Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Do you know who consider homophobia reasonable?


Except, you know, it doesn’t. Because objectively you haven’t been defamed. You’ve been insulted, but that’s not the same thing.


Please stop embarrassing blood elf posters thanks

I do not hold that stance. You jumped the gun again and assumed such of me.

Oh no, can I expect the call to court in my mail by monday?

My image has been tarnished with false accusations.

You don’t need my help.

A work of fiction without that term in it. You want folk to stop "slandering you, yet preach for the acceptance of something that is against ToS, what sort of world do you live in?

In what way?

Considering you’ve been previously removed from a guild for making yikes worthy jokes, I now place a reverse uno on the table


Perhaps just an eyeroll, but yes keep on not taking responsibility for your own actions.

You misunderstood my post and I apologized for that*


What a cope post just to enable homophobes LOL.

Answer me this.
If I am such an obvious homophobe, why has today and yesterday seen two openly gay people argue on the same side I am?
One of which people on your side has had the audacity to accuse of homophobia themselves.

Being called homophobic.

Do I know you?

Yes, you’ve been insulted. What tangible impact has this had on your reputation? What consequence has there been on your life because of you getting clowned on in this thread?

Getting kicked from your guild or losing street cred on AD also doesn’t count as damages btw

But the issue is, he still doesnt think of if anyone else takes offense to it. It’s just as tasteless as if I would decide to roleplay a certain ideology & go around chanting their things in /say, and say that its fine because I’m not personally bothered by it.

I disagree with this statement. Ultimatly it boils down to being civil. I think most of us are fully aware of what might not be appropriate in public or at certain places, and it’s a deliberate choice to ignore that, fully aware that it might upset others.

Yes, if someone is geniuenly upset/offending by something you do/did, you shouldnt do that. Not double down on it and blame the person being hurt.

They are though, because it gives freedom to those who take out outside of fiction.

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If I have to explain to you why being accused of hating gay people might harm somebodies reputation, I honestly don’t know what I could tell you that you would understand.

Then it’s all fine my dude (gal?) :slight_smile:
And to end it here, since I do wish that: since there’s no defamation going on, then neither Irelia, or I, nor the dawnlight guild (weird how that was brought up) are actual homophobes for posting in this thread, correct?

You broke ToS by promoting homophobic ideas in a game that doesn’t allow homophobia. Blizzard moderation has access to your posts, and deemed them either damaging or just something they don’t want on their forums. It isn’t slander or defamation when they are referring to posts you yourself made. You reap what you sow.


I know how it can harm someone’s reputation. I am asking how it has harmed your reputation in this instance because of your insistence on claiming you’ve been defamed and thus suffered as a consequence.

I am not doubting the potential consequences of defamation. I am doubting you have suffered any of them. What happened to you?

No one mentioned your guild