Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

Ok… so they are testing the waters to see if people want a battle royale mode, except, you can just play pubg or fnite. Who wanted this?

Why are we doing this? Just more FOMO…


Cant fully understand the complaints here but well, every person has its own opinion, anyway.

I think this mode is really nice and brings some fresh wind into World of Warcraft.
For people who like PvP this can be an awesome experience and I really hoped year for year that blizzard brings something like this (a BR).

Friends of mine and me are super hyper to test and play it.

Thank you Blizzard. :slight_smile:

I thought they were doing a lot more than a massive PvP brawl to get some transmogs and a mount? I don’t go anywhere neat Pvp because i suck @rse at it. So you made me wait for the servers to come back up for an event i am not interested in and by the look of the majority of the comments, not many others are as well. Nice going


I was so looking forward to some Warcraft content maybe a mini zone a mini raid some story, booty bay, freehold loads of transmogs.

Instead we get a mini lobby game that I have no interest in, I hate PvP and battle royale type games. I will try it, but what worries me more is there will be no new content until war within, recycled raids, dungeons so nothing, it will be a long slow death for DF.

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isn’t the thing getting you literally out of World of Warcraft? how is it bringing anything into it?
By default, if lots of people playing blunderstorm, there will be less people playing actual WoW making the group finder more empty till the farm fiesta is over and the people return


The mode is fine, i just don’t get why so many game devs feel they need to cater to everyone, there’s been this sentiment thrown around that ‘‘Oh but it will bring in people not usually interested in MMOs’’

Right, because it’s not an MMO, that is why they would be interested in it, they don’t want to play WoW they want to play a BR, they won’t ‘‘bleed over’’ into regular WoW because they dont want to play an MMO, as for wow players most of them want to play an MMO not a battle royale, that’s why they pay for expansions, AND a monthly fee instead of dowloading fortnite for free

Besides, you don’t see Fortnite adding a city sim to their game, or valve adding prop hunt to CSGO, or PoE adding an auto battler, why? Because they have their niche, they’re just trying to be the best FPS, or BR, or action rpg, why not just try and make wow the best MMO it can be rather than trying to attract players who don’t like the genre with some inbetween mode?


That’s not how management thinks sadly…

im playin it. isnt bad. nothin incredible. but for some time could be good

I mean the gamemode isn’t bad, it’s fun, it’s just not WoW

If there is anything i hope they walk away with from this experiment it’s that they make more classes as dynamic and mobile as in Plunderstorm

Players really LOVE the mobility, being able to use things while moving, frontal/cone/aoe/skillshots instead of targeting, channels, long cast times

Maybe it could lead to some combat overhaul down the line, that could be really good

Words can’t describe how garbage this thing.


+/- 50 hours . even more if you just plan to afk

they locked pve rewards behind this pvp garbage

if they just let it be its own thing - nobody would be forced into this fomo .

but since they knew its horrible and had 0 faith in their own product - ofc people are super pissed.


I guess I don’t get how it works.
If I even get that far (mostly die instantly even if landing on edge of map) I loot and loot, and kill mobs, rares and more mobs. I upgrade my stuff I get my booty, i do my spells and avoid as I should. But when I meet another player I barely do damage, while I am flattened almost instantly.

RNG? Perhaps, but after a while it feels unfun to do all that work, and then you hit like a wet noodle.

well … yes .

BR is all about how lucky you are with good weapons - and in this case skills spawning near you .

or you can go complete stealth route.

No one is forced, its completely optional. Blizzard put some goodies in there to make sure ppl play it, but its not like you HAVE to have those goodies. Just skip it. No one is FORCING anyone to play. Its just pixels in a sea of collectible pixels.

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What am i defending? Im saying no one is forced to play this. U can make your own choice. Or are u that weak that you cant help yourselves and still play stuff you dont like cause of some pixels who will sit in your collection and never get used? Thats more a you problem then.

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I know what BR is, I am a BR player myself. Not that I would compare, because I don’t know what this is, but it aint BR and there’s some need to either balance the “weapons” a bit or make sure that there’s more variarity of types at different areas.

The idea is ok, but it needs some work to be actually good.

Don’t mess with the forum cliques man, you’ll just get silenced,

i really want to talk to one of the devs that were behind this plunder storm.
why didnt you put all of that energy and money and time behind things like .
custom small solo quest lines with cool and dark tmogs or mounts.
new solo contents in a small island near the dragon isle.
creating Customization for demon hunters.
creating item enchants for every items in that quest or new small island.
creating some limit on AH and fixing Crafters problems.
why i just want to know what imbecile is behind these decisions.
im mad and angry right now


im tired of this fake positive vibe. why are they dont understand what wow is and what warcraft story was about.
who is trying to kill my favorite game.