Homophobic threads have been blossoming on the forums lately

Bookmarked it and will definitely check it out! :pray:t2:

The number is fine, the source is too.



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Tbh. Plenty of people express their views, also extreme ones, on their facebook profile, with their real name and picture. Not quite face to face, but they probably have even more hearing their views through their profile.

I have seen a fair share of people expressing extreme views in real life too. Don’t think it the internet is what they needed to express their oponions.

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Menzhinsky provided the answer.
Now, anything else to say? Will you acknowledge that you were wrong?

Euphemism treadmill in action.

I will admit that the numbers a probably quite reliable then. This is of course the US, which is a special case but if it means more people feeling comfortable coming out as LGB then this is a win for people.

Doesn’t quite relate to the subject at hand here but that is a societal trend I think people struggle with until you meet these people and see that most of them are just normal people and not the kind of people who force their sexuality on you.


There are only two genders and that’s about it. Just like you want to ban people who don’t share your worldview, I can’t ban supporters of lbgt ideology. I don’t agree with it and it disgusts me, and yet it is pushed everywhere. And it’s obvious that I’m not the only one that annoys me since there are so many threads criticizing such things.


What makes you say that Dracthyr are body type 3?

Weird comparison. Introduction of body types did not erase gender from WoW. You can be male, female, or some other gender entirely. Much like many gendered languages also have more than just male and female gender in grammar.

But also, grammatic gender and human gender are not really the same thing. You can simply rebrand grammatical gender as something else entirely and nothing changes. You can say ‘box 1’ and ‘box 2’ instead of male and female.

But the player character has been referred to as they for a long time, it’s a gender neutral pronoun, you use it when you don’t know the person’s gender. I don’t understand this as a problem.

An optimistic look on this is that the introduction of numeric body types and datamined pronoun selection would mean more body types in the future, for all races, and being addressed by whichever pronoun they choose. The introduction of body types and existing usage of ‘they’ does not erase gender.

Where does your data of 0.00001% come from? Exaggerated example, right?

The problem is however, why does the latter even exist as a thought? Where does this ‘people who force their sexuality on you’ come from? Sketches, jokes, caricatures, and otherwise homophobic undermining of any identity; propaganda and the like, nothing that is actually based in reality.

It’s a funny thing, when a LGBTQ+ character - real or fictional - acts exactly like established straight / cis characters, especially where the straight/cis character is not called out for it, the LGBTQ+ character will find such accusations thrown against them way too often. It just so happens that people forcing heteronormativity on people is so ubiquitous that people don’t notice it any more.

Congratulations, you are so confidently wrong about science and reality.


This always seems hard to answer.

There’s a genuine problem with European traditions and works of art getting painted over with what can only be described as a Californianism. That all of a sudden medieval Poland for example must be representative of the diversity in 21st century San Francisco.

Or, indeed, painting over Danish fairy tales with happy messages about transitioning - or black characters that are described as explicitly white in the original work.

In case you don’t know, the original tale is a warning against trying to change your body to seek the approval of someone you don’t even know. The original little mermaid dies and turns to seafoam because it turns out that prince doesn’t love her at all. I’d honestly argue the black skin is less offensive, though of course it’ll no doubt also contain all the junk of the original cartoon as well.


Happy to, I still think Blizz’s approach is wrong though.

I saw a picture, I questioned its source. What is inherently wrong with that?


Too bad that schools don’t teach biology anymore.


First of all, there is the chromosomal sex determination, which is already there with fertilisation. X and Y. Men have one X and one Y chromosome, women two X chromosomes. But if I define gender by how a person reacts and behaves, then two genders are only a social construct.
One must consider why sexual reproduction and sex exist at all? To generate variability that is needed in evolution, for example to defend itself against parasites or to adapt to new environmental conditions. That is the basis why recombination of genetic material is possible at all.
You can imagine it like this: There is a binary switch that is pressed in early development, in embryonic development, with which the primary sexual characteristics are decided and differentially expressed. But from the binary switch to what then really constitutes gender, and also determines the behavioural strategies of the sexes, so much is still happening.

There are no clear categories male/female, there is only an average. That means that most people are on one side of the average, but not exactly the average. That’s why this construct of man/woman is actually a cultural construct, because the diversity is much greater.
First of all, we have to clarify the question of what is meant by man and woman. Psychologists confirm that it is often a distribution, so in some areas I feel more masculine or feminine, which usually overlaps. That is, it is actually a combination of individual characteristics.
Accordingly, there are also phenotypical women who look like women but act like men or vice versa. The biological question: Is this already determined when I am born, or does it develop later? - I would consider that unresolved at the moment.

After the binary switch has been pressed and the primary sexual organs have been determined, the question arises: How does the brain develop? The brain has a morphology that is determined by certain genes. But beyond that, there are neuronal circuits that are determined, at least to some extent, by variable genes that influence how we behave and feel.

It is unclear which part of the behavioural control is already determined in the womb, or only later, for example with puberty. In addition, the behavioural repertoire is also shaped by learning and environmental influences.


It’s just as much of a problem as someone not wanting to be addressed as ‘he’ or ‘she’.
Equality, that’s all.

I’m not saying it does; I personally don’t care at all what the options are called.
But some people DO. Just like some people care that their character is NOT male, when using the body 1 option. Why not give everyone what they want? Isn’t THAT the most inclusive thing to do?


You said “A survey of 12k people” which implied that’s not enough. And the sample size of 12k is above average for surveys.
The source wasn’t exactly my problem I had with your answer.

It implied nothing, what I actually explicitly questioned was the source, not the quantity.

But hey, assumptions and all.

Drakthyr have no lore and not even clearly defined sexes. Hence 3rd ‘body type’. Vague. If somebody came up to my drakthyr character and asked “Are you biologically male?” or “Can your species have offspring?” I wouldn’t even know the answer, lol!

Rest of your comment sounds like you’re baiting for fights again, just stop it. People don’t agree to your opinions or ideological stances. Make peace with it and move on.

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Let’s be neutral about that, both extremes tend to be muted and reported these days. I see the same on every ‘‘anti-progressive’’ posts.

What… in the world…

Look, people can identify whichever way they like and I’m not going to get in their way because it’s not my business what goes on in someone’s bedroom, but denying that there’s a clear biological fact called the male/female divide is like denying there’s a difference between brown bears and pandas.

This sort of stuff is why traditionalists won’t leave the LGBT sphere alone. Teaching this drivel will predispose children to not believe their own eyes. It’s dangerous and it’s wrong, and it’s harming the children. That’s where I draw the line.


You mean you could prove otherwise? Go on, make a study and prove science wrong.

I get that - and I do think that the datamined versions will lead to that in the future.

But everyone uses singular they when they don’t know the gender of the person. It’s just a weird thing to complain about.

Sure - and as I said, I think that’s what they’re working towards. Up until this far, the VAs all required gender neutrality so as not to double the workload. That’s why it’s been gender neutral, and always has been, whether by usage of ‘they’ or clumsier ‘champions’ etc.

Pretty sure their body type refers to their visage form. Their drakonid form has more types, right? From slim to quite stocky. It’s not connected to a sex.

I’m asking, because that comment was bait itself. You know what you were doing, don’t be angry I’m pointing it out.

What are you talking about? Did you read the post beyond that sentence?

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I want this version as a movie, then the Little Mermaid can unleash the fury of the oceans :pleading_face:

Are they actually teaching this in school? Wow… I’m baffled