Horde bias are killing classic "slowly"

Do you mean Horde are generally better at PvP

PvP is not Classic

Players from both sides - Alliance and Horde - are exploiting the hell out of PvP and making the experience no fun for a lot of subscribers

PvP players also cry - a lot

So I think your post should really read - “So many PvP players are toxic cry babies they have gone back to Fortnite”

It’s happening.

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Yes never that’s why happens all the time. You not doing it is not the same as you not benefiting from it.

You are an idiot. Because Alliance wins much more AVs now without exploiting. So with exploiting (premades) AND adapting like they do now, it would be much worse ratio for Horde.
Also you post on you Horde character (/chicken) named MAGESTY. Thats even more serious condition.
The most idiotic arguement you and other lame people say is “Premades let you do objectives and you’ve got a lot of honor/reputation.” We don’t need you throwing us a bone. We want to be able to win BGs, and if we are good enough to dominate it.
Game should be fun for both faction. Whatever it takes.

i love pvp, but at this current state i wont feed the horde

Blizz dont care much, they made the decisions, you either accept it or not. You can vote your wallet.

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