Homophobia in rp needs to cease

This line of logic is founded by irl biases. Sure, in our world there are already countries that are pushing and encouraging reproduction and we’ve no suffered a 90% population loss even. However, Azeroth is a different world with different with different rules and laws. There is no information on the blood elves take on reproduction and potential homophobia while there is the general information that same sex relationships are nothing but normal. Add these together and at the moment there is no reason for homophobia outside external, irl logic and biases.

honestly the “but the bloodline!” or “but our race’s population!” thing was addressed 50 times in the old thread.

Just go read that one and u will see literally every argument for it you can make has already been debunked into the dirt 5 times over.

I ran out of likes so before I need to be off for the day everyone has a :blue_heart:

I also think it says more about the person if they read a lore about a race’s fall in population & their main takeaway from that story is “This perfectly creates homophobia for me to roleplay!”


@Zebanji: There are sometimes specific tropes or character types/designs that are prone to a lot of drama (not necessarily story-rich IC-drama, buw Drama for Dramas sake or OOC-Drama because of IC)

My suggestion would be: Don’t treat people because of their (real or supposed) group/themen. Play with them, get to know their characters and then decide. In my experience people who roleplay poorly or overdramaztize everything, people who destroy guilds or RP-projects with their behavior don’t “suddenly start going mad” or some such thing. If you, generally, don’t become “best friends”, “partners”, “mates” or “sex-couples” in the first or second Rp-session already…then I think experiences like the ones you refer to will be less.

And you won’t have to avoid whole “themes” (be they “lesbian” or “worgen” or “deathknights” or “warriors” or whatever else)


A thing to add about the “we need babies” / repopulation angle - IRL, it’s typically a bad faith argument coming from a person already vested in bigotry. (“humanity will die out if everyone’s gay”, replace “humanity” with “white people” for bonus points), People don’t typically become homophobic over this issue, it’s just another argument in their existing arsenal. I seriously doubt it would be a common sentiment in a society with canonically no entrenched homophobia, even when suffering population loss - after all, gay families also raise children through adoption (and there would be plenty of war orphans) or surrogate birth, so I’d be careful about using it as some valid justification for making your character a homophobe. Maybe in a very subtle way, or if your character is concerned about their noble bloodline? Dunno.


I like how in wow there’s a clear sort of racism between ‘bloody elves, bloody trolls, dumb green orcs’ etc, but that one orc dude didn’t like to see two blood elf guys making out? HOMOPHOBIA, REEE, CRUSADE. xD

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Friendly reminder that homophobia is strictly non-canon per Danuser.

it’s almost like the species war is a foundational cornerstone of WoW and homophobia has never been present in the product and is frankly just unnecessary to bring in :o


Hit and a miss.

Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it and it does indeed make a lot of sense.

However, what about the other members of the guild and the officers who aren’t particularly aware of some of these things going on? I was in a guild where there was a rather secretive lesbian ERP ring who’s activities basically ended up destroying the guild and the other members/officer and even the guild leader didn’t realise it until this was too late. The behaviour of those members caused a lot of problems for everyone else and even those who didn’t entertain it suffered.


One is supported by the lore, the other isn’t :clown_face:


Super based, muscular ultra instinct post.

Also nerf Irelia.

Sure, but its RP, people make up stuff all the time for the sake of character. I’m willing to bet its not ‘just’ because of actual homophobia all the time. Lets be honest they likely made homophobia not a thing because PR, not so much because it didn’t make sense that it could happen in game.


Honestly I feel like just the way you presented this message is enough for me to disregard it.

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This reads like one of those “Blizzard only added gay characters to please the SJW leftists trying to control the media”.

Im gonna disregard this and you as having some prejudices yourself.

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Was just an attempt at light-heartedness.

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Confirm for me the homophobia without resorting to your headcannon then.

Different beilefs yes, but none of those involve homophobia.

When your intetions involve stubbornly stick to something that isn’t cannon, you are to one who should reconsider, or be ignored and cast aside, you may not like it, but others don’t have to put up with lore breakers and can easily cast them aside, do think on that.

And if it’s not in the boundries of the lore then it’s bad rp. I’m not sure what your point is here.


RP does not transcend the ToS.

Homophobic RP can be done in a setting designed around it.

whatever the reason, it’s a ToS breach and tasteless all the same.

noooo they’re pandering to the ess jay dubyas by not having foundationally christian insanitiy in the game!

Disregard what you want, but you’re reading into my words more than what i’ve said imo. Not saying gay character’s can’t exist, just saying that the real reasoning for why ‘homophobia’ doesn’t exist in wow is likely just to please LGBTQ groups and/or avoid having it become a controversial part of the game.

my opinion is that it’s time for you to log off