High elf roleplay (problems)

They don’t mind other races using magic, we know that much. They had a human girl living with them that was taught magic by a travelling human wizard, no issues there.

I don´t think she uses magic, actually, she even specifically mentions she can´t teach her adopted daughter because of this. She lights her arrow on fire few years before that conversation (conversation is in second comic, fire arrow is in first), but there are other means of doing that besides Arcane.
But I think the reason why people mention Highvale so often is because of how unique among Thalassian elves they are. Also dragonhawks.

The no magic at Highvale thing is such a classic example of a piece of lore being buried in an outside source and then never adressed in game. It has so much interesting potential but it’s lore that is just completely left unfinished.

RP a high elf if you wanna RP a high elf. “They’re too few” holds no water when void elves are also playable, who inarguably number far fewer than high elves ever did. There are more than enough settlements throughout Azeroth to house a decent population, and they have featured prominently in enough expansions to peak interest.

Do it.


This is basically what I’m saying :100:

I think they meant as in no mages, but i could be very wrong as i honestly hadn’t heard of the Highvale till now lol. But Blizz is notorious for doing stuff and than just leaving it or changing stuff, like the Chronicles was gonna be the thing that was set in stone but nah, once again the retcon is set in motion. But to the topic at hand, ignore the haters and the “but too few!” crowd ,people have a hate b0ner for us high elves for some reason shrug

Somewhat slightly off-topic but in all honestly, I wish I could turn Azsaziel into a High elf. I think it’s more suited for him, rather than being bound to Silvermoon.

That said…

Wow, that is one amazing art piece! :heart:

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High and blood elves are the same race, the only difference is political. Really all that´s needed for a blood elf to become a high elf is to say “I´m a high elf” and leave Quel´Thalas since at that point, you are also proclaiming that you want to be associated with people seen by many as traitors to their people. It´s probably better to leave QT first and proclaim your allegiances in more safer area, like Dalaran or Stormwind.

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Nothing bad ever happened to the people of Quel’thalas in Dalaran.


Cough cough (purge of Dalaran) well deserved. Muhahahaha :smiling_imp:

(Just joking)

There is no war in Dalaran.


I see the reference :wink:

There is no war in Ba sing Se

Thank you! There’s the full piece if you’re curious:

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Oh wow! The full image is even better! Thank you so much for sharing! :smile: :sparkles:

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My personal take:
Until we get lore that says otherwise, all of the new customisation is meant to represent beings of the race that got the customisation.

The new human customisation for non-Caucasian ethnic groups doesn’t represent new groups of humans, it’s just more variety for the human groups that already exist.
Nor is there a particular branch of night elves who wear foliage in their hair, that’s just more customisation for the night elves that already exist.
Likewise, a void elf with a fair skin tone and blue eyes is still a void elf and isn’t meant by Blizzard to represent anything other than a void elf, unless they say otherwise.

You’re using a void elf character model that was intended to represent a void elf, to represent a high elf. And that’s okay. I just don’t think that it’s right to complain that your void elf doesn’t look enough like a high elf, when it’s meant to be a void elf, not a high elf.

It would be like someone who “isn’t a death knight IC” trying to petition Blizzard to provide an option to turn off the glowing blue eyes - but why should Blizzard do that? Death knights are meant to visually represent death knights, and void elves are meant to visually represent void elves.

I think about high elves and immediately punch a hole thru the nearest drywall.

Dear Aerilen, I wrote you but still ain’t callin’

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Oh god did you? Where?

Didn’t really. Just wanted to make you think about high elves :smile_cat:

I was more worried about being rude and accidentally ignoring someone, really.

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