Homophobic threads have been blossoming on the forums lately

1 is male, 2 is female


Well that he certainly is…

Newton’s third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

and doing netflix level of pushing this is causing an opposite reaction, they are doing cringe levels of pushing woke. though at least its fun seeing conservative snowflakes going crazy


Won’t happen. These people don’t exist in real life, where they’d need to face the consequences of their hateful ideas.
They will never express them in public. Anonymity gives them bravery.

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Gay and proud!

You were sayingL

What’s body type 3 going to be?


People who credit themselves as special, often speed themselves to an early demise. Meanwhile: I’ll just live my life as a 1/8000000000th speck on this planet in Survival mode, hoping to make it to the end.


Here MM is better lol :laughing:

They don’t.
They credit themselves as themselves, and you decide to call it special and deny them.

Let me tell you my experience as a Central-European born individual living in the West… when BLM was at its peak, I didn’t understand what was the issue, why it had to be preached from everywhere, why is racism punched to everything white people say and I felt bad for being, well, pale AF. My colleague, who is from Asian descendants tried to explain it to me. I didn’t understand. For me everyone is the same: a human.

If I’d sit down and sip a coffee with you and say the same thing that I don’t understand why people have to label everything they do just to feel special, you’d start argue with me and call me names. Kinda what you do with whomever doesn’t agree with you. That’s for that.



Well, I’ve tried to reply to your posts in a manner I would hope wasn’t perceived as aggressive or derogatory and I’m looking now and seeing others openly discussing without “attacking” you, so that’s not entirely true.
I can understand where you’re coming from though. These posts tend to degenerate into name calling and shouting, but going back to my earlier response to your post.
If things are done in a proper way the results will be different


This is just hateful. As I said, homophobia everywhere in here.
A sad sight.

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This is hypocrisy at its core… So the LGBTQ+ minority should just accept h3tero propaganda stuffed down their throat, but you can’t seem to just ignore the oh so few times their side of the story is shown or represented in any way? You make me sick…
Apparently h3tero is a banned word…


Feel free to get a medicine. Also where is it shoved down on our throat? Also also I’m sorry if my naive minded being offended you, but clearly then I’m a bad person for seeing people and not labels in front of me. I’ve learned something new today


You don’t understand because you’re not on the receiving end of the abuse.
We’d all like to have this “we’'re all humans” mindset, but when you’re not the majority, you quickly realize that you’re not treated as such.
But again, the reason why you fail to understand this, as you admitted yourself, is because you’ve never had to experience this yourself. You were never denied a job or housing because of your skin tone, and you certainly were never mistreated by law enforcement because of how you look.


The argument ‘shoved down a person’s throat’ is really overused. Nothing is ‘shoved down anyone’s throat’. The game is what it is. Accept it or not; simple.
There being orcs in Orgrimmar… Shoved down our throats?
Dragons in the Dragon Isles… Shoved down our throats?
Quests where we have to find a certain drop… Shoved down out throats?

Come on.
The stuff it merely ‘there’. That’s all.


When Brexit happened, my colleague from the same country as I am, was abused by British people.

Now you are generalising.


They dedicated an entire expansion to dragon representation!
Dragons everywhere, in every quest…The dragon bias really shows!

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Andrew Tate is a Top G


Of course it’s just that.

First, he intentionally conflates different concepts that have nothing to do with each other and summarizes it under the term “the left”.
What does “the left” refers to if not the caricatural archetype of some person who’s overly eco-friendly, activist, pro-lgbt, etc… ? And just to be clear : you can be not pro-lgbt without being anti-lgbt. There’s a middle area : you don’t care. People do whatever they want with their life and lifestyle. So, just from that usage of the term “left”, you can clearly say that this person is either trolling or has been brainwashed by the people who push this kind of agenda.

Then, he complains that there is not enough diversity in world of warcraft.
Ok ? This is not enough :arrow_down:

And then, he tries to push the idea that adding gay character isn’t disrepectful to anybody but somehow “far right” people (is he talking about japaneses, or australians you think ? Of course not, it’s yet another of this silly usage of political words in another context which has nothing to do with it) will ALWAYS be extremely annoyed by it.

First, I’d like to preface what I have to say with this:

Then I’ll say this: people are often annoyed by the inclusion of gay characters because it is often done in a very awkward way. In the same way that adding romance to a scenario or between characters that doesn’t need it, and sometimes even worse, disrupts the story’s purpose, it is awkward.

Gay or straight, when adding romance between characters, scenarist have to answer this question : what does it add to the story. Not to your personal agenda or beliefs, but to the STORY.
And very often the answer is : it adds nothing but awkwardness.