Homophobic threads have been blossoming on the forums lately

Everything is bait to you because you’re looking for something possibly controversial to fight over. Drakthyr’s physical sexuality is mega-vague. I legit do not know if they have a sex, can reproduce, are born from eggs or vats. They’re super confusing and their physical body doesn’t clue us in about it either so when people ask “A body type that isn’t clearly male or female, that’s what comes to mind.”

It was a funny moment where I apparently thought the same as that other person. It was not bait.

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You want me to make a study to prove that male and females are distinct biological categories?

My man, kindergardeners have mastered this. This is literally more obvious than 1+1=2. Children understand it earlier than they understand that.

Yeah I did. It’s pretty much all drivel - social constructionism painted on top of a biological fact it cannot adequately explain.

Why don’t we make a similar observation about monkeys and humans? Because it’s offensive, though it is the same logic and applies just as well.

Again: People can do what they want, and I don’t deny that they can feel certain ways about their bodies and they have a right to feel that way, but it doesn’t do anything to disprove chromosomes.

It doesn’t change anything. You have male reproductive organs, you’re a man. You are not a woman. Everything else is digging a hole just to stand out from the crowd. It’s the same in nature. Somehow a male lion doesn’t bear children no matter how much he feels like a female.


I wish they would. And I know they didn’t 30 years ago or in strict conservative countries where religions are still dominating the national curriculum.
A modern biology teacher should at least be able to get rid of that 1950 “there are two genders only” when talking about genetics (which is 8th or 9th grade here) in biology class.

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It changes a lot for a lot of people


I don’t understand why you need to equate body type with gender.

Okay? The post literally states that. You’re conflating gender with sex. That post dissects what gender is.

What if you’re born without male reproductive organs? Are you suddenly not a man? I thought male sex was determined by chromosomes! What if you have XX chromosomes, but are born with male reproductive organs!


I get THAT standpoint. And I’m fine with it being 1 thing with spoken dialogue; they’ve already had differences between the spoken words and written text (for instance them saying ‘champion’ in spoken form, but it shows ‘your name’ in text).

Gender derives from the latin word for “divide” and originally referred to sexes - it was a synonym.

Their separation into biology and feeling is a recent invention invented by social constructionists so they can put it all into the mind, which so far nobody has managed to adequate penetrate or understand.

In other words, we’re arguing about whether people’s imaginations are biological facts. That’s literally what we’re doing. The answer is sometimes they correspond to each other, and sometimes they do not. No truth can be derived from speculating about it though. You know what? I like imagination, and I want you to imagine whatever you want, and I’ll even respect your imagination. I’ll indulge in the imaginations of others, that’s why I’m here in the first place.

But don’t claim it’s biological fact and don’t confuse young people.


Didn’t read all, only the “Gender” paragraph… I’m done with it.

Have fun in the further discussions, imma grab the popcorn

And you’ll notice that in all cases they try to avoid making any sort of gendered assumptions!

No, it derives from genus, which moreso means ‘kind’ or ‘race’ etc.

But… that’s literally not what’s happening? People are saying gender and sex are different things, the former being a social construct. That is very much so the opposite of a ‘biological fact’.

The problem with these ‘biological fact’ type posts is that it’s unnecessary to reduce someone down to their chromosomes only. Transpeople simply want to be acknowledged as their gender they identify as. They don’t talk about changing their chromosomes or whatnot.

Young people aren’t confused by gender.

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Since the game doesn’t have the AI to let the NPC know if your character is a male or female. There are quest texts mixing up it anyway calling my toon a “he” :woman_shrugging:t2:

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It’s never enough, is it?
You forbid people calling themselves man, woman, girl, boy, and many other words.
And when people don’t like it, you rain destruction on them.
You cannot even win gracefully! Such a loser.
The OP cannot even be flagged for inappropriate, trolling, baiting, inciting. Which it is.


Yes, it’s why the ‘they’ is finding more use. Hopefully their datamined pronoun selector would also correct such mistakes from the past too - admittedly I cannot remember any such quest text and always noticed the gender of the character to be worded around.

And genus itself derives from sets, groups, things that are distinct from one another. Putting things in boxes, as it were.

So yes, it does. This is a recent invention.

Yes it is. They’re even redefining sex now. We used to have sex - male/female and gender - man/boy/woman/girl. Now male and female is being reframed in terms of gender and sex is being redefined as gender as well, and a new term is emerging: “sex assigned at birth”.

It doesn’t and it never did and it was never supposed to do so. Nobody Only racists and sexists have ever argued that chromosomes makes you who you are, only that it makes you what you are, biologically.

Young people will believe whatever they’re told. If you tell them there’s no such thing as biological sex they might believe it. They’ll have some questions, they’ll be confused, but they’ll believe it. Children are predisposed to believe their parents to navigate the world they’re coming into, and that’s also a biological fact.


Now that, sir, is bait.

You’re just fishing for me to say something like thinking of male bodies as bulkier, blockier, more muscled and less refined and female bodies as sharper, finer, rounder and less muscled and more refined.

Then you can shoot off some rant about transgender people’s body dysmorphia or something and call me names again.


On what forums are you looking at? i do see topics complaining about how many gay couples there are this expansion compared to normal couples. But thats mostly people complaining about how the diversity is done and presented.

And the body 1 and 2 complaints are very legit imo. There was nothing wrong with male and female bodies because even trans people identify as one of the two.

But i guess you are just that type of person. Anything you dont agree with is homophobic no matter what.


Opposing homophobia - textbook definition of “inappropriate” and “trolling”, right.

Here is the thing.
The human brain works in concepts. Prototypes. Classes. Ideas. Groups of things that are similar, and things that separate them.

Gender is ultimately a biological class describing reproductional role. For some reason the biology on our planet has two of them, one specimen of each is needed to produce additional ones. It’s not about how you dress, how you sing, and so on.

Even if the word gender is moved to mean your preference, a new word will born, that will describe the biological class describing your reproductional role.

It’s really pointless to fight it.

As for classification. There are pine trees, spruce trees and cherry trees. They are different. No matter how that pine tree feels like a cherry, it’s still a pine. Why? Because we defined it as having needle-like leaves, connected to the branch in groups.

Now, I don’t mind if that pine dresses as a cherry. I may find it weird, but ultimately, it’s not a problem to me. Really!

However, if that pine tree decides to shout “I’m a cherry”, my natural, obvious, sensible reaction is “no, you’re not”. And if that pine throws a fit about it, starts shouting, shaking and all, is it a problem with the classification or is it a behavioral problem with the pine?

There is a perfectly appropriate way to go about it: I’m a pine, yes, but I really like to roleplay as a cherry tree. For reasons, I also love to hug them, and shower in their petals, and wonderful summer leaves. If you don’t like it, please move along, I mean no harm to you.

However, if you force people to call pine trees spruce because it hurts your soul, it’s really a problem with you.

Normally, people don’t really care. They might have a weird look or something, because it’s abnormal biological function, or they are sad because their kid will not have children so their lineage is going extinct. But what’s happening is inciting a war by forcing it too hard.


this cant be an agenda, you cant force this. diversity and inclusion in the way you mean it are cultural norms in some countries (namely USA/UK ETC) but not in others like in M. East, N.Africa or other parts of Asia and Africa. so keep it to yourself.



I find this adorable