Homophobia in rp needs to cease

hello my alt that i have been posting on whilst i have been unsubbed and playing other games


hello me how are you it is good to meet me.


its nice to finally meet myself i hope life’s going well for me


Dumb or he just has different mentality, he might not have loved before and known only conflict. Could open up if given the opportunity. Oblivious doesn’t mean dumb it means he is, short-sighted? Some Orc lady could be giving him all sorts of attention and he wouldn’t notice. Seen this play out in media with other stories. See [TV Tropes Oblivious to Love]

 I’m sorry I couldn’t protect your identity any longer, PCU brother. COAD has won.


maybe when it stops being rlly funny I’ll just tell him who i actually am (despite half of AD knowing already l o l l l )

ahhh it has its place really. Stereotypes are fun to play.

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i don’t know who tehya is : (

but i am surprised how people are still unable to check for matching alts LMAO are we in 2010?

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I think this is Tehya’s main.


So him not having loved personally means he’s oblivious as to what kisses and intimate affection is? It’s not something he would have had to experience personally to know what it is. He’d kinda learn that just by growing up in a society.

Just him and the wilderness, the lone wolf, probably thinks mouths are only for eating and speaking. Probably never even stepped foot into Orgrimmar. “What are you doing with your eyes? Stop it, its annoying”! “Are you cannibals trying to eat each other”? “Don’t touch me”!..* get his first peck on the cheek *. “What is this
feeling”? */e Oblirog’s predator-glancing eyes, slowly light up, paralyzed from this affection, he takes a deep breath as if for the first time in eternity he had ever felt such an emotion *.

Yeah Tehya is Portuguese

yo soy el tigre


Are you venting your ideas for steamy, orcish fanfiction

Haha :laughing:, maybe or perhaps at least attempting to write a character with some depth. But this really began as a hypothetical character who is a stranger to love, now this actually looks interesting to me the way this has evolved.

he doesn’t know the rules
and neither do I


Before WOW, the faith in the Light had several regressive/conservative elements. Their relationship with the arcane was unstable: in day of the dragon, for example, mages are seen as essentially evil by the Paladin character and it’s implied this prejudice isn’t rare among those who wield the Light - rather it’s quite common.

Later on, in the Kel’Thuzad short story, it is also mentioned that the Church doesn’t like mages and tried to/wants to label them as heretics. This was a few generations ago, and seemingly tendency to dislike wizards has since disappeared in WoW. Still, it shows that the Church had regressive elements. This is in no way related to the sexes - all I am saying is, let’s not think that Azeroth’s religion is just progressive on all things (ie. science/faith) because that would be false. Not super pertinent to the current topic, but worth remembering.

As a small sidenote. There are also books where sexist elements in the human’s culture are presented, but they have surely been retconned long ago (ie. women couldn’t join Lordaeron’s army in Thrall’s novel).

ALOT of the Light’s old lore has been rectonned heavily though. Back in that time/early warcraft, it was just a cut-copy paste of Middle Ages church, the burning Legion was called “Daemons” and the twisting nether was litterally “Hell” in our IRL point of view.

We also had Angels and refferences to heaven. It was fairly boring and they rectonned most of this when they decided to make the setting more its own thing.

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By the Light, you’re a genius!

You’re referring to Warcraft I. You may argue DoftD is outdated because it’s pre WC3 , but Kel’Thuzad’s short story arrived during Naxxramas - during World of Warcraft’s worldbuilding.

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Yes, sorry. I should have made that it was WC1 clearer!

DoftD is kinda outdated yeah, Kel’Thuzad is less so so far, we’ll have to see if Shadowlands does any changes to this.

But my point is still that yeah, Blizzard has rectonned quite alot of things of the past books & games, so it’s uncertain territory in many cases. But they also recton things from the past expensions(See changes from WoD-Legion etc).

I can see the church’s early day restrictive views on mages making sense still though in historical context. But homophobia specifically if on topic, has not been showncased at all, not even when Warcraft as a setting still had more “darker” things in it like more prejudice sexism etc.

It’s never been an established thing, not even in the old rectonned era.

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Instead of retconning I would have gone with a gradual evolution of the philosophy of the Church of Holy Light. Perhaps the Northshire Clerics actually believed in a “God” which then turned into The Holy Light, and angels become Naaru due to increased understanding of the cosmos. A Priest would probably say, “This is what we used to believe, now we believe this”.
The Arcane attracted Demons from the Twisting Nether, so its not like the church at the time had no reason to distrust Demon-magnets.

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