Homophobia in rp needs to cease

If we start to run everything in Rp through the ToS a lot of conflicts are of the table

Violence in Rp is of the table ( including threads )
Slurs in general in Rp are of the table
Crime Rp is certainly of the table

Nobody says its pretty, but so are Necromancers, Warlocks and other more evil concepts.
Be as considerate as you like but there is potential to begin a spiral downwards

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Unironically completely unnecessary


It reminds me a bit of when ages ago, there was a discussion specifically about racist humans in RP(like humans dunking on every other Alliance member+non white humans), and one person proclaimed that it was indesputible fact that humans on Earth IRL was born default racists, and therefore, it should apply in WoW as well and into every other fictional media.

And then linked me K-K-K rallies on youtube to explain why it was good to roleplay.


yeah based think anyone bringing IRL slurs into WoW should get dunked on.

come on i think we both know this isn’t how it would end up let’s be real for 1x second

Just don’t act like homophobia has a place in a setting where it doesn’t exist + is against the ToS, why is this a challenging concept i really don’t get it


Actually, half of this post is false. Evil isnt against the ToS. Its very clear cut what is and isnt accepted.

Overt violence and gore is not a thing that is fine, and honestly, you dont need a explicit torture scene to roleplay violence.
Slurs is not needed either, invent your own in lore cursing.

Crime is still fine to roleplay, idk what you are on about?

Personally I think it is not because these people are all actual homophobes, but out of a misguided feeling that -everything- should be free to be rp’ed and that anything that disagrees with that is some attempt at stifling people’s creativity.

Or something.


“First they came for the homophobes…”

yeah like i said to the orc poster earlier, i totally get the angle they’re coming from, but it just buys into the fallacy that there should be tolerance for intolerance, which is inherently paradoxic.

man it’s really too early in the day for world war 2 references


I think someone in the first thread did this, but unironically. As in, specifically my quote.

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ah yes because IRL we also came from loken’s defective easybake oven.

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i very grimly recall the same :pensive:

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I don’t think that the N-word itself is something that fits the language used in wow but insulting people for their skin color/whatver physical attribiute they have? Yes, I think that’s okay for roleplay. Some people need to detach themselves a bit more from their toons. I was playing an antagonistic/borderline evil char for a very long time. He was insulted/hurt/imprisoned. That doesn’t mean I was crying behind my screen. It was creating an interesting story I liked to follow. I wanted to know what is next.

I didn’t say that. There was a bit more of what I mentioned. Zagkush said that people should be banned for gore, torture and erp as well.

Where do you draw the line? What kind of conflict and strife is allowed?

Because then the next person comes in and says: “I don’t like x because of y. Ban it from the game!” Should people stop roleplaying as thieves that rob people on the streets because that happend to someone in real life? I’m all okay with people walking away from rp they do not enjoy but I’m not okay with people banning everything they do not like.

Again, where do you draw the line? We are not allowed to thereaten each other but I’m sure we all have done it in rp.

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There is also, which ties in with this, a fairly popular belief today especially in online gaming, that being sensitive is bad, and so is being mindful of other players or people. It’s this…kinda weird, almost jock attitude that the bigger and louder and more offensive you are, the better. And that it is entierly the other persons fault if they get offended by anything you say.

And that its a weakness to be considerate, or to be offended.

do you know what WoW looks like? Are you familiar?

It’s allowed to be kinda like that.

yeah okay that’s great but i already have to deal with phobos irl and i’d much rather just get to have a hobby where i don’t have to dance around that stuff because people think it’s, like, totally cool to RP a homophobe.

if you feel a need to do graphic gore/torture, you should move to that one Warhammer MMO’s private server. If you feel a need to do ERP, you should just not.

yeah you’re not allowed to threaten Timmy in his room the player, you’re allowed to threaten Logrush the Orcish warrior

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I think this is a very very far stretch to draw it though, and it should be fairly obvious. Life doesnt work like this outside of propaganda videos and articles from certain political believes that people take for real.

The ToS has been roughly the same for all…15 or so years of WoW already, so its not going to change more than it already is. What is and isnt okay is well established.

And homophobia for example, isnt allowed, period. Nor does it have any basis in the setting if it was.

See above, it fits this as well. Slurs and homohpobic remarks arent allowed in general, regardless of if its aimed towards anyone or anything. IC threats are not directly at the person.

It’s all about wordings, some words and things are just not allowed at all.

I think you can be alot more creative to follow the ToS and create engaging roleplay.

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Thats the point as homophobia much like the N word isn’t part of WoW’s lore, blizzard stated this.


Except racism inst a thing in wow, specism is however, this “I must bring irl concepts to rp” has got to stop, not only is it offensive, it breaks the terms you agree once you download the game.

This… ok, roleplaying… means you are making a character in someone else’s story, not making your own, do it if you want, but it’s not rp, at least know the difference between making a story and rping one.

And I stand by it, gore and torture aren’t needed for conflict, never had, never will be… and erp? Cringe much?

Saying people should be punished for breach of the same terms they agree to follow is the same as making them stop rping? Ok mister clueless.

If it’s against ToS then it’s our duty to report them.

I have threatened yes… but I never rp gore and torture for it to actually happen, not sure what are you going with this pal.

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Would honestly be fun to see the gore crowd in WoW move into the ToS, and follow WoW’s depiction of gore. So when they strike a knife against the dead soldier, instead of a viceral gruesome display, its just a blood spurt and the entire body turns into this tom and jerry steak-looking thing instantly. No more.

Truth is, it’s a matter of details.

The best example I have is, in 2019 january or so we had a PvP campaign. In it, to further fuel emotions and the hatred between factions, there were some elves burned at the stake. The emotes described the action, without going into the gory details.

After that, someone wrote a long excessively detailed story of how those elves were burned going into gruesome details how flesh melts and what have you.

The difference between the two is that one followed the approach how WoW does a lot of things, there’s quite a few acts in game that could be “gore” or “torture”, but they gloss over the details.

The other was effectively a 400 word snuff piece. And received an appropriate deletion + vacation.


People do this in RP or DMing quite often, and so far, every time I see it, its basically only the person writing it who seems to like. Most other people either get really quiet or depressed OOC and it kinda kills the entire roleplay event/evening.

And a couple of people just log out right away. It’s never ended well when I’ve seen but, it has in many cases, activly killed the entire roleplay flat.