Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

The levels are indeed the worst part.

I ended up on the last 4 but the others were level 9 while I was level 5


indeed, they should flat out remove it and it would be a way better experience for most people.

How do I even check my renown progress? Seeing rep earned but can’t see the bar…

  • levels need to be less impactful - currently they give so much of a bonus
  • Renown gain needs to be buffed significantly - limited time event, if tis fun people iwll play. Be gone with this FOMO
  • A renown progress on the ‘que up’ page

Having played a decent amount now its ok but its so tedious


If I dislike a game mode, I ignore the rewards that come with it and experience happiness at not having to play it (still a positive outcome one might say :wink: ). But I understand the rewards in this case may feel too good to pass in for a lot of people, regardless of how much they like or dislike the activity required. In that sense I don’t appreciate the way they’ve gone about it, they are perfectly aware a pirate theme is catnip to many.

The worrying trend with these things is that it clearly shows only participation matters. But that’s nothing new, altho it’s still a sad thing. I doubt 20-30 hours will be enough for those who don’t optimise the crap out of it unless they tweak the numbers.

i would rather pay them real money than grind this event for the next 1.5 month


Yeah, that became clear to me with the feedback. In combination with other issues it just strikes me as very unfun. It’s a bummer as casual pvp on an equal footing is definitely not a bad take, it addresses some issues in WoW’s pvp. But it doesn’t sound like they actually succeeded at giving a better and more fun alternative.

I hope Blizzard read this and give the pve community an option to get recolours in a safe way where you cannot lose, like shop.
Otherwise we would all have to read through tnis relentless trashing of a new casual pvp mode cause thats the top pve strat to get Blizzard to hand over the collectibles.

Same as people who trashed warfront as bad boring etc only to demand to hand over tier 3 sets for solo bonk play.
This is very important moment where we need to have a clarity, and instead of usual sithstorm see an alternative ego safe way to get the models for pve only sirs and ladies.

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remove retail rewards from it and then indeed it would be a filler

instead its garbage fomo forced into our throats limited time event.


yeah who woudl have thought it may end up like this wehn it wasnte propely tested

but then - would be test it when they fired 900 people ?

instead we players are guinea pigs testing this garbage for them for free


Tbh I think they could fix a LOT with just removing levels from the gameversion. Just let everybody be level 1, and let it be about the powers you find.

If you are level 9 and meet a level 10, it wont matter if you maxed all your abilities, the level 10 will win.


at least that would make the grind less annoying. 1 reasons lol is for some players inkl me bad is the endless gold, level grind

or the leveling could be applied to all the players based on how much the storm has shrunk, this will help make the players stronger vs the NPCs without making them uneven with other players


That could work very well also. But do you think they would do that, and do the appropriate tuning?

Knowing Blizz they are all ready working on the next thing now, and what we would get would probably be bandaid fixes, so I was just attempting to come up with the easiest one that would fix the most in one go.

this is the goal. the mogs. why they need to erase rewards? to appease ppl wholl never play it? and who’ll complain in any case?

If a mini game cannot stand on its legs based on the intrinsic rewards alone it is not a game, it is a chore or a job


this is boring and not woth the wait f this never going to play it waste if time ty blizz


What’s plunder for? Rep based on amount gotten?

bah… im doin it. not partucularly brilliant nor bad.

Would be GREAT if Blizzard gave us an end date to the event so people would know to grind their butt off or just to it once daily to hit renown 40…

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