Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

It wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t talk down to us like toddlers

I don’t think toddlers get adjectives and verbs confused tbf.

Been watching a US streamer play (Venruki) and it actually looks fun. Not necessarily 50 hours worth of fun, but I think I will enjoy this for a few days in a mindlessly way.

There’s not much else to do. Friends are mostly done with M+ for the season, the HC raid is cleared in less than two hours, and the old stuff won’t go anywhere. This will be fresh for a bit.

Yeah, not for me…
Didn’t plan on trying it out, but 750 trader’s tender is too much to skip out on.
So hopefully renown 33 ain’t gonna take a long time to reach cause BR ain’t up my alley.
Would have spent my time on something else if it weren’t for the tenders.


damn… plunderlord set is so good…

Join in and go afk.

I loathe PvP in WoW…


While I dislike pvp and battle royale in general I wouldn’t have too much of a problem with that if it wouldn’t be this disconnected. I understand that some like it and that it can be simpler to do it like this for this game mode but still… I play mmorpgs to use and play with my characters that I build up over one or multiple expansions. Not creating a new one just for it.
I am up for new kind of contents and all but not like this.

For example torghast, it was kinda a mini roguelike game part. Which I found fun, but I would have hated it if it would have required a separate character just to run them.


Indeed. Just gotta know how annoying renown 38 is before deciding.

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absolutely true.
since this event is subject to fomo i guess blizz probably count on that to have ppl anchored.

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U.S forums on fire. Majority dont like it all.

Wonder if all these devs times could be used to make some new dungeons, bgs, arena maps, Class/spec balance / rework like retribution paladin???


The real FOMO part for collectors is that you need to actually place 1st to get the tabard (and I believe for the eye patch also) and the FoS. All the other stuff can be grinded out regardless of placement.

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That’s ridiculous… should be top 10 at least.


There is a tabard for renown 40 too. I don’t know if it’s different. I only watched Venruki play and he got a FoS and a tabard when he won his first game (when he was renown 3).

Quite a few unlockables: https://www.wowhead.com/news/full-list-of-plunderstorm-event-renown-rewards-338132

EDIT: The tabard and eye patch for placing 1st are temporary, and identical to the permanent transmogs unlocked at renown 38 and 40.

Hey @Blizzard can I please give you money so I dont have to touch this and unlock all the cosmectiv rewards instantly?



Rather have a real Classic+

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Utterly garbage content with a huge carrot to entice people into it that can’t help themselves.

Why not just make decent content?

What the fudge.

Somebody said this on the US forums. Sums it up pretty well

Lock 3 Transmog sets, 3 Mounts, 11 Weapon appearances, 3 pets, a tabard, and 750 TENDER behind 200-800 (depending on how l33t you are at the game) games of WoW-Fortnite that you HAVE to get in 6 weeks or you don’t get it.

Addons are not allowed and keybindings repeatedly reset to default. As a disabled player, I’m locked out of this content. Thanks, Blizz.


This is probably the best take on this “secret event” that I have read online today…

“Blizzards business model is to keep throwing :poop: at the wall, not until something sticks, but until they have enough :poop: piled on the floor beneath it, it can’t fall off anymore.” ~ Some Youtube User


so uhm, what exactly that this extra garbo mode to do exactly with retail wow?
This “patch” has literally nothing to do with retail wow. You could have lunched it as random extra small goodie and it would be fine, but launching it while hyping a retail patch is kind of a joke?
Only because you can get some mog/mount (how original) in retail?

So basically you need to play 40 days this crap to earn renown 40? nah thanks, i ll pass.