Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Speaking as someone who has been the subject of numerous malicious reports, it’s only my spicier posts which have actually resulted in suspensions. Otherwise it goes from [hidden by the community] to normal without anything else happening.


I was talking about in-game reports, specifically!

But the forums works similliar.

But it does require a number of reports? Like what happened to Starshade.

Around 5 reports (that’s characters, not accounts - one particularly dedicated person can ash a post) will hide a post - it’ll then get reviewed by some method which probably involves a person.

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Yeesh… takes just one dedicated person…

This is the forum moderation though, which leaves alot to be desired.

In-game reports, such as reporting homophobic rp etc, is diffrent.


no but we can really easily forbid things that blizz has already categorized as being expressly not allowed.

I dunno man if people feel like they definitely HAVE to break the ToS despite it making others uncomfortable, i can’t help but think less of them.

the differences aren’t worth noting, they’re so minute.

There’s an important similarity they share though:
They have absolutely no place in a game for ages 13 and over.

yeah but blizz is still gonna actually look at it before taking major action (unless you play on classic and are trying to get Scarab Lord LOL!)


But you don’t understand, Tehya…See, my character lives and breathes as we do. In roleplay, I let myself go, I have no control or agency over my characers thoughts & expressions. My fingers go numb as I merely follow what my character think in their essentially, now sentinent, mind.

Im a slave to my own creation. I have no control over my character at all, I cant just not type a bunch of homophobic remarks. It doesnt work like that, I have to, because they think that way!


And thats the thing, this isnt IRL where homophobia mostly stems from superstition/religious/extremist views that dont exist in WoW that runs rampant with magic and where gods somtime just stop by.

Ok, I’m just going to flat out and say it to anyone else who comes here to champion erp, gore or homophobia with “it’s just rp bro, don’t get mad lol.”
Look, rp is a collective effort not individual, and these things I mentioned are against ToS. If you still come here in an effort to try and champion them then get ready for the consequences, yes, there are consequences, then get ready to be shunned (even muted or banned), because they are not accepted by the ToS or the community, and never will be, so don’t come with “Bro, it’s rp, don’t get mad.” then you sir, is the one who should walk away.


Have a :blue_heart:

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Will pin this message into the thread so I can quote it.

See you laugh but

I have a lot of pictures of Kaitylinn up on my wall.

And she’s watching me. Always watching.

:eyes: Creep much?
says the guy who has art of his multiple chars in his room

Burn them!

Typical warlock…

Yeah, but also Danuser has directly stated it doesn’t exist in the setting. So your several hours of typing paragraphs boil down to cope that you can’t come up with more interesting reasons for your char to be abrasive.
(Also think you should go to your own forums, tbh.)

Neither in Lordaeron, Andorhal, Southshore, Moonbrook, Goldshire, Lakeshire, Raven Hill…

Those damn Menethil and Wrynn demon worshippers!

Well. Same arguements, different people. Honestly I’m surprised to see the thread start up again. Allow me to just sum it up quickly because at this point I’m tired of watching people die on this strange hill unnecessarily time and again.

The people in this thread are not advocating for some sort of slippery slope movement where eventually all RP is smoothed down to nothing more than tea parties in the Dalaran cafe.

Homophobia may not bother you specifically in roleplay, but for the people who want to escape their day-to-day lives where prejudice and discrimination are commonplace, it does bother them and for their sake, whether you are straight, gay, bi, or whatever, you should avoid roleplaying homophobes. Don’t bring someone’s IRL hell into a setting where it’s explicitly said it isn’t a thing. It’s poor form.

Things like violence, warfare, and in-universe speciesim/racism are expected, where as IRL discriminations like misogyny, real-world racist ideals, and discrimination based on sexuality are not. Keep them at the login screen.

Continuing to advocate for homophobia in roleplay ultimately makes Argent Dawn a more welcoming place for IRL homophobes to live out their outdated views through a character, so even if you yourself are not homophobic or are LGBTQ+, you are advocating for an environment that ultimately allows for an unnecessary and cruel experience for the LGBTQ+ community.

And continuing to advocate for it in RP despite all I have just said frankly paints you in a negative light. It does make you come off as a homophobe, especially when you are so damn insistent about it.


You do however.

These cities aren’t city-states. For example, there isn’t a chapel in Southshore but there used to be one in Tarren Mill.