Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

You have plenty of other things to collect, you will never get everything anyway, it doesn’t matter if you don’t get these rewards. Preserve your sanity and do things you enjoy instead.

Of course everything starts like a grind, but i am happy to see our best forum warrior already on it to nerf the grind.
make them give everyone all rewards in 1hr play.
make us all proud, soldier.

It’ll most likely be immensely “popular” the first… days or weeks, depending how fast you can get the rewards… and then die horribly with people complaining they couldn’t get it done due to participation vanishing.

I’m really glad I told a friend not to get another month of sub last week, although I was thinking of the upcoming patch, would have been awkward to have them caused to spend money for this. :sweat_smile:

Sorry this is just a huge no for me…
I dispite PVP and just no… it´s already unbalanced… in pvp i can encounter a perso who has 5 times as much hp as me…
i dont even think i want to try this…
not for me


thats why this thread is important to pre-complain in before it has even launched.
to really see if the moba style pvp can resonate with larger casual audience the rewards track must be easy and fast to complete.
this way the sample size of people who actually stay for fun of it can be called representative.


Battle royale isn’t moba style pvp.

I wouldn’t mind if they added moba style pvp to the game but this is battle royale, not moba.

This is not the same kind of PvP that you are used to. WoW PvP revolves around crowd control and cooldown usage. This is effectively a different game.

i was promised 7 buttons

This thread is more entertaining than WoW is at the moment! Just saying :smiley:


I don’t expect the game to be tailor made for me. What I expect though is for the product I pay for to be in accordance with the company’s advertisement. They advertised this as a retail patch on retail roadmap. This is not a retail patch, as I can’t access that by playing retail.



Moba style pvp means you respawn in the base and get to go out again to fight if you die, you can continue playing when you’ve died and the goal is to destroy the opponents base, you lose when you forfeit or your base is destroyed.

Battle royale means you’re in a battle against the other players and when you die, you’re out of the game. You don’t get to play any more when you’ve died. This is horrible for large scale pvp. The goal is to be the last man standing.

I’d say usually it’s pointless complaining about anything here on the European forum. But iirc announcement threads like this is one of the few times they sometimes pay attention, so I agree people should speak up now if they have a grievance.


yes its the moments like this you read forums for.
the whole pve collector community is here to take fight to the blizzard engagement metrics team.


It’s contained within the Dragonflight client. This game mode is effectively a different game and it is appropriate to have it outside of the main game since it doesn’t require you to have a character. It is designed to be possible to pick up the game and start playing immediately, even if you’ve never played WoW before.

They can develop anything they want, and you can stop paying for a sub if you don’t like it.

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i dunno i just saw how one pirate threw a barrel of rum and basically resurrected another in trailer.
if its battle royal its worse, but at least its not piano +addons+ running around pillars
i hope it will be popular, genuinely rooting for this event

So this was the big secret patch? I didnt know what to expect at all.

But a battle-royale event during a time where battle-royale game are thriving is feeling like a lame attempt to make use of that hype…

If it goes like other battle royales, many will just stop playing it due to frustration of sitting in queue, waiting for game to start and then when it starts, they’re out of the game in less than a minute of playing, lmao.


I don’t think people who are praising this, know how battle royales work, which is going to make some amazing whining thread, when they are killed, they will have to queue up for another game :smiley:

Especially if one of the rewards is to get 1st place… oh the salt is going to be amazing.


People that are complaining about this please just dont play it… done with those negative people bah. Def looking forward to play this for some nice rewards!