Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

Just seen that this rubbish has been added to the character selection screen with FOMO “limited time event” under it. I won’t be clicking it because by engaging with this kind of crap it will mean that blizzard will think they have released a good thing.

Why was this crap even listed in the road map? it’s not content in the game I am actually paying to play. All its done is take content away from the game I am paying to pay and I don’t want to encourage anything like this to ever happen again so I won’t even click on the icon.

When I look at future road maps I am always going to be wondering now if the icons are going to be ACTUAL patches or just spin off games.


I liked it

That’s what irks me, i can deal with something not being “For me”, like all PvP content pretty much is for me, but putting it on the WoW patch roadmap and it not even being part of WoW proper is just a big bait-and-switch…

I pay my subscription to play my characters, not some stripped-down battle royale, long after the big hype about them died down.


They had 10+ years to study popular and successful BR games and implement it as a mode either a PvP one or PvE. Not only did they implement every worst mechanic and idea they could find, with sprinkle of their own BS, they falsely advertised this as a retail patch on the roadmap. Whoever came up with this idea overall, should be fired and baned from touching gaming industry forever.

Played 4 games for the benefit of the doubt, performed decently, 10th to 20th every round, gained 1 and a half renown level, hated every second of it. I could go on and on, but it’s just not worth mentioning the randomness, imbalance and lack of any sense of joy. Run arround, kill stuff, open chests, hope you got more OP crap than the guy you run into and that’s it. No skill, nothing. Casino style gameplay. Wouldn’t be surprised if this stays as a game mode or a game itself to see micro-transactions for starting out spells or better chance at looting OP crap.

Didin’t even expect much of this patch ( which basically isn’t a patch lmao… ) , but this… Man… Hope the 0.02% of the playerbase who love this have the time of their lives.


Imagine thinking you are forced to do literally anything in a game. What if you dont do it then? What are the consequences? Prison? The death sentence?
It cant be simply missing out because thats not even a consequence, thats just FOMO acting up.

but this activity is just a filler. Not a patch. somethin to play while waitin for the oven to warm. It never gives power or somethin like that.
Take it for what is: a filler.
Remember when you play snake on Nokia or Sudoku? same thing.

tried it and i kinda love it :stuck_out_tongue:
i hope they give recolours via trading post for pve only players

Did Snake add new customization to my phone while also being available for a limited time?

In my mind the flaw in all this stuff is the limited time


not surprised.

its Boring

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without the fomo no one would play this game because its the worst br on the market. luckbased rather than skill. drop over a rare spawn loot more than your enemies and farm levels like in league of legends. and then win the game with luck


No. Snake’s actually fun.

is limited but just mogs.

what a load of rubbish its mostly aimed at pvp players where the content for pve players blizzard who ever came up with this idea wasn’t thinking of all the wow players was they not good blizz not good at all well bk to house flipper for me


I haven’t had time to try it, and beforehand I thought I would, to at least have an honest opinion about it. The feedback so far from people who have played it is not making me enthusiastic tho. It sounds like a lot of things I do not enjoy even if I’ve always enjoyed some random casual pvp.

It’s rather disappointing. I hope they can tweak it a bit to make it more palatable for those forcing themselves through it for the rewards.

Should’ve been a roguelike/lite instead.
Should’ve been with optional pvp for those who want it.
Should’ve been without FOMO.
Should’ve been actual part of World of Warcraft.
Should’ve spent the money on improving the core game instead.

What a shame.

At least quadruple the renown gain so that people who do not want to be part of this carcinogenic battle royal “fun” get done with it quick and can go back play stuff that they actually have fun playing.


if you want all the rewards be ready for some really long nights and grinds. its limited and you have to play i would guess 20-30 hours. depends on if you can win more often

Certainly not for me i simply h8 PvP and in this Event you can`t avoid it. Far to many areas that mark you for PvP

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Tried it for about 1hour in duo. It’s overall bad and unfun.

There should be no levels in this mode. Only spells. Levels gives too much of advantage.
Everyone moves too fast. Difficult to aim spells at other players.
The camera view is too close. It is unplayable. Can’t see anything. Especially when engaging other players in PvP. It also makes aiming with spells even worse.

Not gonna play this mode ever again. It’s not fun and a waste of time. Grindy on top of that as well. Even worse than normal PvP.

Waste of resources on creating this game mode.


Mogs /mounts are the true endgame.

They will stay with you until the End of Service while everything else will get replaced every expansion or more often


I wouldn’t go as far to call it PvP. You land, and frantically look for abilities, before you find one, someone who somehow got 2-3 levels within 30 secs, comes and delete you.

The main issues are:

  • The levels
  • Permanent spawnpoint of Rares, and thus best abilities.
  • Players teaming

It took players a split second to figure out best landing spots + BiS Abilities, and now we have this thing with people outleveling pretty much everybody else really early on, and have the best abilities, and all you can do, is either to go to the same sites as them to follow the best path, Team up… or just land at the edge and try to farm your 500 booty before anybody sees you.