Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Ufff, big yikes.


And my opinion is to report and ignore.

You say this like not having homophobia is a bad thing?

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I’m not hurting your feelings am I rainwatcher? Its just my thought process on how company’s do things my dude.

Correct me if I am wrong but they never specifically say that it does not exist, they say that the inclusiveness reflects that of our world, and that the usual argument of “medieval setting hurr” doesn’t apply. Yes, WoW is an inclusive setting but that is not the same as something not existing.

I’ll give this a sincere reply. Real life judgments on homosexuality, as I’ve previously mentioned, often come down to mentalities formed by masculine ideals or religious teachings. Religious teachings is an easy one to knock out of the park - IRL religions don’t exist within Warcraft, and Warcraft’s religions do not chastise homosexuals.

Masculinity is a little bit more difficult to address but in real life, men in older societies were the protectors and fighters of civilization who protected the “feeble” women and children. In WoW, there are plenty of strong female characters in positions of authority, between Liadrin, Sylvanas, Jaina, VanCleef etc. As a result, the notion of females being lesser than males would not exist, and so the idea of a gay man being less masculine and thus lesser than a straight man would also therefore not exist.

Why that? I mean I said nothing more than you can find on every reputable site that is tackling these issues.

Sure, homophobia is bad, never said it wasn’t. I just don’t get upset over people RPing it. Its kinda what happens when you walk into a semi-public space full of different types of people + RPers as a whole. Gotta harden your heart to the bullsh*t.

First rule of RP: keep ooc and ic separate

Some people: “Well I don’t mind the gays but they are not depicted in the same way as they are irl. Where are the homophobes? There are homophobes irl.”

It’s a different universe with different social rules and behaviours :woman_facepalming:


Imagine saying that to somebody who might’ve faced prejudice, as well as threats of violence and/or death.

Come on.

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Didn’t female trolls have a lower place in their society for the longest time, and were treated like trophies between tribes? Maybe thats changed, but I remember that being the case. That’d be an example.

That’s from the non canon rpg.


Imagine assuming the other person hasn’t experienced that.

Imagine coming here to be a jerk and derail the thread.

Fair enough, though I personally liked that flavour, could’ve had a segment where the females in a tribe make for change for the better.

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If you have experienced that, why would you ever advocate for anything other than the removal of such behaviours? Why would you want for your fellow LGBTQ+ people to have the same rotten experience that you did, rather than advocating for a better experience for everyone?

Sorry, but, how? How am I derailing the thread, I was keeping on subject.

Put them on ignore & report them for circumventing a suspension on the previous account. Don’t interact with it.

But it doesnt exist. We have evidence of this+ support that it doesnt :slight_smile:

Because it A) Doesnt exist in WoW. B) People deal with it IRL, why should they deal with it in this spare time hobby? C) It is obviously done out of prejudice.

Or people could think an extra second and maybe not be douches to eachother? The whole “get a thick skin” argument is so dull and outdated. Be less stagnant instead of demanding everyone to adapt to your own insensitivity.

The fact that you’ve rped a belf for “X” years doesnt mean you’re good at it. And you rping a homophobic character because “its in my headcanon” is bad :slight_smile: . There is no justification behind anything you’ve said so far.

Show us otherwise then? If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, its a duck.

I asked you to point me where it exists first, so go do that, the site you gave doesn’t show it.

You are saying what they do not want to hear Bastrick, simple as that.