Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Nah, the game logged them while they were waiting for the 400 word snuff piece to be written.

in this case it was a boomer that got mad that there wasn’t enough graphic goreposting around the event in-game, thus decided to be a champion of justice by writing out a whole snuff piece on the forum and then eating a ban for it.


And it’s the very same thing with homophobia. I’m not allowed to say how unnatural it is (it isn’t), how it makes me sick etc to Timmy the player in his room (as I said, report and ignore these guys). But it is okay to say that to Logrush the orcish warrior.

I’m sorry for you. But that doesn’t mean you have to have a word in how other people play their toons. As I said, it is absolutley okay to walk away from any kind of rp you don’t like. Noone is fored to rp with anyone. It is a hobby after all.

I never said it has to be very graphic. But torture is torture (and part of the game btw). Also Blizzard is fine with erp in private channels. Though I’d argue that Goldshire is cybersex rather than erp.

So is thereating someone.

Neither are homophobic remarks.

I never said that toons should go around and throw the f word to gays.

If i remeber correctly Blizzard stated that the world itself is inclusive. And that’s a good thing. As i wrote earlier some chars having a different opinion on that subject is okay. The playable races are no hiveminds.

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You didnt read my words, homophobic remarks/homophobia in general, is not allowed, in general. Even if its aimless and just out into the air, or against a tree.

Why are you championing so hard for this?

or just follow the ToS

okay thanks glad to know that you are sorry (not sorry) i guess

to elaborate on this: if you say, i’m sorry for u, but at the same time go on about how breaking the ToS is still extremely cool despite it making people uncomfortable, the first part of your sentence can not in any universe be taken seriously.

anyone who pretends there’s a distinction is deluding themselves

Yeah you can do torture if ur like rlly hankering for it but don’t go über graphic with it, goes for gore in general. see: the tale arano told

A boomer who to this day still believes he was right, and that the people who reported him were hypocrites for being OK with “night elves were burned” but not OK with 400 words of what that looked, sounded, and smelt like.


Sounds like a fun person.(Not)

Also I ran out of :blue_heart: so everyone have a collective couple of them for the next several hours.

The thing is though, World of Warcraft can best be seen as a playground.

Everyone’s allowed to visit the playground and have fun in it, but every playground has rules that ensure every guest has a good time. And if some guests are disruptive to other guests, they get a warning or they’re removed. It’s not a case of "I get to do what I want cause I pay my sub!’ . I mean, you pay to enter a cinema or an amusement park or whatever aswell, that doesn’t mean you’re granted the right to be an :peach: to other guests.

Blizzard as the owner of this playground, allows us to play in it, but they’ve also made clear that homophobia does not have a place in their playground. So please, just don’t do it.


At the end of the day, what shines bright in my mind is a Blizzard GM once upon a time telling us that we create the server that we like. If you think something is not appropriate, report it.


That may be true however there is no source in the lore from which the phobia derives.

Why would an human in wow be homophobic with the emphasis on phobic?

This is a very good summary of the situation.

And this.

Ultimatly, I also think the “It doesnt matter if it could, what matters is if you should” line, fits in well with this as well.

As I’ve stated before, there is geniuenly nothing to gain from roleplaying homophobia in WoW. The “flaw” could have been any other flaw, all you do is make other people unhappy.

And you’re not being cool by not caring about others, you’re just being self-absorbed and kinda douchy.


Last post before I go to work

If we take the code of conduct (and I’m not sure that paragraph for communication applys to two chars instead of the players behind it. That would actually be a good question for Blizzard to answer!) by word than you can’t even badmouth the races in game as well. Threats are okay as long as they stay ic because they are directed at chars and not players? Than so is calling each other names, bullying and everything else.

I am sorry for you whether you belive me or not. But we can’t forbbid anything that might be offensive to someone. As I said, you’re free to not play with homophobic chars.

I still think there is a difference. If to chars fall in love over time and then something happens between them I would call this erp. In Goldshire people whisper things to each other to get off behind the screen.
I don’t like either but I’d say the first one is absolutly part of RP.

