s all toxic and should be addressed.
And how should it be addressed? By changing the entire game?
Is a different not what I suggested when I said go to retail?
You’re an idiot
Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
Crossrealm did not exist until gear was available for honor instead of ranks. According to this logic, it should be introduced that gear is sold for honor instead of ranks and the ranking system is removed, as cross realm bgs are already implemented. Right? Because let’s stick to the true vanilla experience.
It’s so funny that people are really talking about rewards for a certain amount of dedication to a game. Don’t you have any friends or a job or anything important in your life besides the World of Warcraft? Playing PvP/BGs should be fun for everyone primarily. The rewards are just some sort of side effect. Staying AFK is obviously not fun for anyone. Forming a premade is not possible for everyone due to lack of time or server population.
Honestly, stop arguing on the forums. The game should be just fun for everyone. You take this much to serious. This is just sad.
Crossrealm did not exist until gear was available for honor instead of ranks.
Cross realm battlegrounds was part of Vanilla retail patch 1.12.1 that Classic is based on.
World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.12 - Drums of War
Cross-Realm Battlegrounds
For the first time in the history of World of Warcraft, you will be able to face off against players from other realms in the Battlegrounds. PvP Battlegrounds link Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch, and Arathi Basin so that players from several realms will be combined into one huge matchmaking pool. Replenish your mana, sharpen your blades, and get ready for some brand-new challengers!
The game should be just fun for everyone.
No no no nooooooooo that’s a very dangerous comment. Classic is not a fun and fair game. It’s a recreation of Vanilla based on patch 1.12.1 with progressive content. What is fair and fun is irrelevant.
We already have a “fun for everyone” game with retail. What we don’t have is those old gameplay systems.
Crossrealm did not exist until gear was available for honor instead of ranks. According to this logic, it should be introduced that gear is sold for honor instead of ranks and the ranking system is removed, as cross realm bgs are already implemented. Right? Because let’s stick to the true vanilla experience.
Cross realm shouldn’t have existed at all in my humble opinion. But just because something is bad doesn’t mean we should make it worse. If your steak is overcooked, you don’t fix that by burning it some more.
Also no, “gear for honor instead of rank” was the TBC pre-patch. It came at the same time that people got their TBC talent trees.
It’s so funny that people are really talking about rewards for a certain amount of dedication to a game. Don’t you have any friends or a job or anything important in your life besides the World of Warcraft?
In this time, a lot of people are off from work; so you may want to consider a different tactic.
Furthermore: I play Classic very casually. I’m a nightowl, my usual play time is around 1am - 9am. Not really a great deal I can do in regards to PVP regardless of the system.
Playing PvP/BGs should be fun for everyone primarily. The rewards are just some sort of side effect.
Define fun? Some poeple actually enjoy organising premades and honor brackets. Some people enjoy the long grinds for their rewards. You might not find that fun, I might not find being a caster fun.
Staying AFK is obviously not fun for anyone. Forming a premade is not possible for everyone due to lack of time or server population.
There’s plenty of casual premades around. Not all of them are hardcore rankers, some just form premades so that their teams dont consist of 6 warriors.
Honestly, stop arguing on the forums. The game should be just fun for everyone. You take this much to serious. This is just sad.
And do what, roll over and accept bad changes? I’m not arguing about my opinion, I’m arguing about the results of the change that people want.
There’s no magic “fix everything, everyone is happy and everything is 2006 again” button. Each change has consequences and from my experience, the people who WANTED the change are the ones who cry about the consequences.
Ignore the idiots on this thread trying to convice you there is anything fair or challenging placing a pug against a premade.
Premade vs Premade is fair Pug vs Pug is fair(unless you are brain damaged)
Its non debatable and obvious to everyone except those wanting to just get free honor.
Ignore the idiots on this thread trying to convice you there is anything fair or challenging placing a pug against a premade.
You can join a premade yourself: fair.
Premade vs Premade is fair Pug vs Pug is fair(unless you are brain damaged)
Except it isn’t because pugging gives you EASY access to honor gear. Playing by yourself against randos also by themselves is much easier than playing as an organised team against an organised team.
Its non debatable and obvious to everyone except those wanting to just get free honor.
YOU’RE the side that wants free honor.