Honor Rate Nerf - Please give a blue post


Can we please, please get a blue answer on the community’s reaction to the Honor Rate nerf, so we have an idea of what Blizzard thoughts are on the matter ?

On US forums, the three main posts covering this subject have been respectively viewed 30 000, 16 000 & 5 000 times, in less than a day :

A tremendous majority of the community, might as well call it the whole of the community, is extremely unhappy with the situation, and we would argue quite legitimately so.

Arguments as to why we are unhappy have been written down a thousand times over (see links above), and I won’t dive into details, but suffice to say that the ratio:

Amount of honor required for weapons and 6 set pieces
versus Honor rate
versus Pre-patch time length
is so very, very off.

Let us assume insta queues, a 50% winrate, and 103 275 honor points to grind, one can expect to have to play ~160h (at ~650 honor /h, which is far from granted, cf. those 20 minutes long AV that grant you 28 honor points, and the insta queue time premise).

A nerf may have been needed, but please sensibly adjust.

Needless to say, this source of frustration comes after many recent others.

@Blizzard & Dev’s:
Please do give an update on the honor rate matter.
Please, fix it.
Please, do so sooner rather than later.
Please, let us have fun.


For once I was interested in spamming battlegrounds. Time to go back and grief the mara boosters.


No u can’t coz they don’t care about us …


They are known for ignoring their customerbase when it matters most.


It is very clear that they nerfed the honour gain by WAY too much. Some could maybe have lived with a 50% reduction, to get it more in line with the actual honour gain in actual TBC, but even then, the prepatch is so short, I personally find the prenerf honor rate only appropriate. For the Gods’ sake, let people gear up a little before TBC hits, I know it is POSSIBLE to go through HFP with crap gear, but it’s grindy enough as is, even with T2/equivalent.

Way to make BGs a non-issue in the prepatch.


uppp the post

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bump, hope we get a response sometime before tbc. What a joke of a situation


You need to take this seriously… Never seen so many complaints on here and people are still being objective and topical.


I currently have around 50 AV marks and absolutely nothing to spend it on.
It is ten times easier to buy all the mounts from pvp then to grind weapons.
I thought it will get balance between income of the marks and honor.
Was the previous tbc the same? Hundreds of worthless marks and days of grinding honor for the …Gloves not to mention a weapon…

Bumping this absolute train-wreck of a situation… Blizzard? Hello? Anyone home?

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I’ve just got off the telephone with Bobby, he said if you put more money in his pocket he might consider it.

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Just take it then but ffs let ppl have fun.

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What prevent you to have fun right now ? Did they disable battlegrounds or the rest of the content ?

Yes BG are pretty much disabled. It’s now more efficient to afk at GY and let the other team win than to actually play the game if you want marks and honor, so that’s what everyone is doing

It took Blizzard about 1.5 years to implemented the chronoboon displacer because “they couldn’t sit idly by and watch people raid log”. If we are lucky they may comment on it in a couple of weeks and give themselves a pat on the back for a job well done.

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It was collective expirience. Many ppl had fun because they could for example get gear, or stack honor, many ppl were around together, everyone was talking in game and while they were getting they way into REACHABLE goal they had fun. I dont know how can I put it simpler. Goal was reachable. There were many ppl together. Ques were superfast. Those 3 factors made it fun. And dont start with “oh its r14”. Who cares? That gear will be replaced soon anyway so thers no value in having it for prestige or smth. Its not like r14 in classic classic at all so it doesnt matter in that matter. But it matters as an upgrade, as an reward and its a simple shot of dopamine for getting a purple for your character. If they didnt “fix”, nothing big would happen other than people would be still enjoying the game.

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I complained and have received a full refund. My character will be de-levelled in accordance with this, hence why I cannot post on him.

Customer service very helpful, shame devs are not!

I suggest all else who are angry do the same, perhaps they will revert the change.

We want answers to this.
You were fast applying a hotfix do it the other way now please.

He was talking about fun. The way you talk, you aren’t look for fun because you can get fun right now. A lot of players are.

Man, it’s your personnal goal. What would you have done if the values were correct FROM START ?

I wish i could gear my alt in T3, so what ? Should i ask Blizzard to remove Naxx attunement and make Naxx boss drop more T3 tokens for no other reason than “I have a goal in mind”

Blizzard aren’t answering right now because as they said :

Maybe they’ll answer later on because of the uproar but they aren’t answering right now because they know (and we do too) it’s the correct values.

Just unlucky they didn’t check all the relevant values I guess…