Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Well, here’s the thing. I didn’t know about what the others were posting. There’s like three thousand posts here now, expecting me to read through all of them and instantly know that is daft, unless I have way too much time on my hands.

Not that you care for that little note, however. I’m more of the same to you seemingly.

That was pretty much what I assumed as well.

In this thread, yes, you are quite literally more of the same. The purgatory joke was made for a reason.

That’s actually a good point, truthfully. And before you point fingers, no, I don’t do that sort of thing on my characters, but it’s not the sort of thing I prioritise when creating their personality and so forth.

Coming to a thread without reading it? Ok…

Try the summary version, if reading posts is too much of a bother. (edit: and if the “I was ignorant of the thread context.” is the best escuse you have then… Good on you?)

Glad we understand eachother finaly.

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Lore says no.

The lore says no.

The terms of service says no.

The RP community says no.

Human decency says no.

There’s no ifs or buts about it. Just. Cease.

Your character is not some renegade AI you have no control over. You decide what they think and how they act. It’s not “just IC” when you, as a player, have sat down and gone “Ah yes, my character shall now be a bigot regarding sensitive subject matter in the real world that is stated as not existing in this setting”, that is you, OOC, making that conscious decision to behave that way IC.

How about, and this might sound crazy, don’t RP a homophobic character? Wow that was hard wasn’t it.

The mental gymnastics I have seen to try and justify this and other bigotry in RP could win Olympic Gold.


argh i rly hate it when my character becomes homophobic but I guess if my character decided to be then who am i to stop it and if anyone else doesn’t like it it’s up to them to stop RPing around me

oh wait this can’t happen i pick what my character feels and does and therefore shall not make them nonsensically prejudiced wow epic


Ah dang I tried to type ‘Hello’ IC and instead Darianuth started spewing racial slurs, aw geez there he goes again.


posting the same point at the same time? based, should kiss sometime, hmu


Ah, the PCU patch kicked in for you too

I wonder what you get out of RPing a homophobic character? I have a hard time imagine it can give anything character wise but only a bad excuse to share ooc opinions, and really, if you’re a homophob irl, just get out.

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damn it rly sucks when homophobes get discriminated against when they are told they shouldn’t be RPing their fantasies out in WoW

stay strong my fellow genetic open-ends :pensive::fist:


There’s a very weird subset of people who probably aren’t outwardly bigoted, but for some weird reason have an obsession with knowing that they could be, and should be allowed to be without any comment or backlash.

There are a surprising amount of them and they usually come out because they believe that being told ‘this speech hurts people, and if you say it you are the kind of person who sets out to hurt people’ is censorship.


There’s also a subset of people who are outwardly bigoted, but also have an obsession with thinking they should be allowed to say their trash without any comment or backlash.

And when they do receive a comment, they’re either hellbent on saying they’re not bigoted in that particular way, or that it’s fReE sPeEcH; and call you a snowflake for even responding to them.

But if they do get called out on it, they’re immediately panicking and crying discrimination.

it’s rly annoying tbh, esp when they could be reading this and agree 100%, without realising im talking about them lmao


Also very true. It’s very difficult to tell the difference between the two groups, usually.

If you think I am talking about you, a helpful hint: the devil has enough advocates. He doesn’t need you.

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I don’t though, and I’m not. One of my best mates happen to be gay. If I had a problem with them being gay, why am I even friends with them?

I got the point already. That isn’t an excuse to make up whatever assumption you feel like, however.


though, i dont think pimsetta talked necessarily to you, but more in a general statement of ‘why would one RP a homophobe’

Wouldn’t put it past you lot at this point, given how hostile the entire thread seems to be to any conflicting views.

yeah I definitely don’t regret the mute.

I’ll just reiterate: