Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

Then don’t play it, easy as that. Not all content is made for you.

True. And I wont play it… but make an entire patch and it´s rewards only based on PVP.-. no no no no

it´s like a totally different game… changing everything which used to wow… ugh…

im super disapointed


It’s PvP so that’s a no from me.


Just the fact that there are humans controlling the characters makes it bad? If they had said that they are just advanced AI, would that make it better? Because in the end, it’s effectively the same thing. Luck is a factor in this game mode and being the last man standing is not a requirement to receive rewards. You can find powerful abilities early on and get kills simply because of luck.

… still waiting for it. sigh

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I’m terrible terrible at pvp. I’ll give for sure a try but actually my will of play is below 0 and I was hoping in a wow patch to continue for a bit more
Dunno. I’m not a battle royale lover so… We’ll see.
But I’m disappointed not to have some new stuff in game to do.
But being a mog and pet and mount lover I’ll give a shot. 30th sub finish.

I wanted to try this, until I learned it was a seperate client with no addons.
I have had the same UI literally for over a decade, I’m not leaving it behind for some random event.


Yeah the effort can be applauded. Thats for sure.
I did not know what to expect, so i might not be disappointed or have an opinion.

I just think Battle Royale is already milked to the end of it…

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It’s not a separate client, you choose the other game mode on the character select screen.

The rewards are tied to the renown level, which there are 40 of.

I even had to put myself through watching the podcast, which is just horrible woke cringe to watch. Anyway, they said you should get 1 renown level every 4 to 5 matches, but this will probably be quicker the higher you’re in placement.

So for people who are terrible at games, they’ll have to spend almost the whole 6 weeks to get the last reward in that tier.

Oh, just what I wanted Blizz…

A highly time limited PvP-only event with a battle pass grind track and exclusive rewards you have to win first place for, likely multiple times.

And zero advance warning, too.

I don’t think this patch could have been a bigger disappointment.


Infinitely. Like a warfront reskin. Or why not both?


For the love of all that which is Holy! WHY does it HAVE to BE a PvP event?! and a LIMITED time event at that! :man_facepalming:

The pirate transmog is too damn epic to ignore… >suffers immensely<


“World of Warcraft players are some of the smartest players in the world”



Is it an event or a new pvp mode? because we really need some new permanent pvp mode.

Also i feel like a battle royal mode might be a bit late, the battle royal hype was quite a few years ago already. But it sounds worth the try.


I’m wondering if this is a separate client if u can copy over your own character or will they already be there? Or you have to use some template character? Time will tell :slight_smile:

Ignore me I read above post lol

This patch is adding less to WoW itself than the SELFIE patch, it might just eclipse that in the zeit-gheist of WoW.
Although that was a Major patch early in an expansion and this is a minor one quite late.


new character, your character will not be there as it’s not tied to retail. It’s a completely different server/different client.

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There are videos from blizzard explaining the whole thing, so time has already told.

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I only watched the trailer that’s why I asked