HK’s missing after classic era patch/pvp update

75 000 HKS, still missing.

Happy new year and thanks Blizzrd for scamming my one year HKS farming :clown_face:

Wont bother checking, I know I am still missing 196 500 HKs.

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still missing 65k HKS.

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Approaching 6 months soon. No change, still down 4 years and nearly 200k hks as a consequence of the blizzards “honor update” to vanilla in 2023.

On a positive note. I am very very glad for the recent layoffs and hope more will follow.
It was expected ofc, its what Microsoft does when acquiring ip’s, they integrate and shut down.
Im not one to trust in karma, but it seems at least some blizzard employees are about to be getting exactly what they deserve.


still no fix we r waiting !

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18feb2024. 6 months later: Always 75 000+ Honor kills life time missing.
Thanks the pvp update.

still missing 65k HKS.
Thank you Blizzard for your job!

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still no fix missing 131k+ HKS


19march 2024 : Always 75 000+ Honor kills life time missing.
Thanks the pvp update.

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this is just sad and pathetic. its not the only bug that has completely evaded blizzards attention

waiting so long…still no fixxxx again again again…

will never be fixed, they do not care bro.

21 april 2024 : Always 75 000+ Honor kills life time missing.
Thanks the pvp update. Thanks Blizzard for stolen my HKS / times

still waiting 131000+ honor kills life time missing…pls fix it

still missing 65k HKS.
Thank you Blizzard for your job!

@Kethryllia ALL players that lost Lifetime HKS are still missing , almost a year and still nothing. You messed up and MUST make it right . We lost our pride god dam it , we invested years to achieve those numbers and you MUSTT MAKE IT UP IN ANY WAY , i really dont care how , you must find a way . Im a 41 yeard old DAD of two , family man , ALOT of us are and that free time was precious to us and we chose it to invest it in WoW clasic . FIND A WAY


yes yes fix it pls we waiting…

Hey Kaivax - All of us are still waiting. At least a formal acknowledgement of the fiasco would do. The fact we never got it does not make the situation any better.

Those were years and years of gameplay man. Either we get a fix or at least a message. We are paying customers, and some of us some of the most loyal of all. Hiding in a cave does not mean we will eventually forget.

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so many months lost count do we ever got fix or recompensation of houndreds hours of our time? how can it be like this…