Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

The season has for all purposes and intents been over for quite a long time for me and I’ve stuck to holy priest through all the seasons, it was absolutely garbage in season 1, it wasn’t good in season 2 either and in season 3 they only buffed it when the season was approaching the end.

I don’t care if they buff something when the thing is already at the end. It’s like saying Legion was fine because you didn’t have to deal with the garbage AP and legendary acquisition system at the end.

People paid Blizzard to make that.


The fact that not only did Blizzard dodge on the bullet on having to design new tier sets, set bonuses, dungeon content and making the QoL changes players have been asking for the the past 2 decades, its the fact that they spent this time creating a PVP Battle Royal, because nothing says fun wow PVP like some good 'ol RNG!


Anyway, I need to make dinner! But I shall return with a coffee and some popcorn to read the copium posting from people saying that we should give the event a try before roasting Blizzard :smiley:


so not looking forward to this.
if im ever gonna play this ill just lazily complete the objectives until i get killed.
repeat till i get the transmog pieces im after & then stop playing the mode entirely.


To put it into perspective : https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/shiver-me-timbers-make-ready-for-the-incoming-plunderstorm/1809961

The US forums are equally thrilled about this disaster.


Wish more people would highlight this. It’s a community that has been staying with the game even when there was a lack of new content but if you get nothing at all and feel completly ignored even you will quit eventually. And it REALLY hurts to see good people go.


stupidest possible thing to not make this free without game time or sub, and not putting it in a separate application.

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More like a cheap event that new devs came up with because all they know is PuBG and Fortnite Battle Royale.

I am not sure if this idea works out for WoW. I definitely will not play it often (if at all), since I hate every type of Battle Royale just due to the PvP aspect of it.


I will NEVER forgive blizzard for this.

On a more serious note tho even if this winds up being a flop it’ll be interesting to see how they put the tech used here to use elsewhere. As for the fomo thing, let’s be real. If this is popular it’s staying up. They only said it’s ‘limited time’ in case it flops hard.

No, this isn’t done to ‘attract younger players’ because nobody looking for a battle royale is going to PAY A SUBSCRIPTION to do so.

And no this didn’t come at the cost of content, we’ve never had a 10.2.6 patch before for one and again, what they learned doing this will be useful for future content. Season 4 having Dragonflight’s 8 OG dungeons was expected from the start come on, we’ve been through this in Shadowlands.

Anyway, looking forward to giving this a shot, god knows if I miss any rewards they’ll just shove them on the trading post or shop at some point anyway. In the meantime the random rage is more than entertaining enough until launch.


Damn son that’s one impressive alt army. It’d be more believable if you played and left yourself likes on something other than furries though.


Ah yes, the furries insult cause someone plays a Vulpera and you have no actual arguments to counter the points made in honestly a well written post.




I was just curious how it got 24 likes in the span of a few minutes when there’s nowhere near that level of like activity elsewhere. I could always go check the pets to prove my point lmao.

I think this is more of a case of failing to manage expectations. I can think we can all agree that Shadowlands was a little bit crap, and Dragonflight was blizzards opportunity to win the players back. Which is not what has happened here. The WoW community was teased with a 2.6 patch, which you rightly said we haven’t had tangible content in before, for Blizz to rip of the blind fold, yell surprise and kick us in the nuts.

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please do.

People tend to forget that DF will be lasting shorter than the typical expac, and the time between patches is also less than before.


I don’t think I need to check the rest of the likes.


They haven’t announced the new season yet.
A battle royale formula cannot be considered “something new” in 2024.

Which would be fine if those patches actually provided good content that was worth going through and addressed issues. yet we get more FOMO, time-limted, broken events…

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