Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

well - thats how fortnite works

ofc its horrible but hey - its brave and stuning :smiley:

to hell with the fact that we are not getting any new dungeons in S4 and reused old raids.

just minor details :smiley:


I think what bugs me more is that its been YEARS and nothing is done for rp servers and their communities… yet there is time to create alternate game modes and more while also working on the next expansion.

It’s not that I hate new ‘content’ … maybe could be fun.
I hate the fact that no amount of pleading has even even gotten a single reply. No replies on feedback on the player council when they talked up ‘bringing all parts of wows playerbase together’ and namedropped roleplayers… and no sticky or bluepost for threads even when they hits 25k and move views and plenty posts about the issues rp servers are facing.

Im just so sick of having what I like most about wow being treated like an afterthought and being left to rot.


its they tried something new they would keep it as evergreen content.

instead its just fomo bs which people will feel forced to run for rewards.


Because we’ve played battle royale and we don’t like it.

We’ve had gameplay where we don’t play our own characters before, vehicle combat like first boss in ulduar and the dragons in the occulus.

Both of them SUCK.

I don’t like being out after dying once in a large scale PvP environment. It’s ok in something small like arena but definitely not for something with as many as 60 people.

I don’t like not playing my own character, this is why I killed the first boss in ulduar once in a raiding guild and then I asked to be on the bench for that boss because I absolutely hate not playing my character. I hated the iron stars in iron docks. I hated the cannons in tol dagor. I want to play my own character when I play WoW, not something else that’s not my character.


You’ve done it now… they’re coming for you!

That’s exactly what I mean in one of my other replies, with the long-standing issues and concerns. But this company has proven over and over again that they only care about the management metrics and benchmarks, not what the player base is raising as concerns or wishes.


Tbh I don’t think I will be playing S4 either, even with potential outdoor world rewards. The Archaeology thing bombed and I believe this is going to be similar.

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Realistically, they won’t be adding something great in 2 months after 10.2.5 (which was a bad patch) + the pvp community (i’m not a pvper) hasn’t received a single update aimed at them in a long while.

Maybe giving the event a chance before everyone becomes a keyboard warrior would help Blizz understand what people like and dislike and they can do better next time.

They have been listening well to the community throughout DF and in SoD as well.

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ARATHI HIGHLANDS?! for a pirate theme?

Okay, well I guess I get to experience something new every day.

Looks like trash. It doesn’t tap into the actual rest of the game at all. If you’re gonna make a WoW battle royale, which isn’t a bad idea, at least have us be playing WoW? Jeeze.

You know, I said a few days ago I’d give 10.2.6 a chance.

I won’t.


Legacy buff on old raid would be more fun than this, but i’ll give it a try.

Don’t expect anything special though.

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Oh, they are welcome to try new stuff, but not PvP crap.

I dispise PvP and know that a lot of players feel the same (MOP cloak backlash). PvP was always a gimmick mode in WoW, and now there is a gimmick for the gimmick mode. What a waste of time and disappointment.


Less abilities, no add-ons, time limited. Hmm… It’s obvious that this is an experiment for future game designs.


so nothing for retail great =)

and running behind a trend, which was “in” around 5-6 years ago

its like thorghast, where you wanted rogue like gaming, but was behind in time too
will work out for sure


Who is we? You and bunch of overly emotionally attached mole people who get mad over new content? XD

check notes

No, they haven’t.

Quick someone call a doctor, we need a quick spray of copium for Nvmie ASAP!


Check notes

Yes, they have.

They’ve been buffing/reworking specs throughout the expac based on what people have wanted/asked them to do.

Taken from the video

There’s 40 Renown Levels that you can get with Keg Leg’s crew,
Which seems like a lot, but you’re going to zip through them quickly.
We want this to feel super rewarding,
So expect to get a Renown Level every four or five matches,
at least a Renown level a day.

I hate every word in that sentence.

The event itself looks and sounds pretty cool
i’m just hoping it won’t end up being a chore.
No 40 Renown Levels with ‘at least 1 renown level a day’ is NOT zipping through them very quickly as you implied.



Holy priest has been garbage tier the whole expansion.

based on what people have wanted/asked…

checks notes

Nope! Nice try through :smiley:

Holy priest started off weak in s3, but it has been buffed up to a point it now contends with the rest of the good healers almost.