Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

They see me bushin’, they hatin ’ Patrollin’ and tryna catch me afkn’ xD
from what i saw on Xar stream its 17-25 hours grind atm to unlock all cosmetics
one would expect a lot of afk bros in bushes

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The difference between my bush and the others bushes… mine gets more attention, because it contains something special inside!

Luckily im not a collector so if i dont like i’ll just not play it. Will give it a try though, maybe i’ll enjoy it.

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You really thought you did something there, didn’t you? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

a healthy attitude

nope, not gonna ask, i dont trust you enough with the answer! :smiling_face_with_tear:

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You just need to use both hands and spread open the bush to find out!

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Same energy
I will just let your bush stay secure and safe and farm renown, okay?

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I think this is the key to consistently enjoying this game. I wish I had realized this years ago!

I’ll watch some Plunderstorm streams later. I don’t know if this mode will engage me for dozens of hours, but I think I’ll probably have fun for a few hours at least. Just seven buttons, no classes (so no rogues!), and 10-15 minutes per match, that seems fun enough.

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I think this sounds kind of fun and something different. I’m looking forward to trying it out.

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Quite commonly found in Sinny.

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they have so little faith in this that they locked not only mount and transmog but also additional tenders behind this :smiley:

what a failure :slight_smile:


17-25 estimate is a lot better than our previous guess: which was closer to 50-60 hours.
Still, that’s a lot of gaming in this mode, even if possible to fully AFK it.
Inflated numers; COMMENCE!

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It sounds fun. I am really looking to play the event.

If there was a PvE option, then it would have been better received and I would have try it out.
It’s not, it’s battle royale.


I mean, a predominantly PvP Battle Royale isn’t my thing, so I probably won’t bother with this, but good luck to the people who enjoy that kind of thing.

My biggest question is why this was promoted as a WoW Patch. It isn’t. It’s like promoting WoW Classic as patch 8.2.3. If it’s not part of live, it’s not a WoW Patch, and this isn’t part of live.


Having your abilities left up to the RNG gods will be so much fun, I can see it now.

Here is a much better idea in my opinion.

Battle Royale of just all Rogues, of just all Mages, of just all Hunters, etc.

There is a 15-minute window to queue up to play as that specific class, example: from 9 AM to 9:15 AM when you queue up for Battle Royale, once you get into the game, you will be a Rogue, 9:15-9:30 for Mages and so on.

There are 3 levels of expertise.

  1. Beginner

  2. Intermediate

  3. Expert

Beginner gives you the basic abilities of the class, the catch is: that the abilities are buffed, and they do a ton of damage.

Intermediate has more access to the class abilities but doesn’t output the same raw damage as a Beginner.

Expert, full access to all of the class abilities, and your damage is normal, the same as it is on live.

So even if you’ve never played Rogue, you can still queue up, pick Beginner, and rekt “Experts”.

The real Experts are probably going to kill you but it should be close and an interesting fight that you can learn from.

And maybe you pick Intermediate the next time you queue up.

Yeah in a tiny area that borders the sea. Not in the interior proper. There’s no water there

i love how they already datamined that you need 50+ hours to farm all pve rewards :confused:

50 + hours you cannot spend on m+ / raids / wolk classic only you have to do stuff majority of playerbase abhorse - pvp - due to FOMO

genius move blizz

perfect marketing there :slight_smile:


But a lot of ppl finished all this content. So they need something to do. In fact things to be done in DF are running dry

Where we droppin boyz?