I think Blizzard needs to apply the same rule as raids and disable Party PvP completely. Quests like 0/25 Kill Alliance/Horde shouldn’t get count valid if players are in a party. It makes World PvP absurd and unfun.
I’m doing assault right now, there is a Horde party around I have been running from them while doing the quest simultaneously. They have 4 DPS and 1 healer, there is no point in engaging PvP with them at this point, grouping is World PvP’s greatest enemy.
The LFG kills the fun, period. Its fine for partying up but damn man, when people just form a group of mythic geared ruskies or w/e region it is to zone into a phase just to gank you then yes its like .
Sadly thats the mentality most players have these days cause most who are free roaming in w-pvp don’t have the guts to be able to play their class comptetently in a world pvp environment.
the mentality is more about getting thing done as fast as possible, add in some very very broken specs from some classes and it gets boring, no matter if you are on the ganking side or the ganked side.
and the funny part is how easy it is to fix some of the greaving, make it so you cant gain counts for the quest(if they would just remove the quest then better) 1 times each x amount of time.
Ah yes but you see every phase is made for a number of players, at times its not much harm. But as Nazjatar has proven even after the hotfixing that the player base if given the power will and always flood the shard with this mongo more players mentality till its evidently nearing unplayable.
if something is broken then fix it, and as it is now it seems broken to me.
the way WM is not, in my opinion is not optimal given how the CTA and LFG system is working, now fix it to something that is better then it is currently and WM would be 100 times better.
It is not broken in your eyes, that does not mean I think that it is not broken.
as it is now I see it as broken, fixing it would not really be hard but does not change that I see it as broken.
all the CTA does is force a person to join a group in that zone else you are going to be ganked by 5-10 of the other faction and corpse camped, now I dont think it is fun to be on either side of that party, it is just a broken system that pushes people towards griefing and corpse camping.
the LFG system and sharding works makes it so any extra reward from WM is forced on the player, instead of only people that want the pvp to happen now there are people that just wants the extra reward.
now fixing so there is no extra reward for WM might fix much of the problem or fixing how the LFG shardsing part might also fix it, but as it is now it is broken as it forces people to group up or get griefed and you get free extra rewards for joining the shard your faction dominates.
not to say i don’t want interaction in wow that is not the same, but i want the grouping up to happen because the mobs in the world feels dangerous not to protect myself from griefers as the former creates some form of communication the later is just soloing in a group without interacting with the people around you.
so in my book the LFG/sharding system is broken and could use a fix, removing the CTA would also do the world a favor as how it is now it does not do anything positive for the game
Guys it is okay when it is 1v2 or even 1v3 situations but we are talking about 1v5 cases and underlying causes of this. You have no chance of winning against 5 people whilst it is possible to kill them when they are random 2 or 3 guys attacking you. Party farm in order to do Call To Arms quests completely harmful for world PvP because people who attack 1 guy as a 5 man group already not enjoying it, because it is not Player versus Player, it is Party versus Player. Hence it would be nice to get rid of abusive party groups for everyone.
1- When people fight under equal terms they’ll also learn how to PvP, when to interrupt hence they will be more prepared for Arenas or BGs, because arena fights are 2v2 or 3v3 not 5v1, these party farmers get screwed when fight is under equal terms, so it is better for them as well.
I am a man of my words, most of them are babies just like babies they are unable to survive themselves hence need others to pave the way for 1 simple open world kill
Come on, we both know it’s not a matter of faction, i’ve seen the exact same behavior among alliance and hordies. Other than that i agree with you, using this kind of low risk high reward tactic is just lame af.
I mean it used to be a good method to force the other faction to react and start a teamfight. But now they’re not willing to fight, they just wanna finish their quest asap by pressing 2 buttons on the first random player they’ll come across. And the phasing makes it even worse since they’ll disappear as soon as they leave their group.
I think Blizzard needs to apply the same rule as raids and disable Party PvP completely. Quests like 0/25 Kill Alliance/Horde shouldn’t get count valid if players are in a party. It makes World PvP absurd and unfun [...]
Wow. I just read your other post about horde being full of cry babies… No comments.
the Call to Arms quests are actually the best, most fun thing in War Mode at the moment. As they actually very often lead to proper world pvp battles. Sometimes even escalating into a raid vs raid pew pew pew (where people no longer care for the quest kills (as the Q doesn’t work in a raid group), but just want to enact vengeance on the opposing faction).
These quests also lead to bounties - and bounty hunting which is another fun aspect and side effect of the Call To Arms.
If doing those in a party wouldn’t be allowed, these quests would also be undoable on shards like ours, where for every 1 horde , we get at least 5 or more active alliance players.
And if you see enemy group that has a healer and 4 DPS, don’t try to solo them - that’s just stupid. Make your own group and face them.
I recently played these quests, and at some point we ended up on a shard where there were at least 3 Alliance bounties on the map (each a 5 man group) - we made a custom group and hunted down each and single one of them. Best fun ever!
got the Uldum CTA done
got extra conquest points from bounty bag
got extra gold (bounty bags)
got free thrill of the action
Summarising - disabling the credit towards Call To Arms quests in 5-man groups would pretty much kill off one of very few fun things still remaining in this game.
I have exactly same question
Perhaps - judging by the OP’s mastery of words - his own faction doesn’t seem eager to join him ? Or some sort of twisted thinking, making him believe that if he charges that 5-man group solo, they will delegate one of them to fight, or will take turns or … I don’t know…
maybe because Wpvp is not all there is to WM it is WARMODE with PvP ENABLED it is not a world Pvp mode.
that is why
nover noticed that to happen so far so you might have been more lucky then me.
don’t really agree there but then each have our own opinion and might have something to do with me not having any major battles with CTA other then 5 people flying around killing solos to twos
you do know warmode was made to remove the old PvP realms so people were not forced into the realms to play with friends and on the old PvP realms the difference was that you had PvP enabled all the time instead of only when attacking the other sides hubs or citys.
so activating world PvP is a different wording for enabling PvP
that does not change that WM is still a OPEN world mode with that PvE is a major part(can’t really get past that in wow).
and the tuggle also states that it is to enable pvp talents in the open world and given the open world is just as much pve content then you are hard pressed to say that it is a pvp mode.
so looking at the Pve part of WM is also a valid thing to do, now looking at the rewards, then WM failed to live up to what it set out to fix and that was forcing people to play that part of the game, where before it was because friends and guilds were on PvP realms now it is to gain the 10-30% increased rewards.
now removing the rewards and then WM would fix what it set out to do, then stuff like the CTA and the like is a different matter but one i personally think would improve WM by the removal of CTA and AAO or at least a rework of how they work.
Don’t need to remove the rewards - a player can just not turn on WM, then no extra reward. No one is actually forced to WM on. If they choose to WM on for reward, that’s up to them. They get something extra for the time loss ‘risk’, a fair exchange.
The PvP quests are fun for WPvP and a nice conquest reward, why would they be removed?