Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

We’ve put pets, mounts, titles etc behind a time-limited battle royale event! So if you’re short of time or hate battle royales, which is most people, tough luck!

What is it with Blizzard putting rubbish PvP events in Arathi Highlands?


Oh yes RBG are absolutely in a horrible state as well but they get somehow adressed even less then arena lately (pvp news from blizzard has been kind of crickets lately)
Didn’t know it was as bad as you descrribed but from what I’ve already seen in the game yeah I wouldn’t be suprised.

It’ll be its own game client and I think they’re not going to unleash wow retails classes into this gamemode? atleast not in their full forms that we see them in now.
Going by UI screenshot teasers, people will have about 7 buttons

I love being a negative nancy at times too but can someone please give me the source of all these claims that dragonflight was cut short for this?
because if you’d ask me why dragonflight was cut I would just blame dragonflight

Time will tell. Maybe it will be easy enough to farm that I’ll bother, maybe it’ll show on trading post as you say. We don’t really have a whole lot info on acquisition yet and it’ll be around for a while.

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Mate the problem is I can’t “do things in the game” to get the rewards. I can’t just log on this char, and play it to get rewards.

They’ll probably end up in the shop! Haha

I think the idea is novel and very brave of the dev’s to try out. As a a casual pvp player my interest is peeked and I will give it a try.

My only concerns though are as you mention. In epic bg epecially Ashran in certain areas your graphics card can choke and go from 60fps to as little as 0 and freeze. The same for that vanilla one that comes round one every few months ( I forget its name). The moment you are on the path your graphics card can choke and your game can lag horribly to the point in even costs you the match.

For 60x60 players in a zone I fear either your gpu burns out or the wow servers melt.

As a bad player I would expect that I’d have to take part in at least five of these things a day to get the “At Least” reward and then to do that for 40 days.
If I take them at their word and say “At Least” is a bare minimum assured by some Quest Reward or something then maybe. But there is a good chance I’d be out first every game and will that be enough to earn me this “At Least” amount?

Not sure I’d be up for that much even. If the At Least amount was a quest reward from participating in X plooperstorms (where X < 5) then maybe but unlikely.

I’m not feeling the entuses myself.

Then don’t engage with the system if you do not like it, that’s my point. The rewards are not a necessity.

Didn’t know it was as bad as you descrribed but from what I’ve already seen in the game yeah I wouldn’t be suprised.

Tbh, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve had an article on the problems, linked it above, if you feel like doomreading through your day. PvP currently really is in a state where it’s genuinely not worth paying for the game unless you’re either doing other content, or addicted.

Oh sure, I get that and I won’t touch it - just disappointed dev effort went into it that could have been invested into something the game generally profits from in the long run.


what a joke…


Im really afraid of how hard it will be to get the rewards… or how long it will take, given that it’s a limited time event.
Again; FOMO sets in and I hate it…
FOMO is always crap…


Yea, great advice mate, but why was this on retail roadmap for 2024 if it’s not something I can play in retail?

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You people are still going to pay your subscriptions every month and buy all the new store stuff so I think they’ll be fine while experimenting with a new game mode.

Checking the US feedback they just as disappointed. This also explains the veil of secrecy. If they had been honest about it and upfront players may not have hung around for an extra month or even given it a chance.

I am sure tons of are going to give it a try if not just for the mount and mogs, but I betcha more are just going to ignore it or just unsub till TWW.


Because the game is not tailor-made for you, sorry to say.

Real steps to actually salvage pvp in this game, fantastic.
7 button win

ofc most feel obliged since mounts / transmog

removed mounts transmog form there put it in pve world events and then sure let pvpers have fun and everyone else can ignore thi garbage.


True, most people would only be interested for the rewards, but not for the game mode itself.

I’m loving the ratio that Blizzard is getting due to this, even on twitter, they’re being roasted. Just the typical replies from CoDs official twitter and some sponsered/paid streamers to comment on it, while will then play it for the first day for the extra views, before they return to their previous games :smiley:

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I mean, sure that is possible… but we have evidence of limited time event stuff going on to the trading post and shop stuff going on to the trading post but no evidence of limited time event or in game stuff going onto the shop so :dracthyr_shrug:

I’ll place my bet on it ending up on the trading post :dracthyr_tea: