Homophobia in rp needs to cease

It´s always suspicious when people who start arguing against inclusion and rights of LGBTQ+ people almost immediately create connection between them and pedophilia.


I’m just wondering what’s wrong with my deviantart now and my apparent f-list :thinking: Damn. Now I’m worried!

Where’s this? I’m curious now!

And only person I know who uses that term is the person who got outed as a jade witch who was jealous of me according to the DMs he sent me :thinking:

All over your pages, dude.

Show me please!

You have the quickest access seeing as you own them.

:rofl: So you’re just a liar. Okay liar. Keep lying.

Are you having another meltdown Featherwind?

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Seems so with a few delusions to boot. I’m getting worried for their state of mind.

Where’s my dong swinging btw?

you can’t swing a doorknob.

You know everyone can see the thread get bumped constantly right?

Are you saying that if Vaxir had a dingaling it would be short and stubby!?

Tbh both have an issue where there’s a certain difference between their stated goal and their actual actions on a regular basis.

Think america’s just really bad at movements of any sort, despite their initial hit with a movement about taxation and representation.

But also feather a :monkey: and known futa erper LOL and somehow wants to call out others??

The usual routine


That explains why they were probably friends with mr jade witch.

Careful Tehya, he’s going to tell you to post on your main again.

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I’ll just tell him not to erp in a kids game i think


wheres this btw?

in the rent free headspace he is giving you right now.

he’s thinking of such naughty things all the time! how rude.