Homophobia in rp needs to cease

https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Blood_elf

I take my basis from the backstory of the Blood Elves. You may not like it, but it isn’t unfounded homophobia.

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I used to wonder about that myself. But then after trying to find anything that would even remotely support this idea I’ve found nothing. It’s headcanon and a prety bad one for that matter. Homophobia or not aside, it’s not a good way to rp.


Never base your char on headcannon, that is bad rp, tell me to scram and you do what you want but again, that mentality is a Double edge sword and you are more likely to cut yourself than others.


Lots of things about people’s characters are head cannon.
You read the base material and create a character with their individual thoughts off of the context they exist in.
I have seen nothing explicitly for or against homophobia in Blood Elf society. I don’t even think it would be a common thing outside of ideas brought on by the extreme situation of being near genocide.

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Only personality, not beliefs.

They are opinions of the character. Opinions formed from things that can be confirmed in lore.

I respectfully disagree with that feeling.

Which implies that it’s not a thing actually since homosexuality in wow is considered normal.

Also no. The character doesn’t just spawn from nothing. You decide what your character will be. There are other ways to get across the point of elven imperial rebirth than homophobia.

Nothing in there is basis for Homophobia? What are you reading that we arent?

Homophobia is not confirmed in the lore, the opposite infact!


Why are you still trying to reason with this bunch of angry villagers Irelia? xD

How long till you realize you haven’t made any progress.

Be like me, word is properly “I only express my disapproval and dislike” :slight_smile:

Every race is different. And outside of the specific situation I mentioned, I do suspect it would be more normal than not.
My line of logic is a very easy one to draw if you were in a situation where you were concerned about the wellbeing of your race because of genocide.
If 95% of the world population right now got wiped out and I wanted the human race to continue, my concern would also then jump to how to repopulate.

You can’t defend your kingdom when everyone is dead. You need your population to grow again. So characters who are hard arses about this might obviously not look favourably on people who cannot or will not contribute to the population regrowth.

Yes. But that isn’t the angle I am choosing to take. And I do not appreciate being dictated how I should play the game either. My intentions are not malicious and I have a probable basis to run off.

As I say, outside of what I have said, I would be inclined to think that high elven society before the Fall probably didn’t care. But surviving genocide doesn’t bring out the best in some people when they are worried about the future of their people.

I like a good debate.

These are exactly the same. Breaking the ToS through an avatar does not transcend the fact that it’s a breach of the ToS.

Do you consider this to a be debate?

Absolutely agree with the message of this thread and the previous one.

Homophobia has no place in roleplay or Argent Dawn. I know this point was raised in the previous thread, but I still think it remains an important point for discussion. The point is the fetishization of lesbian RP on Argent Dawn, although from experience I think this is far worse on the Alliance.

I’ve unfortunately seen many guilds wrecked and roleplay storylines ruined or turn into explosions of drama as a result of certain IC lesbian RP relationships that seem to want everyones attention to be on them and their characters. However, in almost every instance the players roleplaying the lesbian characters in question were heterosexual males IRL. I think these sorts of players (and they do exist) give a really bad name to the LGBTQ+ community which is really damaging.

I know of plenty of people who became very hesitant in engaging with lC lesbian characters on the Alliance side after these events in terms of including them in guilds and storylines. I don’t believe that this hesitancy was homophobic, but rather a fear of what might happen should similar characters be included in their roleplay. This was particularly the case where a lot of work went into a guild or storyline.

Although this only ever seems to be the case with some IC lesbian characters, I’ve never experienced it happening with IC male homosexual characters. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe everyone should be tarnished with the same brush, but I do understand why there is some hesitancy amongst communities about IC lesbian character relationships in their guilds and communities. However, like I outlined earlier, the troublemakers are almost never members of the LGBTQ+ community themselves which really bothers me. I have also noticed that there are a lot of people roleplaying IC lesbian characters on the Alliance side, I’d even say that every other female character from my experience seems to be a lesbian ICly and there’s a lot of fetishization.

Are players right to be hesitant around these particularly players, or does this hesitancy make them homophobic? (I mean the type of IC lesbian characters outlined above and the problems that they can cause)

Also for players who have become hesitant on the basis of negative experiences, such as their guilds being wrecked or storylines ruined, what approach would you recommend they take to not tarnish all IC lesbian characters with the same brush? How do they weed out the genuine characters from the fetishists?

It would be nice to see people’s thoughts on this particular matter.


This is however confirmed to not be the case as they have specifically stated Homophobia doesnt exist in WoW.

Also I will oficially announce you a bad rper if your sole reason for rping a homophobic character is “but the elven genocide”. Because I am going to -very- boldly assume that you/your character doesnt go up to every single elven person/without a child and pester them for why they arent helping the people? But apparantly the two gay people down the street are somehow too much.

I might be reading too much into it, but the people who use the “but I’m only doing what my character does, I have no agency/my character isnt bound by the ToS rules!” are probably not a very far leap from the people who shout derogatory remarks in public and says “its just a joke lol”

Also remember, cool people/good rpers can rp within the boundaries of the ToS!

They’re on the same tier.

imagine pretending you don’t control what your character does and says LOL

This is how douchy stage actor stereotypes behave in comedies, but no real person does in real life.

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I do think sometimes people mistake roleplaying for method acting when the two are very different.