Hey Blizzard, I am the publisher of the quantum gravity paper rocking the world of theoretical physics and I have a genius goddam suggestion

So stoping premades is a change to the game but crossrealm bgs are not.abusing a 15 year old system is an “authentic classic experience” by your mentality

Because it is an abuse.we have 2020 ppl nowadays are looking for ways to win the most they can with the faster way of doing it.nowadays we have boosts,premades,world firsts within 2 days.back in vanilla those did not exist

Seems to me that you have the attitude of a retail player.youre welcome to go back there and join a ranked bg or arena with the team of your preference.you just dont get it youre trying to enforce a “ranked” mentality to a random queue system.there are no arenas or ranked bgs like in retail in classic and you ppl are creating a retail type of system pushing away the rest of us.the majority

Yes there are leechers and bad players in every bg.you cant win them all.you ppl are just trying to win them all

You have destroyed pvp and the “authentic classic experience”.the only reason you see so many premades is because most of us have quit joining


I have one right now and I can tell you: It´s not worth it.

Nice try to save your head, but everyone can see that you equated 40 connected megaservers with small battlegroups in vanilla. But you probably forgot about it again.

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You cant share common sense to Miylee

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Cross-realms arent a change, we had those in Vanilla. The real change was all the realms being combined together instead of having smaller battlegroups. Also, some realms (like Firemaw) have more players than an entire battlegroup.

I was against all of those things.

Incorrect. Premades play for fastest HPH, not for wins.

Also, players are more experienced than back in the day. People now have 15 years of game knowledge at their disposal, the people of old didn’t even know which zones to level in.

To me, a retail player is somebody that asks for an easy route (seperate queues), who claims that something is unfair because they dont want to do it themselves (pugger crybabies) and somebody that wants the game split up between players over multiple different modes (like… Having seperate queues!)

Except on retail, if you play on an easier mode, you get worse rewards.

I’m trying to enforce a “your silly changes alter more than just your playstyle” mentality.

The reason you see so many premades is because people want to compete for honor. And, though this may be surprising to you: some people actually enjoy playing with friends. If people wanted to play solo, they’d play retail.

…Alright, I’ll simplify this for you.

Vanilla had battlegroups.
Battlegroups were spread across realms
Vanilla had cross-realm.

I’ve yet to see any common sense, all I can see is crying. “Wahhh I want the game to cater to me, me super special”.

“Wahhh I want the game to cater to me, me super special”. Whats wrong with you? :smiley:

Ye so the change to the crossrealm system is a change but you were against it.you didnt complain about that though and youbfail to realise that this change is why we need to stop premades

Thats why premades hurt the game.because theres an abuse factor to it and were not as" innocent" as we were back then

No.the easy route is trying to get the best players to win the game.thats why you belong to retail.were playing it as intented.and its way more difficult to rank.
You just think you do it the hard way because you put the time to gather the party.thats a totaly different thing

No the reason you see so many premades is because ppl got sick of getting farmed in the gy and have quit

You also need to stop replying to ppl like “no” “you cant have that” “go to retail”
You are clearly 100% a retail player and you dont get to decide anything.youre just another player paying 13 euros a month like the rest of us

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The person you talking to never played vanilla back in the day to see how it was before j allen brack became the president of blizzard and ruin it to a pokemon fiesta


Yeah, I did.

You fail to realise that we dont need to stop premades.

Premades dont hurt the game, they hurt your little view of Vanilla.

No, the easy route is expecting to be able to play solo against randoms and earn the same rewards as the best players.

You’re not playing as intended, you were supposed to play as a team. Further more, if you split the queues up, you have the easy route. Which is exactly what you’re asking for.

Name one game with seperate queues where solo mode is more difficult than team mode.

You saw just as many premades before people quit.

Not happening. Go to retail.

And what exactly are you? You’re somebody asking that Blizzard change Classic to suit you? Asking that years of work, years of begging, years of proving that people actually do want the original game, be thrown out of the window because you don’t actually want that at all.

