Homophobia in rp needs to cease

You’re already mad bro.

Uhuh. Totally.

Or… It’s the room disagreeing with your stance. And calling out your posts for what they are.

If I had an entire forum jump on me for something I had posted I’d sit down and think why personally.

There’s a clear trail of steam coming out of your ears which is fogging your mind

I just wanted to test youtube links again tbh

Thank you blizzard and thank you glorious Chinese overlords

I will likely do it anyways.


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I just don’t want to see homophobia in roleplay because I think it’s needlessly upsetting to a marginalized group of people who don’t need any extra upset in their daily lives. That’s it. And I think we have achieved that for the most part, perhaps not on this iteration of the thread, but the previous certainly.

If you wish to keep roleplaying a homophobic character, then fine. But if people do as many of us are advoating for, then you might find yourself in a position where others may not wish to engage in roleplay where that sort of thing might be present.

And yeah I know I said I’d stop replying, but I can’t bring myself to fully leave this thread. I want to see the stance of anti-homophobic RP hammered in.


Up until you get it fixed :blush: :+1:

Again, it was not just me. But nice try for trying that one for the second time.

I know right? I should take a pillf or that.

I’m starting to think you’re just not worth my time.

Yea, because there’s others like you makes your behavior ok.

Ah so the mask is slipping

Nice to know I’m living rent free in your head

No you’re right, it was you + your 2 or 3 guild-affiliated backup dancers; all of which seem to have dropped you like the proverbial sack of hot turds you are.

It gets worse when you realise that you have to maintain trust level 3.

20 000 posts read,
500 unique threads visited
20 likes received
50 likes given
every 100 days.

My condolences.

true you had your clique enabling your stances and you theirs, ganging up on ppl advocating for a positive change lol

yeah that’s a no from me

500?! Are you sure it’s not 50?

I respect what you are trying to do.

Though everything I have to say on it is already said.

And yes, as is anyone’s right to do in any RP situation they don’t like.

You literally just invalidated your previous point.

You’re not that interesting. You are a rather typical internet troll which will be forgotten just as quickly.

I shall give you them their DMs if you wish so you can tell them what they should think and do next shall I?

Wasn’t the last post the same five people all saying the same thing?

I think for the most people the message is clear. But you can’t win them all, sadly. Good thread though. Maybe someone has learned a thing or two.

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sorry I’ll add a [Sarcasm] next time, I forgot you’re slow.