Hey Blizzard, I am the publisher of the quantum gravity paper rocking the world of theoretical physics and I have a genius goddam suggestion

So what? Why do you think it matters what is fair?

Classic is a recreation of the original gameplay systems. It’s not a game designed to be fair, or even fun. That’s irrelevant.

And you already have pug vs pug by the way. Alterac Valley is only pug vs pug while WSG/AB have a shared queue for groups and solo players, like it has ALWAYS had since day one to this day, there have never been a seperate queue for solo players in normal battlegrounds in this game, ever. So how can you possibly think it’s reasonable to ask for it NOW, in CLASSIC, when it has NEVER existed?

I am watching you O_O

That’s slightly weird, but whatever tickles your pickle.

Lol i actually went to class with Niels bohr’s grandchild here in Denmark

I hope you realise the irony in saying that’s easy mode when the literal reason for forming premades IS to make it as easy and effortless as possible given that there’s no MMR system to prevent you from queuing into noobs and uncoordinated teams 24/7 for optimal honor.


No, it isn’t ironic at all.

Solo queue in literally every single game is easier than team queue. If you impliment solo queue, everybody will have a much easier time getting higher rank than using team queue.

The detail that you’re missing here is that premades don’t just play against pugs. Premades get matched against premades as often as you do.

It is okay when premades are 1 of 10 games happening, but not when 9 of 10 wsg is premades. Pardon, but this means that classic is a pve game. Too many obsessed with gear and not with pvping. You cant basicly soloq and relax a random bg and it sucks. But okay, let prems v prems to play :slight_smile: Classic is 100% pve game no content today

You can, it’s called AV.

What if not AV? Where is it written that minor bgs are premades property? It wasnt like that in any of four first states of the game(People are the reason N1)

But why? People that organize themselves in such a premade group deserve a certain edge. You can do it yourselve. Dont give us the “Oh, but i rather play solo” routine.

And the mandatory --> go to retail.

People back in the old days didn’t play as efficiently as people do now, they were new back then.

Here are your options.

  1. Join AV and play with pugs.
  2. Pug in AB/WSG and face premades.
  3. Join a premade yourself and face premades in AB/WSG
  4. Wait a few more months, once the honor gear falls off, there’ll be less premades around
  5. Go to retail.
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It is disqusting simply how people have changed. I finished the rank i wanted and played premades too - its nothing common with interesting/challenging gameplay here. One fight win/loose afk or pugs pls. It’s the same as playing ranked in lol, when opponents queue normals. Overall its okay to premades, nothing wrong but not in such a massive quantity

Yeah, how DARE people play with purpose and play with aims and goals, instead of running around like headless chickens!

The nerve!

Indeed when bfa mentality of pve grinders of Keys overwhelms in classic

Thats a lie. There never was a cross realm system. There were battlegroups which were on average as big as a high pop server nowadays.

Thats another lie. You have to answer how serverwide queues without battlegroups, disabled wsg portals, legion raid frames, 10x bigger seevers, a clock and layering are recreating 2006 World of Warcraft. Its clearly not a recreation of 2006 World of Warcraft.

But hey, what do we expect from a hypocrite who personally asked for AV changes and cheered them but masks behind #nochanges when he would get personally hurt.

And battlegroups were what, Mr Taler?

Whilst I’m certainly opposed to having such huge realms and I’m also opposed to all of Classic being pushed into one big battlegroup, that’s not nearly as bad as creating an entire new system that not even retail has.

I mean, if you can’t even see a difference between a completely serverwide system with 40 connected realms, from which some are more than five times bigger than the biggest vanilla realms back in the day, and small battlegroups I don’t need to wonder why you spend 90% of your day arguing against premade queues with debunked arguments.

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/10 chars.

I know reading is difficult for you.

I know comprehending basic information is difficult for you, which probably correlates with your drug use you talked about in the last thread, but your clearly equated the 40 connected megaservers we have right now with small battlegroups in vanilla as you can see here:

Doesn’t matter that you mask yourself as #nochanges(whenithurtsme) in the next sentence.

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That’s literally what I just said to you. If I want somebody to repeat what I say, I’ll have a discussion with a child.

Actually, I guess that’s kind of what I’m doing now anyway.

Because battlegroups were cross-realm

Learn to read.