Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

It’s certainly a lot more involved and different than I assumed. It’s good to see them put in some effort I guess? :thinking:

I’m going to make a stream and just sit in a bush until the very end and do nothing!

Luckily, we have Americans to test it out, so i am gonna watch Xaryu to find out which way it is.
I do hope Blizzard is aware this shouldn’t be a frustrating mode and can adjust it early.

People could use the stream to find you though :face_in_clouds:

Well they have to stick to the Battle Royale rules.

You die, you’re out!

It will never happen! Because no one will ever watch it \o/


Never was a fan of HardCore rules in any way shape of form :melting_face:

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You can probably revive your teammate if u’re playing duo.

It’s the way BR games have always been.

If you’re in a team, your team mate can revive you, but if they don’t get there within that timer, then you’re out and you have to requeue.

I’m not sure I would inflict this upon any of my friends.

Though who knows. I liked battlefronts. Maybe this will suprise me.

Thats okay, i have two(2) friends who are still playing :slight_smile:

I will give it a go to see. Wonder if it will have a storm thingy like fortnite to force people into smaller area as fight progress.

Never played a battle royal but I think team based ones have an incapacitated mechanic where you can revive someone before they die for good.

I would encourage you to give it at least one try. It may surprise you and could possibly be not that difficult to even obtain any of the rewards.

From what I understood from a wowhead article you don’t have to be the last man standing to win or even to plunder i.e get rewards.

Should be, having two remaining players finding each other in the entirety of Arathi Highlands is not practical.

Yeah i’ve only played fortnite (no im not 12, i have kids who play it :joy:), and there its a timer and u can revive your teammate before the timer runs out. If it runs out u can still claim their reboot card, find a reboot truck and reboot them (also based on a timer). No clue about other BR games.

I didn’t even know Fortnite was team based :laughing: I watched a streamer play Apex Legends a few years ago like once or twice.

Well… I don’t know. I’ll probably give it a try, who knows, perhaps it’s fun.

It seems very far removed from what WoW is, used to be? As if the game keeps trucking on in a direction where I recognise it less and less.

I dont care what type of PvP it is… i dont play those games because i dont like them… I like casual PVE…


You can play solo, duo, trio or squads (4) iirc.