Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

as someone somewher counted - 3 mounts 3 pets 3 transmogs 750 tenders plenty other things - yes peopel are forced to waste time on it.

its even worse - they know very well what they are doing forcing pve players into this just to be cannon fodder for pvpers.

us forums are raging atm - because of pvpers already figured out meta places for best power ups to spawn and are destroying normal players in first minutes - resulting in very many players getting 0 plunder from matches as resoult

0 plunder . when you need 200k for pve rewards.

im just waiting now for blizzard to add battle pass to this fomo - boosting your plunder drops and letting you skip renown levels for only 20 euro a month :slight_smile:


Who is forcing you? Its cosmetics, im sure every single one of you will manage just fine skipping this and not get those pixels in your collections. Or are you all just letting the FOMO get to you? Guess its working then and Blizz wins. But its your choice. You are not forced.

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Yeah sure, one of the most asked for cosmetics (that bfa coat) is finally avaible and people who want it should just skip it :slightly_smiling_face:


You are not forced. If you want it then go get it. Stop claiming you are forced to do it. You are not.

So long as there is no other source of that coat, one is forced to do this and we both know that blizz knows exactly that his will lure collectors with this. Please be serious.


Someone from “The Bloodied Goats” arguing with a spacegoat. This will end in tears.



and we’ll eat popcorn for the entire duration of the argue.

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I am serious. No one is forcing you. You are making the choice yourself that you NEED that coat and HAVE to do this. Its your choice. Did Blizz put it in there cause they know ppl like u cant help yourselves? Yes ofcourse. But no one is forcing you or anyone else. Its FOMO and its working as intended to boost the numbers of ppl playing this.

Wait, thats my job! Im supposed to be the one eating popcorn :sweat_smile:


sorry but me and marmar intercepted the popcorn package and decided to share it between us.


I have my own stash! :popcorn:


yeah you aare very serious at defending blizzard predatory fomo techniques,

are you one of their employees ? or do they pay you ?


I see we have to agree to disagree.
Imo leveraging the fear of missing out is knowlingly making people do something they (might) not really want to. Hence the feeling of being forced.

Just because it is a marketing tactic, doesn’t mean the people that are having fomo do not feel forced :person_shrugging:


No, im just a player that dont care about FOMO. I can make my own choices, im not forced into any content i dont enjoy in wow.

there are basically only 3-4 dmg stills worth taking.
you need to upgrade those and level up quickly.
if you fight as lvl 4 against lvl 8 obviously you get stomped.
if you use things like rime arrow, yea that also does nothing.
If you miss skillshot, you also do no dmg obviously.

Well feeling forced and being forced is different. Yes you feel forced and i can agree with that. Thats the whole point of FOMO. But no one is actually forcing you.

Only things I want to see come out of this:

  • The end of FOMO cause metrics revealed it
  • Double jump for all characters and classes in retail

Well, this thing seems to be picking up some steam.

Surprising. Interesting, too.

I wonder if that says something about why people are choosing not to PvP…

In any case, I’m not personally interested still.

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Tested it:
Game is garbage. Not fun. RNG-fest, with some lag.
No thank you.



This thing actually makes one of the things I hate about PvP worse.

You have to actually hit people with abilities instead of tabbing to them and firing the spell, at worst you’ll get a target not in front of you or they’re out of range and so on when you fire spells through target selection.

In plunderstorm you actually have to aim stuff at someone, which is almost impossible when they’re lagging and warping all over the screen.