Homophobic threads have been blossoming on the forums lately



You sound heterophobic. I’ve not once felt like straight people were stuffing things down my throat.


Thank you G


A shame your post got flagged and hidden, OP. But it was inevitable.

Their response to this is just another example of the homophobes’ desperate attempts to silence and erase us.

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The G isn’t what you think it means, think of something more nefarious and you’re on the right track.


This is why we don’t like it and someone else has mentioned it too. Same goes for strong female leads… they are either ridiculous or MS to its core.

However I do like the two mothers from the starting islands, in my eyes they are strong characters.


Well, that’s kind of my point.
You can make anything into a problem if you dislike ‘something’.
The problem is the dislike. Not the ‘thing’ being there.


Sadly, there’s quite a lot of them.
And they’re pretty shameless about it, too.

Awesome. Apparently, he’s being detained in Romania for an additional 30 days, presumably while they investigate him further.

I was scrolling down this thread, replies appearing faster than I could read them, and when somebody asked about Body 3 I said aloud “Drakthyr”. Scroll down 3 seconds later and find this.

You also mentioned you write stories? Excellent, so do I but atm mostly for my DnD games and world. And it’s painful seeing what the ‘writers’ of WoW are doing to its world. And I’m not even on about agendas. Just in general, it’s become so stale, plain, bland and empty. It’s either extreme grimdark SL or extreme drug-trip happy in DF. No nuance, no balance. :frowning:


MS ? /10char

Why is it a problem to dislike something ?

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As a female i feel offended when a male sends me back to the kitchen while playing Rainbow 6 because I’m a female. ThE pAtRiArChY

Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Hate me for it

Mary Sue :nauseated_face:


Just because many of us think differently about this subject, doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to express our opinions about it in here. You opened that door and let everyone in.


The forum has a lot of insecure young male people that on one hand try to call everyone not their opinion a snowflake while behaving like the insecure snowflakes they are.
Sadly the forum moderation isn’t willing to stop crap like that. So, all we can do is block, report, repeat.


Never heard of Rainbow 6, sorry. And I thought this was a forum about World of Warcraft.

Got it. That’s a huge problem for me on a regular basis.

I’m working on a science-fantasy novel where one of the main character is a female from an advanced civilization who basically gets stranded on a planet in a medieval setting and has to deal with theocracy and other crap.
Given her nature and the knowledge she has, I have to be very careful not to turn her into a mary sue.

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It happened in WoW too, get the point.

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The average forum contributor is tired of this endless drama over a text change on character creation screen. Your aggressive post included.


In general that’s not a problem.

But in this case we’re talking about the desire to completely ignore the existance of other human beings. That isn’t and shouldn’t be something that other people have to put ANY stock in. Just like other undesirable behaviours aren’t promoted or supported.