Horde bias are killing classic "slowly"

Why you have zero healers? If thats true, thats the only reason Alliance lose BGs. Its obvious.
Or maybe its not true at all?

There was this guy from retail that added me as a friend on real ID and he has been begging me every day for a boost in 2v2 arenas.
He was stuck around 1.3k rating for 7-8 years.

He rolled an undead rogue, talked to him yesterday.
He is winning in AVs constantly and he thinks he is a great pvper now.

They still premade. Had a game against Russian premade. We lost, but barely (matter of 1 min).
By the way, in this game, nothing of all the forum complains about AV happened. We did not capped SH. No backdoor. IB was taken easily by Alliance (they never lost it). Its just they were winning all fights.
Maybe we would have lost faster if terrain was identical on both sides. Just saying.

Mad at Blizzard, because you consider premade vs pug, is fair? And not just any premade, but your faction’s only?
Also, you can’t quit because you are a guild officer? Have you signed up a contract or something?

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What do you want blizzard to do? Changes? Balance classes 15 years later on this 15 year old game? Didn’t you know classic was like this all along?

funny how any shaman or priest can instantly purge both this megaspells in one instant cast.
now can paladin dispell elementals shamans 2shotting everything?


Horde bias killed classic.

Alliance bias killed retail.

Wish they would add a third faction.

I was just thinking about that a faction where those tired of the endless wars could join the mains ones for them will be mainly the alliance races as they seek to end wars and not start them. But how i see races from the horde starting with orcs are they’re like saurfang honorable even though he claims he had no honor his death gave himself a lot of honor saving a lot of lives. And goblins because as the one at the end of mechagon saying how he likes working with the alliance for the profit and tarurans there’s chill with none horde races like baine is with anduin. and undeads there’s like faol the priest who knows better to not be a jerk. and my personal farovite member of the horde the blood elves. could be that they don’t wana wage war with their former allies as they see they were there for them when they needed them as without them in the troll wars they’d be gone.

Again, as most of your zug zug comrades, you don’t have any sort of intelligence to grasp a sophisticated argument. Your brains work with the basic binary code, so it is impossible to explain any nuance to you, but i will try with a short summary:

No, premade vs. randoms isn’t fair. Your racials aren’t fair either. Most class match-ups aren’t fair. PvP isn’t fair by any means in classic.

But among other options, AV premades were better than others. They weren’t fair, but they were comparatively better. I hope you can understand this far if you read it a few dozen times so I’ll get to the reasons why:

  1. It was the same as original vanilla and game hasn’t been changed as it is now. AV premades existed during vanilla back in 2006 as well. But they were simply more common in classic since faction population imbalance is unbelievably extreme. There is no other reason than yourself because there were so many premades this time around, simply because of instant queues for one faction and 1h ques for the other. In other words, if all kids didn’t roll an undead rogue, premades would be less common and in both factions, just like vanilla wow.

  2. If you compare AV premades to other pvp ranking methods, it is relatively less toxic/cheating. Currently, 2 common methods for ranking that replaced AV premades are 1. botting 2. WSG premades, aka buying gold from gold sellers regularly to spend 1k gold on consumables every week.

  3. Premades didn’t defend their bases. Thus, horde players that faced a premade usually got 2.5-3k honor in a 7-8 minutes game where premade rushed drek. Except for children that only want to win and not care about honor at all, it was pretty good honor for the horde team even if they lost.
    Currently, on the other hand, alliance randoms are being absolutely destroyed and they get almost no honor from a 30+ minutes game. They are quitting the game because of this.

But well, 40 IQ zugzugs won’t care, that we know for sure. Their scummy behavior created servers with 99% horde population and a lot of alliance players quitting. Now, just because they lost a few games, they whined on forums (it was astonishing, during those 2-3 weeks of premades every 10 minutes I refreshed classic forums and there would be at least 3-4 new threads of some mad undead kid whining) and their sugar daddy gave them(you) what their brats desire.

I for myself quit pvp and won’t ever queue for a BG on my main, until the game dies out. Just trying to get my alt to rank 8 for some set pieces and that will be the last time I ever do any BGs.
So do the vast majority of alliance as well. You will just have 3-hour queues and keep whining on the forums right after, simply because that is the only thing you are good at.


Q times are below 30 minutes again btw

Like, really… No they didn’t.

If you call wanting to win childish behaviour then the world is full of manchilds. If you don’t have a winners mindset or spirit that’s on you and you shouldn’t criticise people that play to win or get satisfaction from winning just because you’re different or don’t have what it takes. You see the problem with the alliance is exactly that it’s overpopulated with people with the I’m ok with losing if I get my participation reward.

Did you play in vanilla?

Yes I did. In wsg premades 14h per day stomping pugs just like people complain about today. I’ve also edited my previous post.

i just had the most terriable alliance group. They coulen’t even follow the tactics they just went middle like seruselly why are there ppl like them who cannot even understand english?

Thats ok, intelligent and sophisticated non main character. It seems you were hurt badly by Horde (wPvP, girlfriend?), and you try to offense Horde PLAYERS! You realize, that most of them play or have played Alliance.
Thats the most idiotic response to any of my posts. There are trolls, like Marmelade and Leda, but they are obvious trolls. You are just arrogant and dump.
1-Why the fu ck you think that UD characters are played by kids? I am 39 year old and about so are all the Vanilla players that play UD. And why would we play something else, if we like this race? Do you feel like a moron already, or is it too early?
If you can’t understand that a geared organized group with discord and optimal setup against bunch of solo players, is not fair/fun and you can’t compare it to stronger racials, then you are an amoeba.

2-bla bla bla is what I read. Skip that next time.

3- We don’t need your pitiful honor. We fight to win. And we want a clear win. No towers destroyed, no NPC killed and if it was possible, not a single team mate killed.Its a War in a fantasy game, not humanitarian organization. You, and other miserable players on both sides, can farm your "honor” as you like.
ServerSSS with 99-1 ratio? Name them. I play Horde on Razorgore and Alliance on Morgrain. Both servers are balanced.
You can’t quit PvP, because you never did PvP. Or maybe you did, and that explains your team’s defeats. You and other whiners, are the main reason.
There more nonsense in your post, but I’m tired, so wont bother to reply.
PS: grow some balls, and post with your main. Otherwise you have zero credibility to anyone.

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As of todays IronForge pro Lucifron has a horde pop on 99.7 %, Flamelash 97,2 %.

Oh really, so most of horde also playing alliance.
Its great magical moment then you relog from noob alliance char to horde !
Blood boiling, reflexes sharpening, glorious skill comes to you with just simple relog!
Instant jump from 10 to 90% winrate, feels good isn’t it :slight_smile:
Sure have nothing to do with factions differences, just alliance noobs and horde skilled.

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I know about Flamelash. But servers implies plural. Its like saying that men has increased their height to 2.31m. Look at Muresan.

Edit: did not know about Lucifron tbh. On average, its 65-35 If I remember right.

It’s one of the biggest, original flaws of classic wow and there’s nothing to do unless we’re going into classic+ (Emerald Dream, yey!) which won’t happen because Blizzard just can’t make quality expansions anymore (and retail stands as evidence).

Faction imbalance, has nothing to do with what is fair and intended, and what is unfair and exploit. Like in a court, it doesn’t matter, if you are a millionaire or a beggar.
If faction change was implemented, I would gladly transfer my UD Priest. Maybe people would stop calling me rotten minded. Although, I prefer it to “shortie”.