Hopefully Horde learned their lesson with Flamelash as other realms will follow

Firstly, I’m trying to find a server / faction which is near balanced, but in which case I will be rerolling on the underdog side whichever that is. I started on horde Skullflame on day 1.

Secondly, I am advocating that the more heavily populated faction is given a queue, and free transfers are offered to less balanced factions. I would be affected by this, and would gladly accept a transfer.

oh no 40 horde just zerged me I’m dead inside

Didn’t a lot of the horde just follow you all to Earthshaker so now your just getting your cheeks clapped on a different server?

Either way I have no respect for people who use transfers to escape faction imbalances. You’re only making the problem worse.


No, it’s balanced. Yes, shame the people who wanted to be able to play the game, seems logical.

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It’s actually very even on Earthshaker right now. The Alliance held LHC for about 3-4 hours yesterday and also controlled Searing Gorge the entire morning. I’d say the server is about 55-45 right now, but there’s still definitely a lot more Hordes.

This actually is a welcomed change since now, you can’t simply zerg with 20+ people and wipe the entire zone just because of sheer number advantage. Before transfers, Earthshaker was definitely hovering between 60 and 65 Horde.

What about us? The ppl that were not online to move from servers like Flamelash? we are F-ed

Easy to say for you on Zandalar Tribe as Alliance. Believe me the game wasn’t much fun on Flamelash for most of the Alliance.

Earthshaker is pretty balanced right now, since more than 30 Alliance guilds transfered from Flamelash, also a couple of A guilds from other servers. Its around 50/50 atm.

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They havent atleast not on Firemaw its living hell for alliance

This has all happened before on retail many years ago and so far Classic is following the pattern exactly as expected. The only difference is that it is happening much faster this time around and the overall faction imbalance is greater. Also server caps are far too large so every population related effect is magnified.

It’s not going to get better either. It will just keep getting worse and worse and historically Blizzard has done nothing to solve imbalance. All that they have done is attempt to hide the effects of it.

Best you can do is give up early and join the winning side. Don’t fall for the sunk cost fallacy.

E l S E R V E R K E K

Once again, “something didn’t go the way we wanted it to go, time to point fingers at everyone but ourselves!”
This isn’t the Horde’s fault, they’re just playing the game the way it’s meant to be played, of course they don’t want to be trapped on a one-sided PvP server a bunch of selfish Alliance killed because they wanted to have their cake and eat it too, they’re going to go where the PvP will be best and that happens to be servers where the faction ratios are more or less balanced.

By leaving Flamelash en-mass not only did they screw over anyone who didn’t want to leave but the Horde who just wanted to play on a PvP server.
This is why free movement transfers are a bad idea, in a way i’m glad this happened if only to make it more obvious to others why they’re a bad idea.


Yes blame the players. Not the billian dollar company who just sat there while the world was/is burning. Dumass.


The lesson I learned is I want to kick alliance of more servers, the salt they then create on the forums is fun.


No man, the salt will be spilt all over the forums.

Tbh the whole problem started with Blizz’s mismanagement of servers right from the name reservation fiesta.

2 whole pvp realms and 2 whole pve realms, then didn’t introduce enough til too late, what else did they think would happen?

Then instead of creating caps for the servers they introduced layers and thought everything would be fine once they took them away. Really? Honestly right now I wouldn’t be mad if they put layers back, at least it would show blizz trying SOMETHING not just letting servers die out.

I’m lucky, I’m on golemagg, I’m pretty sure we’re around 55/45 horde dominated. I’m super happy with my server. The alliance here really are ballsy and get stuff done, a lot of places are held by alliance (until the zug zug zerg arrives) and are willing to fight back. My guildies are pretty much farming honor most of the time, I’m not as into the current wpvp (too much zerging, not enough small groups). That doesn’t mean that alliance questers don’t get corpse-camped for hours, it doesn’t mean that people have quit in droves cus they can’t get anything done (I’m definitely not planning to cus i don’t really mind getting ganked lol).

I really do feel for the alliance on other realms without the same sort of top guilds doing the same thing.

Thing is, we know they will nerf battlegrounds soon either it be premades or something else equally stupid that will be whined on the forums, that’ll be the next thing that will kill it for a lot of people. I’m really excited for being able to play WSG with my buddies.

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fiesta: religious ceremony.
fiasco: failure. often comical.


You seem to make a thread like this every day. Just prepare to get GY farmed in the BGs just like you got in the open world so your mental health doesn’t deteriorate further. :joy:

oh no, I used the wrong word. Silly me.

:smiley: Good one. I think Alliance will dominate in BGs, but we´ll see…

A little ganking you say?

Don’t know what game you are playing, but when it literally gets to the point where you cant level a 50+ char due to every single zone being farmed by roving packs of 60’s, there isn’t any pulling yourself up, unless you consider being corpse camped for hours on end fun.

You mean like all the mindless scum running around going “herp de derp, you give honour, me kill!”.

Treating the entire world like a giant BG to farm endlessly leads to people not being able to progress, so say goodbye to new players trying to max out and join groups or guilds, say goodbye to the economy as no one can reasonably farm things for the AH.

The idiots telling people to go to pve servers cause they cant handle pvp are getting what they wanted, dead servers. And I for one will laugh at all of them when it happens on more and more realms.