HK’s missing after classic era patch/pvp update

Not really, he mentioned it in passing last I caught his stream. Been a little while; but it went something like so; He asked if I still had the issue; I confirmed that I did.
Then; That sucks, got mine fixed within 48hs; did not even make a ticket.
Along those lines at least.

He is the only one I know about now (before I did not know of a single case of it in the EU), like on horde I have not seen a single person confirm that they had theirs fixed. Everyone I knew from playing on era still looks to be erased.

Time for another Update Kaivax.

I still have a sad 24k HK count.


Always nothing change for us, customers :clown_face:
75k HKS+ missing

same here not fixed still missing 131k+ hks

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Hi Kaivax,
I am still missing 75k hks.
Pls give us an update.

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Sill missing 196,5k hks.

missing 75k+ hks.

Probably not but I think they will still hand out infractions.

Anyway 10/28/2023 still missing 196,5 thousand hks.

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3/11/2023 yet another wednesday has come and gone, with more nothing.

I still have my entire characters history erased.
With 196 500 hks missing.

Highly amusing I must say to sit here on photo and video evidence of said history; and despite showing them this repeatedly; they will not lift a finger.

What a nice company blizzard turned into :upside_down_face:


missing 75k+ hks.

Blizzcon is over now.

What about this issue? Where is my progress?

Zero chance we are forgetting about this.

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Another week pass, more nothing.
Farmed some more apologies from the Gms.
Still missing 196 500 hks

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Always missing 75 000 hks. One years of PvP 2019-2020 until TBC release.
Always missing hks. Back our HKS stolen. Thank you

Guys IMAGINE ranking A G A I N in Season of Discovery and see your next HKS farming DISAPEAR.

Just imagine.

65k missing here. It truly Fks me up to see less than 30k HKs in my HK history.

Another week gone by and NOTHING has been done.

for my exemple : 100 000 hks , and after MAJ : 24 000 HKS

Blizzard, maximum efforts please. FIX IT

New format. I like it.

Old 243 000 hks, after blizzard “update” 45 k hks.

To the horrible employees of this dreadful company; I am sick of asking.

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But perhaps we should specify which update in the new format?

As the geniuses just had a new patch disaster this week? I mean we would not want anyone to confuse the two. Or scare some of the sorry people still playing era. Those players have enough to deal with as is right now.

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Hi Kaivax,

How are you?
27.11 and still no changes on my HKs.
before “update” I had 78k HKs
after : 13k HKs

Any updates for us? We spent a lot of time to farm HKs.

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Still missing 196 500 HKs

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still missing 131k hks

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