How though? You’re using -exactly- those words. Out of all your posts in this thread, roughly 50% of them end with you stating that homophobica specifically is either “justified” or “reasonable”.
How do you prove a negative Telaryn?
Would you care to elaborate what you mean by this? What negative?
This again is a misrepresentation of what I said and intellectually dishonest.
I have only ever discussed such subjects in the context of fiction.
This is what I meant.
Which is contradicted by just about every instance we have seen of Orcish society before and afterthe Horde’s formation.
King of the Bronzebeard Clan, yes, but not dwarves overall; it’s nonetheless still limited to his own personal belief, as it’s not suggested to be the case anywhere else in dwarven society. And in part those beliefs seems to have been somewhat retconned by the Speaker comic.
It is.
It has almost been non-canon for longer than it has been canon at this point, and the Zandalari’s opinions in societal issues aren’t really any different from most trolls.
What do you even mean with this?
Homophobia isnt fictional though.
Anyway, I am extremly tired so this is where I will duck out.
Goodnight AD!
I can’t be assed doing it for the 50th time, not even on this thread only but the thread before as well.
There’s reason that the majority is against you on this thread and your lack of self reflection is award winning.
You keep crying about not having a healthy discussion but you have been screaming defamation, slander, misrepresentation for the last 2 hours, derailing the thread, the discussion going on, and yourselves look like bafoons.
Your argumentation looks like you’ve learned from watching Ben Shaipro owns libatard videos.
You’re just running in circles over and over untill no one can be assed to respond and then claim victory.
Not a single one of your posts have more than 2 upvotes, isn’t it strange how no one agrees with you.
Yes, I’m telling Irelia to make some actual arguments in his defense instead of crying about the defamation angle which has been debunked already.
What other argument would one need other than
“I am not a homophobe, don’t label me as such. That’s an important label that shouldn’t be misattributed so leisurely.”
Shouldn’t the burden of proof be on the accuser?

But the issue is, he still doesnt think of if anyone else takes offense to it. It’s just as tasteless as if I would decide to roleplay a certain ideology & go around chanting their things in /say, and say that its fine because I’m not personally bothered by it.
That might be because he views the way he chooses to role-play out the characteristic is done in a manner he feels may not be as easy to offend. I’m speculating of course, mind, but I don’t imagine he’s walking down the streets in-game shouting homophobic slurs at people, if he were he’d most likely have received a tonne of reports. Could just be responding with his character muttering under his breath as an emote, subtlety showing disdain, I don’t know, I haven’t interacted with him.

I disagree with this statement. Ultimatly it boils down to being civil. I think most of us are fully aware of what might not be appropriate in public or at certain places, and it’s a deliberate choice to ignore that, fully aware that it might upset others.
You disagree? I mean, to pose an example that people can be offended at things for not always good reasons. just look at how many people on realm seem to be offended by Perroy’s very existence. (Sorry dude, just using you as an example.)
Sure there are things the majority can agree are offensive, but it’s not always so black and white, with factors being the subject matter in question, and how the subject is being handled.

They are though, because it gives freedom to those who take out outside of fiction.
I disagree that they are equally bad. A fictional character being called an offensive slur or attacked for who they are is not equal to the real thing.
Both are bad, granted, but not equal. I’m not arguing that people should be free to go around IC calling people slurs, heck, in my original reply I was just saying I think folks should use better arguments. This reply chain just seems to have lead to me just feeling the need to point out there’s more nuance to the situation than some seem to give credit.
But at the end of the day, if you see someone breaking ToS, just report 'em. But at the same time I don’t think IC bad behavior is necessarily telling of the mun’s own views.
Don’t you guys see, the only way to counter Irelia is by playing Garen.

What do you even mean with this?
Look it up.

Goodnight AD!
Sleep well.

Your argumentation looks like you’ve learned from watching Ben Shaipro owns libatard videos.
You’re just running in circles over and over untill no one can be assed to respond and then claim victory.
Then let me spell it out for you. You are wrong and can’t prove otherwise. You keep repeating yourself because I keep saying that your argument is invalid.

Yes, I’m telling Irelia to make some actual arguments in his defense instead of crying about the defamation angle which has been debunked already.
I don’t need to argue anything. I’m not homophobic and none of you have proven otherwise.
I would say stop convincing yourself and start convincing me. But even then, there is no way you could convince me I am homophobic because it is just not true. And if you want a citation for that, it is myself.

