Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

I have more abilities that require me to physically hit enemies in PvP on my class than I have abilities total in that mode at a time.

Blizzard, Cone of Cold, Blast Wave, Arcane Explosion (don’t use it much, but it’s there for trying to knock out rogues and druids…), Frost Nova, Freeze, Dragon’s Breath.

Had a couple matches too now. I concur. This is garbage. So while I understand it’s probably a cheap copy of Fortnight and that type of games… is this seriously what people like? Really? I mean I’m not immune to the notion of pvp potentially being fun, I’ve had lots of fun with local Unreal Tournament and Counter-Strike: Source back in the day. Guess I’m not enough of a tiktoking twitch-consumer for this stuff.


My guess is they’re testing the waters (heh) for a console port or a console game mode. Just think about it - fewer buttons, no addons, no chat, etc.

I was hoping for a fun PvE event but meh, rather disappointed so far. If I wanted to play a poor man’s Fortnite, then I’d go play Fortnite. Pirates are overrated as well, nothing in this screams “For the Hode/Alliance!” to me. Just a bland experience possibly meant to attract the younger audience.


It applies to a zoomzoom mentality, GOTTA GO FAST, and RNG-galore.
Someone tried to insult me in tradechat when I said “It’s garbage” (Someone asked what ppl thought of the gamemode), by saying - word for word: “Náia is someone in a party who seen and know everything” — I just said Thanks for calling me wise. :rofl:

I thought the game would be bad, but it is worse than I expected.
Im semi impressed by that…
One thing I won’t play, anyway.

Good for those enjoying it; I wish it wasn’t connected to WoW at all via achievements/rewards.


I was really curious and excited to try it. But once again, this is a game mode that forces me to read up on it OUTSIDE the game to stand even a remote chance to survive past the first 30 seconds. I got tossed in there and immediately killed by other players who already had a bunch of super powerful abilities. Literally didn’t even have a chance to get used to the keybinds or where the hell I was supposed to go. No way of respawning either, because battle royale… so no 2nd chance except to queue up for another game. Didn’t even remotely get to try do any of the supposed PvE content. This just doesn’t feel good. It feels actually really horrible for a non-PvP player like me. No thanks. Won’t be trying it again.


Its both fun and frustrating. But it probably wont be fun after the like 50 games.

WHY does it have to be FOMO? its the most toxic and customer unfriendly thing in gaming and it needs to die.


yeah - they completly failed with 0 ssorting whatssoever by renown .

so any new player is tosssed into match with players ith like 50 games played already and who know where to go and what to do and hich meta powers are where.

its complete total utter failure.

basicly public test realm with fomo rewards tied to it.

all pve players are basicly cannon fodder meant to be forced into this by renown and be destroyed by pvpers in frst seconds of gameplay .

When are we going back to the world of warcraft we fell in love with? Nobody asked for fortnite. Reducing abilities and addons sounds like a good plan. But why make this event a big surprise? Make the actual game better


I’ve done me a sleep about it and I have to say
I am kind of disappointed that between this and hearthstone, the promise of evergreen content didn’t even survive a single expansion


I’ve tried the game mode now and have to say it is rancid, an awful rng fest and i am glad i can just start the game and go afk doing something else. :slight_smile:


I want WoW back. The serious stakes, epic experiences I remember from Legion and before.

If that’s where WoW is going, I suppose it’s not made for an audience like me anymore.


Stop putting more FOMO in the game.

Let this thing stand on how fun people actually find it instead of due to rewards.

It actually is kinda fun but the thought that I need to optimize the renown gain drops a wet blanket


There’s some things which needs to be altered if this should be close to fun.

  • Remove leveling OR impliment a sort of SBMM. The first would be easier. Powergap with levels is too huge
  • Randomize spawnpoints of rares and chests - it took one hour for people to figure out routes for META. At the VERY least randomise where the best abilities spawn.
  • Penalty for grouping! People are grouping up in solo’s, I guess sitting on discord and cordinating.

The Idear of a llimited time of BR is okay, but if you guys at Blizz wanna make a BR you gotta make sure that everybody is equal outside of spells you loot (again, remove the levels), and you gotta make sure that there’s a penalty for teaming.

At this point, it’s all ready a min/max’ed gankfest. The best powers and fast leveling tips, for you to be able to nuke players before they gain level 2 are all ready out on various websites. And again, it only took 1 hour for people to figure out.

Edit: The renown gain is WAAAY too small, for casuals who doesn’t play like the “sweats”, with routes and exact knowledge of how and where to get the powers and levels before anybody else. I know it revolves around renown coming from booty, and that it should be a reward for looting it - But I do think that if you can’t tune this, you should make the renown count towards time spend in the gamemode, rather than the amount of looting you do.
Because with all the cheese going on, most players will never get to 500 booty before they are rolfstomped by some level 6+ with epic spells, who teams or follow a website.


Played 2 games.
Was about 40th in each.
I’m less that 5% into the renown level

Great big pile of dung


FOMO for what some random pirate garb ,not even wow thematic, they can keep the mogs and renown for this mode, after 2 games won t ever touch it again.


7 matches here. Still a bit short of renown 3. And I’ve actually done somewhat well in several matches.

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I felt feedback on this great new game idea was worth giving and I tried my hardest to be honest, constructive and enthusiastic, but all I was left with was:

What a complete edited by moderator


i, proudly, never arrived in 5 games inside the 20.

Well I played one game so far… I kind of like it, it’s a bit of silly fun :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

The worst part is how this is basically saying:
“Play fortnite for rewards in WoW”.
If it had been 100% seperated, it would be fine — but knowing one misses out on rewards because they do not like playing Zoomer-pvp-RNG is quite garbo.