Yes, but I wouldn’t call playing a homophobic char disruptive. I would call a person being homphobic ooc disruptive.
Is a char that murders other chars disruptive or is this simply part of roleplay?

I would be careful with that advise and I’m not speaking in the context of homophobia but in general. Someone thinking something inappropriate is not the same as something beeing inappropriate. Misuse of the reporting tool is not allowed.

There doesn’t need to be a source. Homophobia is anything but rational. Even in real life people can’t really agree where it stems from (even if point at religion as they did not necessaryly invented it but spreat it). Also despite being called homophobia it’s hardly a phobia in a medical sense. Most of the time these people are just a**holes.

edit: I couldn’t highlight phobia in homophobia because the first part of the word is not allowed on its own :roll_eyes:

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So you think humans, gnomes, blood elves and so on are fine insulting their own race due to the colour of their skin? That’s not a thing in WoW.

Purposeful misuse.

It’s better to report if you’re unsure.

Its pretty straightforward if you wish to re-read it:

And it does apply to roleplay, it applies to all forms of in-game communication. You can still do creative stories and RP following it. It’s not difficult.

Sure we can, because it isnt just the offending party that’s at fault. Have you considered not being offensive, think on other people? Most of the time, it is the person being offensive that just has zero self-reflecion.

THere’s a diffrence between romance and ERP/cybering, specifically that the intimate/sexual stuff doesnt belong in WoW itself for a myriad of reasons.

I would, it only impacts negativly and has neither basis nor is it allowed. Its every defintion of disruptive to me.

Yes, if its thrown upon a random passersby, like homophobia in RP is.

Its not a bad advice, you are free to report litterally anything you see, reporting merely means that you want Blizzard to look at it. If it’s wrong, theyll action it, otherwise not. Misuse of the reporting tool is spamming someone with multiple reports on the same account with the intention of clogging up the system.

In this case it does, it has no historical existance in WoW, its not a default mindset. Why do you need to be the first person in Azeroth’s history to be homophobic? Its a weird hill to die on.

Kinda agree, but there is also alot of prejudice based on upbringing and lack of knowledge.

Again, why would you want to roleplay this in a setting that doesnt have, doesnt allow it, and you KNOW will rub people the wrong way?

Again, Day of the Dragon - the fact that it is old (and outdated in some bits) doesn’t mean it doesn’t appear there.

Where is it contradicted? There is nothing that says the human’s Church is always friendly towards those who practice arcane. In fact, you can find other examples that suggest that the church and the arcane didn’t like each other so much back in the day (ie. you don’t find a single chapel in Dalaran).

No, it doesn’t? In fact, it’s perfectly plausible that the Church didn’t like mages - rivals in magical prestige who don’t rely on spirituality and a strict moral code as much as priest and paladins do.

You have just quoted a short story in which this isn’t the case.

This looks like the only piece of evidence where you try to show that they had zero regressive elements. How’s the “they fought alongside other humans” a proof at all? Orcs fought alongside humans in WC 3 but that doesn’t mean there was mistrust, prejudice, hate and all that.

It’s not thou, and just because it’s in whispers, doesn’t mean you are off the hook for breaking the ToS.

Ok, “rp” all you want, but best get ready to face the consequences, including the suspension or ban hammer.

Trying to rp something that doesn’t exist in the setting is disruptive to others.

Killing someone else’s char is frowned upon so yes, it’s disruptive. Trying is ok, depending on the scenario.

But none of the things you are defending are allowed, and are indeed bannable.

There is, again, WArcraft is not your story, you don’t get to make stuff up.

This is wow, not irl, don’t bring irl terms to wow and we are all good, keep doing it, and get banned if those terms are offensive, simple.

The report function is highly misunderstood. It ultimatly just means that something is forwarded to Blizzard to look at and decide.

Any one of us could have been reported thousands of times and we dont know unless we’ve been actioned. And that isnt wrong, its how the system is meant to work.

But doesn’t that also mean one of us could be falsely accused? Like it could just be a flase report out of complete spite.

It could, but it also ultimatly doesnt impact you whatsoever. Unless you did break any of the rules, you wont even know you got hit with a false report.

Litterally nothing happens. Its straight up deleted from their archives if its not violating anything.