Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

Hah! I can out-smart them, I’ll be running around shouting, “KILL ME!!!” so I’ll be must faster than those AFKers. I’ll save so much time.

You’re one to talk, Mr. Bushstreamer…

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But I’m active… just inside a bush :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll be doing my Steve Irwin impression as people walk by “Look at this majestic creature, looking for it’s prey. Little does it know another predator is coming up right behind it to stick his fingers right up his a…”


They rly made a separate gamemode in order to sell skins. Its soooo disgusting.
Look at the art and promo, all in that terrible white shirt outfit with a chest on their back.
Literally this entire thing is designed to SELL SKINS and NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT EXCEPT ME

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i was wondering: your name came from w40k?

So that if a player really just AFKs or is always near last, the worst case scenario is that it would take about 40 hours to reach the highest renown level. But if we somewhat actively participate, it should be faster.

Since this takes place on a different server, I don’t fully understand why this wasn’t a global surprise.

I like the name, though. “Plunderstorm” is a pretty neat.

Honestly, I am more looking forward to stumbling upon you as this bush; than the FOMO-triggering shenanigans overall.
Please, actually do this. <3

So… Don’t play it?

Where’s Canju?


You may never find me… until you’re looking for the last person and BOOM, I’m right beside you that whole time!

Then they should allow the usage (rsp. re-enable it) of the toy that killed your character when used, so we can quickly get it done with by just waiting for the game to start, use the toy and go AFK till the next game drops to suffer through the 4-5 games required per day… or just implement a surrender button.

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“New”… Ok. Sure thing buddy.

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If I walk past a bush and it is talking about my swaying hips as I move - stalking my prey: I’ll be delighted, anyway. The mere thought of it made me smile ^^


For the record, this is exactly how PvP players have felt for the most part of WoW. Nice for us to get a little something at least.

I will be like homer simpson merging into the bush!

“CRIKEY! What a blastoff! Who’nna tho’ da mate had picked up dat powwah?! Outta nowhere - WOOSH! RNG at its finest. What a beaut!”

Imma be Bush Irwin too… xD

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The bush dwellers are increasing in number! It’s a conspiracy.

heh, sadly i wasnt around at the time… but i can imagine how epic it was :smiley:

PvPers decided by themselves to play a gimmick mode in a RPG that has barely anything to do with the actual game (PvP just replays past battles over and over…); but instead of this gimmick for the gimmick we could have had something actually (lore) relevant in the main game.

We alreay know pirates are assembling, called together by Nightsquall - so why not turn this into an event taking place on a remote island that serves as “Tortuga” for the pirates, where they either brawl against each other (for the PvP-ers) or use it as a base to travel onto further islands (just copy paste the island expedition ones) where they hunt for treasures (with lore relevant flavor texts) and kill mobs (for the PvE-ers)… and already I’ve come up with an event that would have satisfied mutiple player types, RP/lore nerds, PvE players & PvP players.

You’re welcome, devs, you can contact me to give me my payment.


Hey it’s all good, some people love a good bush!

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