Yes, I am. So why should my £10 be thrown to waste just because you want a different game?

@Rutaler I can see you typing, It’s just another repeat of what you’ve already said where my response is going to be quoting what I’ve already said to you.

The person he’s talking to (me) is a logical person who views life as a calculation. I don’t care for your feelings, I pay attention to how people behave.

You’re not getting Vanilla back. Seperating queues isn’t going to give you the “good old days” back. It’s going to give botters and AFKers a way of keeping up with rankers, and it’s going to make people join your solo games in full gear and consumables.

I mean, I can understand that you start to debate yourself. Your arguments are so easy to debunk, why shouldn´t you do it too?

Because simple sentences seem to be easier for you to unterstand I´ll try it this way: 40 connected megarealms are not the same as small battlegroups.

All we see are lies and "Wahhh changes that affect me positievly are toatally appreciated but for changes that could affect me negatively I mask myself as “#nochanges”.

You haven’t debunked anything, you literally proved everybody’s argument right.

Then stop lying.

Μan you dont have any arguements at all.im not going to write a wall of text again.you just miss the retai ranking system.all of you premading

Btw,i am playing it as intented.yes i need to group up with ppl and i do.i join the random queue and i group up with ppl.you just group up with ppl that suit you


My argument is simple. You’re asking for a change to the game, whilst trying to use other changes as justification.

That is not acceptable. Changes are what lead us to retail.

Changing the game AWAY from Vanilla wont lead you TO Vanilla. The playerbase are different now and behave differently. You wont get randoms playing just for fun if the reward is just as good as playing competitively.

You’ll get people taking the easy route to the reward they want.

No, you’re playing as YOU intended.

Yes. I proved the people right who are in favor of premade vs premade queues, the majority in this thread.

Then I would have to stop quoteing you, which is needed to debunk your false statements and respond to obvious lies.


You asked for a change and used another change as justification, proving the #nochanges and slippery slope people right.

Hilarious. Lets play a game:

Obvious lie, there was cross-realm.

It clearly is, it just isn’t a one for one carbon copy. It should have been, but it isn’t. So that’s a lie.

Lie. Proving arguments correct isn’t debunking them. Debunking means proving incorrect.

That’s three lies from you in this thread alone.

No im playing the game the way it was designed to be played.i talk to an npc and it puts me to a queue to group up with random ppl.it doesnt put me to a premade.

You just have an option to gather a group yourself,an option which you people abuse it according to your interest which is non other of wining everything gathering the best geared players or skilled ,which is the definition of ranked pvp in retail


No, you’re not. You’re playing as you want to play. Premading is the most efficient way of gaining honor, that was exactly what people intended when Classic was made.

What Blizzard intended for actual Vanilla is redundant, because they also intended for shamans to be able to tank.

I don’t premade.

I’m still against seperate queues, even though I’d benefit from it.

I would have gone the other way around and not making X servers when servers are already that big.

The whole world and the whole system were based on servers having 1/10 of the pop but Blizzard wanted us to regret Classic as much as possible while also making profit from it.

pretty much. Not a single PVP addition to Classic has been done correctly.

Strawman. Where do I do that? All I did was debunking your lie that small battlegroups with way smaller realms are the same as 40 connected megaservers.

Lets do it. You don’t seem tired of losing yet.

Then you have to tell us how battlegroups, disabled wsg portals, legion raid frames, 10x bigger seevers, a clock and layering are recreating 2006 World of Warcraft. Its clearly not a recreation of 2006 World of Warcraft. You can’t. Classic is clearly not a recreation of vanilla. Stop lying.

Like I did with every single one of your arguments.

Thats still 0 lies from my side and a few more added to your rapidly growing lie count.

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Premades existed in vanilla , i remeber rerolling for pvp purpose … it was the same experience as a pug despite what was your faction … same as in tbc , I played horde against full vengeful pvpers , when i played ally i played vs full vengeful horde players. It has always been that way but people didnt realise that because they didnt " know " about premades back then like in 2020.

I speak of my experience in Cyclone battlegroup