High heels/ skimpy outfits

Hey, at least they’re not taken out of the game yet…!

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And how nice it would be to play if you could use these tmogs.

Should be just moved to TL2, or be easier to get and keep TL3… I feel you there. :frowning_with_open_mouth:


I agree that the forum should be less strict in some regards.


While I am all in favor of adding more sex appeal to the game - both for the male and female characters - I must say I am happy WoW doesn’t look like Lost Ark or the infinite number of other generic Korean trash. This was all started by Lineage, especially Lineage 2, and there it was fine, because it was just in that game. But now every MMO is basically a 14-year old boy’s dream and it’s gotten pretty tiring.

The sexploitation is one of the reasons I don’t want to play Lost Ark. Not because I am against it on principle, it’s that I feel it cheap and manipulative.


Reminds me of when I decided to try Guild Wars 2 like a week ago. Every human in that game is a super model. Not just players but every NPC and it felt absolutely ridiculous when it was supposed to be some tough blacksmith chick for example.

I haven’t played that game, but when I tried out Guild Wars and Final Fantasy ? (think it was that one) I remember the new player female clothing options were very restricted.

More so GW2, as by choosing a female character, you started by running around in a mini skirt, no other options.

FFXIV appeared to be limited depending on the class chosen.

Some of the female animations seemed ‘over the top’ and a bit embarrassing imo.

Comparing cat man to cat lady - the male looked like a cute but dangerous swashbuckler.

The female… ‘Oh let me just bend and gracefully pick this flower while wearing a mini skirt’ and btw ‘I just might faint at any moment’ - kind of thing. :rofl:

(Shame as the female faces looked nice).

We are alreaby being bombardized by what is sexy and goodlooking by everything and creating body images sterotypes and making kids growing up with complex and false attitude and beliefs.


Thanks everyone (both sides of the argument) for keeping the discussion civil. All opinions are welcomed.

I will be on vacation, not a ban but an actual summer vacation for a while. So cannot reply.

Feel free to continue the discussion if you like, but remember to keep it civil and within the rules of the forum. :smile:

Adios :wave:


The number of troll posters that would be able to flood the forums with images would be a nightmare. TL2 is something people gain very quickly.

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But the food pictures are a mandatory part of the EU forums, you too know it so well! :cry:

reloads the baconzooka

If there was an option to buy a permanent TL3 for 20 bucks, I’d take it without hesitation :rofl:

Considering TL3 is lost due to inactivity or being punished I dont’ think that is really suitable.

Which is why I said permanent, as in the type that beta testers get :smile:

And the problem is still the same, if you allow everyone to be TL3 via their wallet:-

No forum level should be something you can buy.

I can see that maybe less steep requirements would be reasonable but there is no way every poster should have TL3.

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Even that could be nice. Say, only lose it if you get X amount of suspension (say 2 months) or get banned twice, so it’s a bit of an incentive to behave well. Above numbers are just examples of course :smile: (and no penalty because of inactivity, ToS won’t change so much during a 3 month break you take)

And of course, the read count too could be lowered to 5k, or 10k max, to make it easier, but not almost impossible to reach.

That should be an okayish middle ground, but feel free to add to it.

You beat me to it.

I kinda like the levels but I would tweak the requirements for T3. I don’t see why the trust level should decay due to inactivity when someone is once trusted either. It’s minor and won’t affect many, but it makes it seem like an additional incentive to stay subbed even if you don’t wanna play for a while, which is disgenuine.

Edit: but we’re highly OT here

I think if you get punished you should lose your TL3.

And I don’t agree wiht beta overriding that either.

personally i think all the beta testers should be stripped of their lvl 3 as well as the mvps and actually have to earn it like the rest of us :stuck_out_tongue: this will greatly aid in reducing picture threads or gif threads or any of that …

They are earning it though, just in another way.