Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Apology accepted, I’m not the best with words tbh, and sometimes get the wrong idea.

I won’t tell you to maybe don’t be so stubborn about something, becausr that is what painted a bad image of you two, which made me reluctant to ever associate with you, as well as others. You really need to take others into account as well, not just your views.

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Did you get that feeling of me for just posting in this thread, getting called something I’m not, defending myself, only to be told that it was actually my friend they meant, who is also not that ?

Man… idk what to say.

Yet everything a character does is deliberately decided by the player. The player has gone out of their way to RP homophobia against both the established lore of the setting and the terms of service of the game.

There is no IC or OOC argument to support RPing homophobia. No matter how you approach it, it is objectively wrong to do it in World of Warcraft. Find another setting that caters to it; this is not it.

Not necessarily you. Just the people who’ve been here for hours and hours trying to argue in favour of something which has no place in lore nor any place in a multiplayer medium.

At this point I’m not paying attention to the thread as much as I used to. I’ve got no interest in reiterating the same points to people who refuse to listen to the call of decency.

which yet again has no place in WoW because as you have been told countless times, homophobia does not exist in WoW

you keep on harping on about ‘muh population’ but at the same time extending the very nuanced take onto defending the existence of actual homophobia

stop being obtuse and derailing the thread with your weird takes on defamation when you have been homophobic by vocalizing support for other homophobic takes from other people (how nice that we can see who likes who on the forums!) and also saying their takes are right because of yours

is the whole dawnlight doing some clandestine gay bashing events somewhere or why’s there this crazy guild outburst anyway lmao


This ultimately is the extreme version of people not being able to separate ego from their creations.

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Idk what to tell you either man. I really don’t see it like that.

By that line of logic, the Forsaken player who was also posting in this thread, a homosexual male by their own accord, is also a homophobe because of that Orc char thing.

That is quite the leap in your logic and I consider it faulty. And for good reason, I think.

So, how do you spend your Saturday evening ? By making a point for homophobia in WoW role play ?

:ghost: :ghost: :ghost:


Terms of Service don’t care.

Gay people can also be homophobic in their actions. See the many US Senators of history who have supported at times violent homophobic measures against the LGBT community despite their own closeted sexuality making them a victim of the discrimination if exposed – and they have.

Edit: I misworded that as if this is something exclusive to the United States. It is not.

Is this thread still going? Damn, some people here must really hate the gays :grimacing:

I don’t take personal responsibility if a community of people are the ones incapable of critical thinking and instead like to slander and lie.

I am very open-minded. Everyone in this post is likely in agreement when it comes to the attitudes of homophobia in the real world.

This was the original debate that I am not going back to.

I haven’t mentioned this once since I returned to this post.



I’m playing Darkest Dungeon on the side. Pain in the ar*e of a game.

Alright, one final time:

Here you agree with someone RPing a homophobic character.

Here you give your own justification, which was repeated on the old forum, many times.

Again here.

This has never occured in lore, like people have said to you 100+ times. So it’s weird to push it.

I claim that it believe it does when you go completely out of your way to find excuses to RP a homohpboci character, talking generally, I have never seen your character in RP. Then that strikes me as weird, cringe and heavily implies OOC bias.
When Amdusias cites examples in lore of sexism to justify rping homophobia, the two which are not equivalent I smell something fishy going on.
And yea I claw quite desperately against those claims as Amdusias says here:

Because personally I find this behavior completely unacceptable, and I want to make it clear that no one gets pursaded by headcanon lore into thinking it’s okay to RP out homophobia for some random reason.

And thus yea villify Amdusias after he refuses to see reason, and I villify you Irealia along with your guild member because you have been sitting around for days with your fence sitting posts defending people’s right to be homophobic in RP.

I’m not here to change your mind, I’m here to point out how you’re so incredibly wrong so other people don’t fall into the rabbit hole of making epic breed-cel characters.

It’s cringe, it’s embarrassing.


Got nothing @ u nor ur guild, but Irelia is weirdly eager to defend ToS breaches to RP homophobes so that kinda speaks for itself.

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Ty for the edification, yet I still do not believe that someone who is not under duress or political pressure would fall under that category.

Edit: especially since we’re talking about separating OOC from IC here…

Also did I call it or not lmao

then again predicting a new day will come wouldn’t make me nostradamus either

then prithee tell me what is even your point right now, you’re continuing to argue on the thread about homophobia, about how you’re not a homophobe, when your past statements (that you still stand by?) were homophobic

you were called homophobic for those takes, not just out of the blue. :woozy_face:

Their character was in a different universe (D&D) and irrelevent to this discussion.

Forgive me if I don’t follow your perception of reality.

You are entitled to challenge my arguments and say they are wrong. I accept that.

But any and all accusations of homophobia directed towards me as a person are verifiably false.

I am chasing off false accusations of homophobia.

Why are you acting as if accusations of homophobia is this nuclear bomb that pauses all discussion. And how its verifiably false, because your forum posts seems to imply you want to desperately defend peoples right to RP a homophobic character.

There are no false accusations of homophobia though. You don’t just prove someone wrong by saying ‘urrhhh false!!!’. If I acted bigoted in some instance, I wouldn’t immediately prove myself right by just saying ‘lol they’re wrong, this is false xdd’.

Then I declare you villain too for not seeing reason either. Unable to differentiate from a fictional creation and the author behind the creation.


Okay, cool.