Homophobia in rp needs to cease

they’re not forced, merely strong-armed


Plenty of traditions can be backwards.


if a country’s cultures and traditions prohibit the displaying of homosexuality, i ain’t gonna pay it much respect


I personally dislike the use of fem models for male chars and the other way around. To me its lazy. Use the in game models the game offers you

What’s lazy about it? The in-game models are very limited; the men are usually shaped like fridges with massive, bulging muscles. It is not inconceivable to find a female model to be more believeable for certain characters, particularly when they’re meant to be slender, and not have this massive, Olympian physique.

We use the tools we’ve given in the best way that we can.


Is this bait?

I know where you are coming from, and I am all in for people feeling comfortable while rping their characters. It just feels off for me to see an obviously femine in game model while being a man IC. Guess it is Blizzards fault in this case

Yeah, I do get you too. But I guess I’d find a feminine man portrayed by the female model to be less jarring, although neither option is ideal.

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True, sadly

ONE of my characters is male but portrayed with a female model.

Im a little wary of toons portraying the opposite gender to the character but its more because of the history of people doing that with characters intended to get their players rocks off. That said im willing to give most people their 5 mins and have been pleasantly surprised before.


Nah, that’s fair.

Originally I did it because I thought it’d be funny to have a character getting more and more exasperated every time he had to correct somebody.

Then he just evolved from there.

I’d normally consider it totally fine, but given the uh, endowment of most generic models, I personally find it easier to suspend my disbelief when someone uses the male model to represent a ‘feminine’ male character, though ultimately I don’t really care either way.


I guess nonbinary characters are screwed, then :stuck_out_tongue:

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As opposed to female character models that are also not even briefly androgynous

Feels like in both cases you will have to write a mini-essay in your TRP to clarify your character’s appearance but in one case you will have less confusion & will not be mistaken for one of the usual suspects

There should be more options for body shapes provided by the game instead of the galactic level cope of using the comically stacked human female model to represent a thinner / less muscular human male


With Shadowlands the character customization will finally be up to par with a game from 2010, perhaps in another 10 years from now, WoW will finally have body sliders and be up to par with an MMO from 2014.


Who actually cares. Physrep as whatever model you desire. God forbid it takes 5 seconds of reading pronouns in a TRP.


Idk why people care so much but then these things are important to the cis I guess?


Neither is good for portraying certain body types and appearances ye, my point is only that in many cases we shouldn’t take issue with people choosing the option they feel is the closest to what they’re trying to portray

This ofc doesn’t refer to the fetishists who are just looking to very weirdly portray ‘trap’ characters – I just don’t want to the person who assumes the worst at first glance

Within reason ofc. But yea, people shouldn’t bother about the model too much if someone is playing X on Y. I mean can you imagine Vax on the female elf with that bounce and skinny bum?!