My image has been tarnished with false accusations.

Don’t you guys see, the only way to counter Irelia is by playing Garen.
If you jump out of a bush bladestorming I will be so upset with you.

I’ve been acting in good faith for a fair few hours to attempt to understand where you’re coming from, but all I’ve seen is you go “I’m not rping a homophobe, my other character is one”.
I’ll be sparkling clear for you.
I like many other people on this server have multiple characters. A character in question that does not like same-sex relationships is a Night Elf not the Orc who merely doesn’t like public displays of affection, regardless of their origin.
The Orc is who I was screamed at in whisper because my character reacted in a way that they would do so in that situation, which was nothing more than a case of “could you please take that somewhere private please.” Nothing on who they were or their gender.

Giving random lore examples (Some I’m pretty sure are not true by the way) of gender inequality
Other than the (now probably) out of date examples from Trolls the others are all well and fine. I don’t know why you needed to bring them up, but sure. They were mostly in response to other points people had made.

clawing so desperately
And you are seemingly determined to slander me as a villain here.

“But I’m gay IRL” which just makes it stranger
Has it not occurred to you to perhaps read what I have said. It is one facet of a character. A flaw of their own. I made it to be a flaw deliberately to highlight the fact homophobia is BAD. That people can actually be changed given the time and patience, they can be deprogrammed and made to think more sensibly. Something that you are clearly not doing right here.

“BUT THEY WILL GO ERP AND BREAK TOS” which is just an attempt to direct everyone to rant about how gay erp is bad, and yea sure it is
My message about the ToS is it is flung around like some sort of weapon to bash people with by people who themselves have dirty laundry they’re trying to hide themselves.
You have accused me and several other people of being homophobic yet have given nothing to substantiate it. The fact you would call me it alone shows you have no interest in being correct or false, just that your moral indignation feels justified.

I have only ever discussed such subjects in the context of fiction.
Context doesn’t matter for these people.
I’m going to say this; if you have a ‘hot-take’ (read as criminally moronic view) on a subject as sensitive as this is, don’t tell anyone if you care about saving face. You will go down as a villain of Argent Dawn, and rightfully so, for such smoothbrain thinking.

“I am not a homophobe, don’t label me as such. That’s an important label that shouldn’t be misattributed so leisurely.”
That’s not what was said though. The line of defense was to start crying about defamation and doubling down on it despite getting educated on what does and does not constitute as defamation. None of it has happened in this thread.
The only defense Irelia’s shown for not being homophobic is the insistence of importing it into a setting where it does not belong nor does not exist according to the lead writer, and the only “lore” to support this kind of RP is the fact that blood elves are genocide survivors according to Irelia themselves.
Yet the leap between genocide and homophobia is a pretty big one that requires some injection from the player’s part to arrive at that conclusion because absolutely nothing supports the idea that surviving genocide has made blood elves homophobic in lore.
Despite being asked to tone this down and even getting banned by Blizzard for it, the player insists on defending their right to be homophobic in a setting that for the 76th time by now does not exist in this setting. Any claims about how it’s justifiable and reasonable are the person’s own opinions on the matter.

The line of defense was to start crying about defamation and doubling down
If there is no homophobic label, then there’s no defamation, or as you see it “crying about defamation”.

The only defense Irelia’s shown for not being homophobic is the insistence of importing it into a setting where it does not belong nor does not exist according to the lead writer, and the only “lore” to support this kind of RP is the fact that blood elves are genocide survivors according to Irelia themselves.
But they were misattributed this label as a person, IRL, OOC, based on what views their char might have.
Do you not see anything wrong with that?
They are not their character.
I’m disappointed. All of these efforts to argue against something which would make Argent Dawn a more inclusive place. All of these efforts to try and save something which isn’t worth saving.
You guys might not be homophobes. But I do feel as if you’re making Argent Dawn a better place for people who are bigoted.
To those of you who’ve advocated against this sort of RP as I have repeatedly done, thank you. To the rest, I’m sorry we couldn’t change your minds. It’s disappointing to see people who are clearly intelligent opt for such a tactless and unempathetic approach to roleplaying.