Homophobia in rp needs to cease

I will begin my essay immediately.


I don’t know really, and I don’t care much tbh.
Now you answer me this, when did I ever called you a homophobe exactly? Don’t think for a second this is a hivemind, I’m not Vixi, nor do I like her attitude sometimes, so don’t say our arguments are the same. I never called you a homophobe, all I did is question why the heck do your support it when its offensive and not really a thing in wow yet we are the ones slandering you?


I haven’t accused the moderators of slander. Just people within this thread.

For a start, I constantly have to defend myself against false accusations in this thread.

If you don’t want to be known as a homophobe maybe stop saying that homophobia is “reasonable”?

I think that’s what gets you into trouble.

What a weird statement to make. This isn’t a financial issue, it’s pretty much a principled stance how (now cited) trigger happy posters made a mistake (which they apologized for, but not to irelia) which in the end…
… turns out doesn’t cost anyone anything, since there’s no harm done?

So nothing actually happened.

You haven’t been defamed, you’re just losing an argument online. Stop acting like a victim.

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The one reply you’re gonna get from me.


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I mean outside of perpetuating and supporting widespread homophobia on argent dawn, yea no harm done.

I think this is more than one reply by now.

I don’t think a single person in this thread is supporting widespread homophobia on argent dawn

The last reply…

Then I apologize for lumping you in with the torrent of posts piling on. I retract any accusation targeted towards you.
As for why, I feel I have already explained this enough yesterday and would rather not get into it again today.

You misrepresent what I say.

I’m not a victim. I am just defending myself from false accusations.

A false misrepresentation.

Sorry generic names tend to make me glaze over the post

Bad Soulburn, bad!!!

The reply was for zarental.

I’d go cite and all like I’ve done an hour ago, but two Dawnlightcels derailed the thread with some weird defamation rant, so I have to scroll incredibly far up.

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People can agree on eachother on some topics & disagree heavily on others or how the other person is behaving. I think the reason I’ve not engaged in a spat that I can remember with Zagkush in particular even when either he or I have dissaproved of something of the other, is because neither of us have also tripled down on the whole “Im 100% factually right because I said so, yet all of you who dissaprove with me are wrong because I also said so!”

Especially not on topics that people geniuenly struggle with daily.

That, and from my end, I think Zagkush is pretty cool & agree with alot of his statements.

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Then you don’t have an argument if you are unwilling to prove it.
And it would be a waste of your time anyway. You are wrong.

You will produce false statements and they will be corrected.

Then make some actual arguments. Looking really weak atm with the defamation angle. It didn’t pay off.

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