Homophobic threads have been blossoming on the forums lately

Yeah, i have a problem with my characters too… especially the lead’s relationships. Now I’m lvling a shaman and I kind of want to make her a thunder lady, but being blessed by an elemental is straight red flag for me :rofl: not the easiest to write a story…

Still no idea what you’re talking about, but no need to enlighten me. I’m not interested either.

I’m a pessimistic person, but this was deep… on the other hand let’s say there are no genders anymore. What about gender based languages, like German, French, etc? Will they rewrite the whole shebang?


This thread isnt against gay men? Its against the agenda that is put nowdays.

I get we need exposure to make things normalised, but dosing is important! Also quality.

People are pretty tired of it, because its on forefront of almost every entertainment content on the expense of the quality of the product, which is not right.

And I say that as a gay man.


I don’t know the plot or what are your intentions exactly regarding this character. But a character who wants to control thunder but is blessed by a water elemental sounds a lot of fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

That does sound tricky but I’ve found that trying to adhere to reality is often a good way to avoid it. As in, think long and hard on ‘What would this be like.’

Timetravel might seem like she would be all-knowing in their world but she would very very ignorant of their way of life. In fact, she’d probably be almost helpless. Can she till soil, know what to eat, milk cows, bake bread? All that.

This way you create a contrast between “She knows how to treat a wound or she knows things about nature or science that they would find fascinating, if controversial” and "But she need Rebecca and her husband Carl to house her, feed her and help her survive because she can’t do it herself. Maybe learning from them the simple truths of life while she shares what she knows, fascinating them like children with stories of planets.

I wonder how you’re having her deal with theocracy and why she’d bother trying to change it disprove it. Laying low in a situation where you can’t change anything would be smarter. Maybe provide some insights to people that absolve them of the need for a theocracy?

Sorry, tangent. I am a big fan of writing. >_<

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Well that’s a point where I don’t agree with what the devs have done.
Forcing everyone into a ‘body 1/2’ and being addressed as ‘they’, IS not the way to go about it. Rather giving every player the choice what they want their ‘body’ to be called and how they are addressed ingame, IS the correct course imo.


So the story i have for her (very basic) so far is that the light abandons her, doesn’t answer her call while her family is being butchered by the orcs, but there’s a thunder and a wolf. She would have the rage of the storm and learn how to control it to protect. That’s all I have :rofl:

You’re a gem, this even helps me too!

chixwifdix is type 3 bruh

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Main reason I like TRP

Funny you say that I’m currently writing a novel and the main character is exactly that

This is more or less what I do with the help of a good RL friend who’s a litteral plot hole detector. xD

He would often tell me things like : “ok, but then why does ____ happen ?” or “then ____ is stupid”. He’s not afraid of saying what needs to be said.

Anyway. Indeed, she’s quite clueless about the customs of the people on that planet and that should create a lot of funny moments with her. She’s not incapable to the point of needing to be fed, though. I mustn’t go too far and write her in a such way that future readers could think “ok, the author clearly tried so hard to not make her a mary sue that it becomes cringe”.

There’s no time travel involved in the story, at least not travel-back-in-past time travel. On that particular point, I’m trying to stick to what real world physics allows.

Regarding the theocracy and why she does have to deal with it. I’d need to explain a little more context to make it completely clear (or at least more clear), but basically remnants of technology of her kin can be found scattered about anywhere (it’s rare enough, though, it’s just all over the place with a 0.0001% drop chance to talk in WoW language). Various people and realms on this planet have realized that these remnants of technology can be found and have incredible (to them) properties. So they’re trying to gather them for themselves, for power, dominance, etc… And they’re pretty reckless with that tech, so more than often their usage ends up in tragedy.

So what happens (in other things) is that she kinda gets angry that other use her tech without her permission, in such a reckless way and to do things she considers “bad” (emphasis on “she”, because the original intentions of these scavengers may not have been bad in reality).


Do you know ChatGPT or sudowrite ?

Yeah ok, I admit that i am strongly prejudiced towards any person trying to argue that any minority is having a hidden agenda of making everyone just like them, not sure that makes me heterophobe, whatever THAT means.


This thread took a unexpected turn. Which in itself is pretty jolly and wholesome!

I’m asking for ChatGPT or sudowrite, because these two tools can be used as writing assistants for various things, including novel writing.

Here’s an example of usage of ChatGPT:


So the story i have for her (very basic) so far is that the light abandons her, doesn’t answer her call while her family is being butchered by the orcs, but there’s a thunder and a wolf. She would have the rage of the storm and learn how to control it to protect.

write a plot for that story. Extends it beyond the scope of what I said.


Sure, here’s a plot based on the information you provided:

After her family is brutally murdered by a group of orcs, a young woman named (name) is left alone and devastated. Desperate for help, she calls out to the light, a powerful force that has always been a guiding presence in her life. But this time, the light does not answer her call.

Feeling abandoned and alone, (name) is consumed by rage and despair. She becomes consumed by the storm, harnessing the power of thunder and lightning to protect herself. As she struggles to come to terms with the loss of her family and the betrayal of the light, (name) must learn to control her anger and harness the storm within her.

As she journeys through treacherous lands filled with danger and uncertainty, (name) meets a lone wolf who becomes a loyal companion. Together, they embark on a quest for vengeance against the orcs who destroyed (name)'s family.

Along the way, (name) discovers that the light has not abandoned her completely, but has instead chosen her to be a warrior of the storm. With the guidance of the light and the strength of the wolf by her side, (name) learns to embrace her rage and harness the power of the storm to fight for justice and protect those she holds dear.

In the end, (name) emerges victorious, having avenged her family and found a new purpose in life as a warrior of the storm.

Just from that, there’s an interesting idea that you can use in your story, I think (maybe that’s what you originally meant, though):
You said “there’s a thunder”. What ChatGPT suggest is that the thunder is within her and comes from her rage. Basically : her rage is the storm. And it’s so brutal and overwhelming that it physically manifest itself our of her body.

(just for fun, a little meme)

A survey of 12k people?

Ok, to check the data, where did it come from? I mean a survey on a cat lovers website will confirm that 99% of people own cats. The same for a survey like that. It’s likely biased to hell.


No better way than to acknowledge that you don’t know how surveys and statistic work.

No it’s a fair question. 12k is a large enough selection size, yes but who ran the survey, where, did they question people in one area or many? Via what means, what was the response percentage? Etc. I too can post random graphs here and prove a point.

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