Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

Then go see the other one. :slight_smile:

Make sure you put your cringe protection though, it’s super cringe!

Wasn’t the selfie patch a “major” content patch? This is just an extra patch between 10.2.5 and 10.2.7. In hindsight it would have been better if Blizzard never teased it.

Not sure I’ve seen the forums this aggitated since Ion announced Flying was being removed from the game in WoD…


Its got to be soon now.
Weve entered american day time :smiley:


To be fair I knew this would be lame as soon as I saw the pirate flag on the roadmap. If it were Ninja it would have been a different story. :ninja:


Your service is appreciated :saluting_face:

And would have been considered such without the Hush-Hush Ultra-Hype build up with Pirate flag tweets etc.

They are being hoisted by their own Jolly Roger here…
If they’d announced this as a PVP patch most of us would have siad ok then, good to see the pvpers getting some love for a change.

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Maintenance is expected to finish at 15:00 pacific time, which is 4 and a half hours from now.

I meant the stardew update haha

I think I’ve burned too much time on games like Sims and Harvest moon in my youth to care about Stardew Valley at this point in my life.

You know how you have a dropdown that lets you select between regular/PTR etc. servers? This will be like that. So Plunderstorm is separate from your other characters.

I’m not overly interested in a PvP mini event, but I’ll give it a spin and unlock the rewards.

The real positive, for me, is that you don’t have to win to get the rewards. They did get that right – for a time-limited PvP event in a predominantly PvE game.


but are you talkin about the farmlike game?

This is the type of mouth breathing stuff that makes me think Blizzard hates their fans. There is absolutely NOTHING to make them think this is something the community wanted? Like, it has come out of nowhere, and it’s just… Wtf? It’s not something anyone wanted, just got pulled out of some idiot devs butt. Clearly not enough right people were fired.


WoW Players summed up:

Player: “There is nothing to do in game”
Blizz: “Here, have a fun little event”
Player “Nobody asked for this!!”

At first I was like, a PvP event, damn that sucks. But watching the remaining video changed my mind. It’s not your character that takes part, just six buttons to play with which random abilities you find in the map and addons banned. If nothing more, they are experimenting with certain features in a sandbox environment and I’m here for that.

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/teabag /sit macros will be in heavy use!

Just my sentiment…
This feels likeca huge warm pile of dung just droppede on our heads…
Battle royale …/shiver

Oh well atleast I got my ff14


Do we know what the reward structure is?
Is it 2500 rep for a win down to 250 rep for coming last? Or some such?
I believe we need 40 Renown, so in with that it’d be 40 wins or 400 loses…

Or do we earn a currency and buy the rewards?

They said in their video that for a casual player, it would take 4 to 5 matches to get 1 renown level and there are 40 in total.

So I think if you die instantly, you’ll still get some form of points of being there, but if you get higher up, you’ll get more renown.

It means you will have A LOT of people just logging in and afking to earn the 40 ranks, especially if you can have that client open, while also having the retail client open at the same time.

This is something, which I feel people have overlooked.

60 man, 30 odd being afk, easy quick matches, but yeah, be ready for a ton of people afking :stuck_out_tongue: